Discover more about what we believe.
As a church, we welcome God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit into all that we are and all that we do. We seek to exalt God in worship, grow toward Christian maturity and reach out to all people with the gospel of Christ, without judgment, believing that all are made in the image of God. We seek to show God’s compassionate love to all and endeavour to be empathetic toward those in need and to one another.
We identify with Jesus’ commissioning of His disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 and believe that we are to be a community of people who seek to work out the practical implications of our Bible based faith within the larger community in which the Church exists, and show others the true nature of the Christian life through example, and by communicating our beliefs.
We strive to equip and empower people to show and share God’s love to those they meet and proactively take Christ into the community through the activities that we run.
We are a church on the move, remaining relevant to those who journey with us, whilst remaining true to the Biblical principles we uphold.
Encouraging Followers of Christ
A church where following Jesus is the centre of all our endeavours (John 8:12).
Encouraging Christian Growth
A church where every member is growing into Christian maturity (2 Peter 3:18).
Encouraging the Use of God’s Gifts
A church where every member identifies their God-given gifts and actively use them (Ephesians 4:11-14).
Encouraging Outreach
A church where every member is reaching out (Matthew 25:31-46).
Baptist Union
We join in fellowship with other Baptist churches as members of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and therefore follow their declaration of principle.