Discover how you can get involved as a student or young adult.
The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is our group for students and anyone in their 20s and 30s. Together we explore different topics around Christianity to share our understandings and experiences as we look to grow our faith and serve the church.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Get Involved
We’re passionate about building a community that equips and supports each other and we’d love you to get involved. We have a group chat where we keep connected with each other and get updates on socials and other church activities.
If you’d like to get involved then send us a message and we’ll add you to the group!
Kingston University Christian Union
We enjoy supporting the Christian Union in their vision to give every student at the university an opportunity to hear and respond to Jesus Christ. So if you’re a student we’d encourage you to get involved on campus. They meet every Tuesday at 6:30pm. Find out more on their social media: