Readings and notices for the church family.
Bible Readings
Each week we produce a small leaflet which contains all of the latest church notices and also contains a selection of Bible readings and some commentary so we can continue exploring God’s word together and pray together.
2 Chronicles 5 v 13-14, Hebrews 10 v 24-25, Psalm 34 v3, Revelation 15 v 2-4
The book of Revelation tells us of the Praise that goes on in heaven where the words we thought of earlier in the week are commonplace. Awe and holiness, wonder and power, but most of all Glory. As we gather together tomorrow we join in Worship with the heavenly hosts to bring our praise to God. Let’s think of the awe and holiness that is in heaven and at least catch a glimpse of it as we sing our praises to our Heavenly Father.
Leviticus 26 v 44-45, Isaiah 46 v 8-9, Ecclesiastes 12 v 1, 1 Corinthians 11 v 24, Exodus 20 v 8
Scripture talks in many places about remembering. The Jewish nation remember to this day, every year, the Passover. God had told them to remember the instructions he had given for Passover as a lasting ordinance. Jesus remembered on the night before he was crucified and similarly we remember his sacrifice as we celebrate communion together. God remembers. He is a covenant keeping God. Today, November 11th is Remembrance Day, the 11th day of the 11th month when the guns of the first world war fell silent. On a different level we remember wars and World Wars, wars that continue today. We remember loved ones who died and men and women who continue to serve in the armed forces. We remember with thankfulness the freedom we take for granted. But there’s a greater freedom. Jesus died to set us free from sin and from sickness and from all that causes us to live in poverty of Spirit. Hear Jesus say to you today: ‘When the Son sets you free, You will be FREE indeed.
Habakkuk 1 v 5, Luke 5 v 26, Genesis 28 v16-17, Acts 2 v 43-44, Acts 3 v 9-10
In the prophesy of Habakkuk, God himself tells Habakkuk to ‘look at the nations and be utterly amazed’. Why? Because God is going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if he told you.’ We have considered the state of the nations in an earlier reading this week and as I read this scripture in Habakkuk in 2022 I believe that God is still speaking this word to us today. I continue to pray for ‘the nations’ especially for our own nation and I am looking for God to do something that amazes me. There are many words in both old and new testament that I seldom if ever hear spoken by Christians today in the context they were spoken in scripture. Amazed, astonished, awe, glory, wonder, angels, power, I could think of several others. When were you last astonished at something the Lord did for you or when did you last sink to your knees because you saw God’s awesome power and knew as Jacob knew that ‘God is in this place’. Scripture is full of these words and expressions of wonderment as people met with an Almighty God and angelic hosts causing them to understand the fear of the Lord. I would suggest that the church of Jesus Christ needs to know, as the disciples knew, how to live in awe and how to be astonished as we pray and wait on our Almighty God.
Genesis 4 v 19-21, 1 Chronicles 15 v 28, Psalm 108 v 1-4, Acts 16 v 22-30
I like to do crossword puzzles and I really enjoy finding words and their meanings. A great word is Antidote. Its dictionary meaning is ‘a medicine taken to counteract a particular poison’. I think we have a great Antidote to fear, restlessness, doubt and all the things that can poison our souls. It’s an Antidote called Praise. Singing, listening to songs, Praising God. See how old testament warriors put choirs and musician before their armies as they marched into battle. Even in recent World Wars troops have sung songs as they marched to war. Old hymns declare onward Christian soldiers. Scripture records that Paul and Silas were in a Roman prison having been severely beaten. Roman guards weren’t soft as they flogged people with metal spikes and shards of bone in their whips. Yet Paul and Silas sang Praise to God and the prison doors flew open. Whatever your circumstances today perhaps praising God can lift your spirits and cause light to come into your battles. Sing, play some music, praise God. Try it and see what happens.
Genesis 3 v 6-12, Joshua 1 v 9, Psalm 34 v 4, John 14 v 27
Fear, shame, and blame came into the world following Eve and Adam’s temptation and sin in the Garden of Eden. Adam tells God ‘I was afraid, so I hid’. I can remember as a child being very afraid in thunderstorms and hiding with my Grandad under the stairs. Fear, hiding, and blame are very real emotions and activities that easily separate us from God as Adam and Eve and the rest of mankind have found out to our cost. Scripture is full of verses telling us not to be afraid. It is said that ‘Do not be afraid is recorded 365 in the bible, one for every day of the year, In the gospels Jesus spoke on 21 different occasions telling his disciples and others not to be afraid. This is many more times than he tells us to love one another. It seems that every one of us experiences fear and Jesus knows this. Are you battling fear today, maybe of sickness, or financial worries, cost of living crisis, fear in a relationship, fear that you are failing. The enemy loves to fill our minds with negativity but hear the Words of Jesus. MY PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU. He says to us ‘Come unto me you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. As you talk to Jesus today ask Holy Spirit to draw alongside you with the peace that passes understanding. Allow the word of scripture to minister to you as you read and meditate on the truth of what God says.
Genesis 1 v 1-31, Deuteronomy 10 v 14, 1 Corinthians 10 v 26. Psalm 24-1-2
God made the heavens and the earth and the scriptures we are reading today all declare that the earth is the Lord’s. I have a pleasant view as I look out of my study window whilst writing these notes. Blue sky, trees, one with magnificent autumn colours of red and gold, a holly tree full of red berries and a very large oak tree full of acorns. But I am aware that across God’s World people look out of their windows at many different things. Many see the ravages of war. They see bombed out buildings, homes beyond repair, burned out and abandoned vehicles, both military and civilian. Other people look out on flooded fields or on land where no rain has fallen for months causing dried up crops and hungry animals and people. News and media programmes speak volumes about climate change and the World being on the edge …
BUT the earth is the Lord’s. People live in fear in countries seeking change with rebellion and unrest dominating their lives. But the earth is the Lord’s. Pray with me for God’s World today as Holy Spirit leads you and know that God hasn’t finished with his World yet. He continues to have plans and purpose for HIS World and the people who live in it.
Genesis 8 v 20-22, Habakkuk 2 v 12-14, Revelation 21 v 1-4
We have a Covenant keeping God and the earth belongs to him. Tomorrow is the Harvest festival at SNLBC. Please pray for the service tomorrow and for our church leaders, especially Richard our Pastor. Life is tough for many people at present with rising prices and great demands on food banks. Our Harvest gifts will be given to food bankand financial gifts to the Baptist Missionary Society for their project the Good Land which aims to help people in Nepal. Pray for Food Bank and for the Well as these initiatives seek to serve and to bless people all the year round, not just at harvest time.
Romans 8 v 18 – 28, Matthew 6 v10, Psalm 33 v 10-22, Psalm 46 v 1-2
We live in a chaotic World experiencing war, typhoon and hurricanes, floods, riots and strife, volcanic eruptions and pestilence. God can seem absent, but scripture written centuries ago tells us the earth is the Lord’s. He established the heavens. He is still God even as the nations rage. Let’s pray today for the nations of God’s worlds. SNLBC is a multicultural church with people from many nations of the World.
Ephesians 4 v 1- 6, John 17 v 20- 26, Matthew 6 v 9, Hebrews 2 v 10-11, Galatians 3 v 26=28
Paul writes several of his letters from prison cells telling his readers he is in chains for the Lord as recorded at the beginning of Ephesians 4. Paul had many prison experiences and some great escapes one of which is recorded in Acts 16. From his prison cell Paul calls the church at Ephesus to be one and to live in unity. He knows that this is only possible as we are led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus also prayed before his crucifixion that his followers down the ages might be one. He sees his church as a family of believers and taught us to call God ‘Our Father’. Scripture in Hebrews 2 tells us that Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters. Jesus wants SNLBC to be a family of believers who live in unity by the power of the Holy Spirit living a life worthy of God’s calling. Jesus wants this for his church Worldwide. A church without spot or wrinkle ready to be his bride. Pray for love and unity that the church of Jesus might be seen as different in these chaotic days.
Ephesians 3 v 14-21, 2 Corinthians 13 v 7-9, Philippians 4 v 10-14, 2 Thessalonians 1 v 11-12
As we read Paul’s Epistles in the New Testament it soon becomes very obvious that he is a man of prayer. He prays for the churches he is writing to, but he prays for spiritual needs rather than physical needs. He doesn’t seem to pray that they will be wealthy or get a new donkey, goat or a new house. Perhaps he knows that God will provide what we need, as he has spoken about having nothing and having plenty and being content. Paul instead prays for their spiritual wellbeing, for wisdom, revelation, that they will know God’s love for them. He prays that they might know God’s power and strength, he prays for restoration. He prays that they might be fruitful and have greater faith that God might be glorified in their midst. It’s good to pray for each other’s physical needs but its even better to pray for spiritual needs. Paul prays they will walk a life worthy of God’s calling and to do that we need all of the wisdom, revelation, power and love that Holy Spirit can bless us with. As you pray for your family and friends do remember to pray for their spiritual needs as well as the physical.
John 3 v 1- 21, John 7 v 42-52, John 19 v 38 – 40, Acts 2 v 38
In chapter 3 of his gospel John records what must have been one of Jesus’ earliest teachings about the Holy Spirit. This happens at another of Jesus encounters, with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. John tells us that this man came to see Jesus at night, causing us perhaps to wonder why he did that. Was he just working late? Did he have to travela long way to see Jesus? Perhaps he didn’t want any of the other Pharisees to see him. Was he ashamed to be talking to Jesus or embarrassed to be in his company. John tells us of two other occasions when Nicodemus showed up perhaps most significantly as one of the men who buried Jesus in the tomb on Good Friday. A secret follower, but more likely someone who had been challenged on meeting Jesus by his words of love and by the Holy Spirit blowing in his life. Holy Spirit brings change to our lives often in ways that we are at first unaware of. He teaches us the ways of heaven. Holy Spirit changes a Pharisaic heart of stone into a heart of flesh. We cannot live as Christians unless we allow Holy Spirit to give us the new birth Jesus speaks about, born of water and the spirit. Meditate on Jesus’ words today and pray that we would allow Holy Spirit to blow in SNLBC, building the church of Jesus Christ with Love and Power.
Jerimiah 31 v 3-6. John 15 v 9-13, 1 John 4 v 19, Zephaniah 3 v 15-17
Scripture in Old and New Testament continually tells us of God’s love for all people and for all he has made. We read last week about the fruit of the Holy Spirit being supernatural fruit. Love is the first fruit of the Holy Spirit, a love that however much we try we are unable to produce for ourselves. There are probably many people we love, husbands, wives, children, family members, friends. But how about those we disagree with, those with radically different opinions to our own, even people that we may hate because we feel they have wronged us. Jesus tells us in the Sermon on the Mount to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5 v 44). We can only love like this with the supernatural love of the Holy Spirit. Jesus loved you so much that he gave his life on the cross of Calvary so that you can have life in its fulness. We also read last week of how Jesus went out of his way to talk to a Samarian woman and how he blessed a newly married couple by turning water into wine at their wedding feast. Jesus loves, he had compassion on the sick, he wept when Lazarus died. He commands us to love one another as he loves us. As you pray today take time to hear God singing over you. What would you have him sing? Maybe a love song?
I have been writing these scriptures from John’s gospel with a hymn going through my mind to find on YouTube to listen to and be blessed by. What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. Carry all that is troubling you, all that you need to the foot of the cross of Jesus and listen to this wonderful hymn, and as you listen become a worshipper.
John 4 v 1-26, Isaiah 12
This is another scripture in John’s gospel that I never tire of reading and meditating on. Jesus we are told, takes a significant detour on his way back to Galilee in order to meet a Samaritan woman by a well in order to talk to her about water. But this wasn’t about the water from Jacob’s well but about living water. As the water we read of yesterday was significant because it became wine this water that Jesus speaks about and gives to us is eternal water. Isaiah tells us ‘With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation’. Scripture continually speaks to us of God’s grace as old and new testaments combine to tell us of HIS Glory. Surely it draws us to the living water and gives us a new desire to be those worshippers who worship in Spirit and in truth. The ones God is looking for.
John 2 v 1-12, Psalm 23 v 5-6
There are many scriptures that I never tire of reading. Among these are scriptures in John’s gospel as he, John, shares with us some of the things he observed Jesus doing and that he was told of as he spent 3 years as a disciple. I often meditate on Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. This miracle is spoken of by John as ‘the first sign of Jesus revealing his Glory.’ I suspect that down the years John often thought on this occasion and many others with awe. I am captivated by the fruitfulness that this miracle signifies. Wine. Jesus lived a life not of celebrity but of celebration because he did whatever he saw the father doing. The Father always has the best of everything and certainly he has the best wine. Wine speaks of Jesus the true vine. Its speaks of Holy Spirit and his gifts and fruit. It speaks of the banquet that Jesus is preparing for his Bride. Abundantly overflowing with the Wine that Jesus says he will drink with us in God’s Kingdom. It will be far superior to Cana’s wine. Meditate on this scripture today and allow God to speak to you of the supernatural provision and blessing Jesus has for us as HE builds his church.
Galatians 5 v 22-23, Jerimiah 17 v 7-8, Leviticus 26 v 3-5, John 15 v 1-9
If you look closely over the church windows in SNLBC you will see small plaques bearing bunches of grapes. Grapes speak of fruitfulness. You may remember in a recent study the 12 leaders of the tribes of Israel explored the promised land and brough back a branch with grapes so large that took 2 men to carry. The land was fruitful as God had told them it would be. Jesus speaks of himself as the true vine, and he wants the branches to be fruitful. To this end lots of pruning take place that the vine might produce more and better fruit. Grapes are also used to produce wine. Jesus speaks of drinking the fruit of the vine as he shares supper with his friends before his crucifixion. Wine has become a symbol of the blood of Jesus shed for us as we remember HIS sacrifice in Communion Services. Jesus also tells us ‘That as we abide in him, remain in him, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.’ Remaining in him is about our love for him and his word, wanting to spend time with him, it’s about obedience, being in awe of him, wanting more of his holiness’. Then, as we abide, we can ask boldly before his throne of grace. Something to ponder today.
Galatians 5 v 13-26, 1 Corinthians 13 v 4-8, Ephesians 3 v 16-19, John 16-17
It’s a week now since Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s funeral services. I’m sure many of us will long remember words spoken, hymns sung and the tributes to the late Queen’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. She displayed in her life many of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit which we read about in Galatians, and which are currently being spoken about in church. Jesus himself says ‘This is my command: Love each other. (John 15 v 17). He talks about us, his disciples, bearing fruit that will last. Fruit in the natural doesn’t last too long. Strawberries or raspberries two days at the most, apples longer lived, bananas on my fruit bowl soon over-ripe. Holy Spirit fruit lasts because it is supernatural fruit. Its given by Holy Spirit and isn’t something we can produce for ourselves. We can ‘fall in love’ and sometimes it lasts for years and sometimes for a week or two. But God’s love is everlasting. As you pray today be aware of the love God has for you and ask him to grow that fruit of love in your life.
Genesis 1 v 1- 3, John 1 v 1-5, Numbers 29 v 1-6, Leviticus 23 v 23-25, Isaiah 43 v 16-19.
From 25 th September to 27 th September Jewish people Worldwide are celebrating their New Year, Rosh Hashanah, or The Feast of Trumpets. It was a festival appointed by God and recorded in the book of Numbers. We have recently read in the book of Numbers Israel’s sad story of grumbling and unbelief that denied them entry to the promised land. However, at the end of this amazing bible record, the book of Numbers, God is preparing a people to cross the Jordan and instituting festivals that Jewish people observe to this day. Rosh Hashanah. This day is the Head of the Jewish Year., a day of remembering God’s creation and faithfulness. It’s a day of repentance and a day of blowing the shofar. The biblical name for the festival is Yom Teruah which means a day of shouting and blasting. It’s the beginning of the 10 days of awe remembered until Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement. These days of Rosh Hashanah are days for trying something new. God too is in the business of doing new and amazing things. In these days when the Jewish Nation are celebrating days of Awe perhaps we as Christians should find again a new perspective of awe and holiness for out wonderful, faithful creator God who continues to do new things and to work wonders.
But what did [Jesus] do?[the Jewish leaders] asked [the man who had been blind]. How did he heal you?Look!" the man exclaimed. I told you once. Didn’t you listen? Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples, too? Sometimes people make themselves the enemies of the truth because they don’t want to discover it. The interchange between the Jewish authorities and the man who was healed reaches an absurd and almost humorous point. The authorities interrogate the healed man because they want to find some discrepancy in his story so they can discredit Jesus. They don’t want the truth, so the healed man rebukes them for their repeated questions. This bitter irony helps us understand that the authorities reject Jesus because they have decided he is the enemy and so they must re-write the truth of his grace and power. Unfortunately, there are those who do the same thing with Jesus today. Their evil deeds have alienated them from the truth. We, however, must love them, pray for their hearts to be changed, and live as people with a Christ-like character looking for an opportunity to share the Saviour’s grace. Let’s pray for our family and friends who are far from God’s Kingdom. We know that some of them have hardened their hearts because they are caught up in sin and other reasons. Ask God to use us and our influence to bring them to Jesus. Ask God to actively be at work in their lives to give them reasons to re-evaluate their lives and the way they are living and to accept Him as Lord and Saviour.
So for the second time [the Jewish leaders] called in the man who had been blind [and was healed by Jesus] and told him, God should get the glory for this, because we know this man Jesus is a sinner.I don’t know whether he is a sinner,the man replied. But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see! Sometimes we cannot answer all the intellectual or theological arguments about faith and the reasons we believe. Even though we might not be able to answer every question from the most seasoned sceptic, we do know God and have seen him work with power in our lives and in the lives of those we love. Our response is like the blind man’s: I don’t have all the answers, but I have surely been changed by the one who does! Pray and ask God to make His presence known in our lives so that others can see and know His love and grace through us
The Jewish leaders still refused to believe the man had been blind and could now see [after being healed by Jesus], so they called in his parents. They asked them, Is this your son? Was he born blind? If so, how can he now see? His parents replied, "We know this is our son and that he was born blind, but we don’t know how he can see or who healed him. Ask him. He is old enough to speak for himself.His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who had announced that anyone saying Jesus was the Messiah would be expelled from the synagogue. That’s why they said, He is old enough. Ask him.While many parents are careful and dedicated to raising their children in the Lord, unfortunately, there are also some parents who view their children only as mere biological products. Their tie to their children is simply genetic, neither spiritual nor emotional. That’s the kind of parents the healed man had. They were more concerned about their place in the synagogue than with their son’s healing and spiritual development. They left their son on his own to defend himself and to fend for himself. As God’s people, we must remember his heart for the orphaned and abandoned, and we must defend and care for them as God’s people. We must care for our own families as well as those people who are abandoned and alone. [1 Timothy 5:8; Matthew 25:34-36, 40] Ask God for help as we seek to care for the abandoned and helpless. We are horrified at some of the terrible things done to children and some adults in our world. Pray for courage to step forward and help protect them and for compassion to care for them personally.
Then [the people questioning the man who had been healed of his blindness took him] to the Pharisees, because it was on the Sabbath that Jesus had made the mud and healed him. The Pharisees asked the man all about it. So he told them, He put the mud over my eyes, and when I washed it away, I could see!Some of the Pharisees said, This man Jesus is not from God, for he is working on the Sabbath.Others said, But how could an ordinary sinner do such miraculous signs? So there was a deep division of opinion among them. Then the Pharisees again questioned the man who had been blind and demanded, What’s your opinion about this man who healed you?The man replied, I think he must be a prophet. Isn’t it interesting how we can bend reality to make it fit faulty theology? This man was healed. He was healed on the Sabbath. But, in the theological wrangling of the Pharisees, that work of healing was a violation of the Sabbath. So either Jesus was bad, or the man hadn’t really been healed. Some disagreements on obscure or much-debated minor theological points are inconsequential. However, when we use disagreements to wall out and condemn people, or when we use them to make God’s good work appear to be something bad, then those theological positions become evil. Theological principles can be misused, but that misuse doesn’t mean we water down the plain teaching of Scripture on morality and all other aspects of our lives as disciples or on the nature of Jesus; it does mean that we should be a lot more humble and generous when it comes to the value of people. Today, pray for forgiveness for the times that we have wrongly used our words to hurt other people. Plead with God to empty us of our theological and doctrinal arrogance that could blind us to His work in the people around us. May we always love and respect people as God does.
His neighbours and others who knew [the man whose sight was restored by Jesus] as a blind beggar asked each other, Isn’t this the man who used to sit and beg? Some said he was, and others said, No, he just looks like him! But the beggar kept saying, Yes, I am the same one! They asked, Who healed you? What happened?He told them, "The man they call Jesus made mud and spread it over my eyes and told me, Go to the pool of Siloam and wash yourself. So I went and washed, and now I can see! "Where is he now?they asked. I don’t know, he replied. How often have you judged someone simply based on his or her appearance? The folks who were supposed to be the neighbours of this man Jesus healed knew him only as a label. That label was based on his physical blindness and his need to beg. They never spent enough time to move beyond the label to the man. They didn’t know him, only his label. They didn’t bother to befriend him because he was a blind beggar. Before we become self-righteous, let’s ask how different we are! We all need to ask ourselves: Do I make unfair assumptions about people based on external appearances? Do I use labels to push people away so that I do not have to deal with them in everyday life? As Jesus’ disciples, we need to overcome any of these tendencies we might have and show Jesus’ love to everyone. Confess to the Lord for the many times that we do not view people as He does. We find ourselves dismissing people based on external appearances, so we don’t have to involve ourselves in their lives. Pray that we won’t use our time with folks who won’t change and also won’t neglect to bless anyone that God sends our way, including anyone that has not yet experienced His grace. Ask for the wisdom to know how to respond appropriately so that we do what God would have us do in the life of anyone we meet.
[Talking about the man who had been born blind, Jesus continued,] But while I am here in the world, I am the light of the world.Then he spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and spread the mud over the blind man’s eyes. He told him, "Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam (Siloam means sent). So the man went and washed and came back seeing! Jesus longs to bring us his blessings. A blessing that we desperately need is the sight to see things as they are and to be able to discern Jesus’ will and follow it. So often we view obedience as a burden rather than a blessing. However, Jesus wants to bless us through our obedience just as he blessed the blind man. Obeying Jesus, doing what he sends us to do, brings a much greater blessing than any perceived burden it might entail. Pray for God to make our hearts soft and open to His truth. Ask for help not only to understand His will but also to obey it with joy and expectation. Ask for forgiveness for the tomes of being reluctant to obey when we do not fully understand why God want us to do something.
[To his disciples, Jesus continued,] We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work. Jesus recognises that his time on earth is short. He feels a sense of urgency to get the work of God completed. He also shares the importance of getting that work done with his disciples. Many of us have all sorts of distractions crowding into our lives. Some of these distractions seem important to us. Others, we recognise as insignificant intrusions. The real question, however, is this: How well are we doing with placing God’s priorities first in our lives regardless of the apparent importance of possible distractions? Do we feel a sense of urgency to get God’s work done? Is God’s work our focus or just another item to check off our to do list crowding into our busy lives? Pray and ask God to help you better know how to order your priorities. Request for help to be more confident of the things God wants most for you to do. Submit your will to be led by God’s Holy Spirit and commit to live your life for His glory and also for Him to guide your way.
As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. Rabbi, his disciples asked him, why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents sins? It was not because of his sins or his parents sins, Jesus answered. This happened so the power of God could be seen in him. If you look carefully in this chapter, you will find a number of different ways we sometimes look at people and dehumanise them for our own benefit. Jesus reminds us that each person is someone who is made in God’s image, whom God personally created, and in whom the work of God needs to be done! Today, ask the Lord and Maker of all things and all people to give you a greater sensitivity in the way that you treat others so that you perfectly reflect God’s desire to work in each life to bless people and bring them to God’s grace and glory!
[Jesus said to the people,] Your father Abraham rejoiced as he looked forward to my coming. He saw it and was glad.The people said, You aren’t even fifty years old. How can you say you have seen Abraham? Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I AM! At that point they picked up stones to throw at him. But Jesus was hidden from them and left the Temple. Like so many other things Jesus says in this chapter, this claim is daring and bold. It is also true. Jesus didn’t just happen on the scene when he came to earth; he existed before any created thing. That’s why it is so important that we pay attention to him. He not only sacrificed himself for us, but he left heaven’s glory to come and live with us and show us God’s love. Today, pray and ask God to open your heart to the teaching and truth of Jesus and give you a greater sense of his authority, his majesty, and his lordship in your life.
The people said [to Jesus], Now we know you are possessed by a demon. Even Abraham and the prophets died, but you say, Anyone who obeys my teaching will never die! Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are? Jesus answered, If I want glory for myself, it doesn’t count. But it is my Father who will glorify me. You say, He is our God, but you don’t even know him. I know him. If I said otherwise, I would be as great a liar as you! But I do know him and obey him. Sometimes the doubts of the crowd become our reminder of the truth. Are you greater than our father Abraham?" the people ask Jesus. That’s the question we are to ask. The answer? Yes! He is, and he is to be obeyed just as he obeyed the Father. He knows the Father and reveals him to us. Yes! Jesus is greater because he is God’s Son and our Lord and Saviour, the Christ. Give all praise to our God and all praise to Jesus, our Saviour. God planned our deliverance and purchased our salvation through the gift of Jesus who brought life and immortality to light in himself and in his message. Pledge to God your heart and life.
[Addressing the people in the Temple, Jesus continued,] I tell you the truth, anyone who obeys my teaching will never die! When we become followers of Jesus Christ, when we are baptised into Christ, we die to our old selves. We are raised to live a new life. The old life is gone. The most important death has happened. Yes, our bodies will eventually die. But as followers of Jesus, we are united with Christ and not even physical death can separate us from him. The living part of us goes to be with Jesus and awaits his triumphant return to earth in glory when all that belong to him are changed and given immortal bodies and go to live with him forever. When we obey him, when we belong to him, death cannot claim the living part of us. We will never die but will live with the Lord forever. As Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, we should encourage one another with this message! Thank God today for making us His and for joining our lives to Jesus so that death can claim only our physical bodies but can never have us. Pray, looking forward to the coming day of victory when we will join with all of God’s children to celebrate and participate in His glory!
The people retorted [to Jesus], You Samaritan devil! Didn’t we say all along that you were possessed by a demon? No, Jesus said, I have no demon in me. For I honour my Father — and you dishonour me. And though I have no wish to glorify myself, God is going to glorify me. He is the true judge. So often we succumb to peer pressure because we let the people around us determine our worth in our own eyes. To be labelled as demonised is about as bad a criticism as one could receive if he or she is seeking to live for God. Jesus, however, wasn’t fazed when he was accused of being possessed by a demon. He knew who determined his worth. He would not be baited into useless arguments by people who could only criticise and call him names. He lived for his Father’s glory, not his own. He lived to honour God and not himself. Since his primary commitment was to please God, he was very willing to leave the determination of his worth in God’s hands. This commitment allowed him to live with the freedom to be all that God had made him to be. What about you? In your own eyes, who determines your worth? Today, ask God to forgive you for sometimes letting the evaluation of others to mean too much to you and compromising your mission and integrity in your work. Ask God to bless you with strength, as you seek to leave the determination of your worth solely in God’s hands so that you are not swayed by the criticism of those who would seek to derail you life’s mission.
[To the Jews, Jesus continued,] For you are the children of your father the devil… So when I tell the truth, you just naturally don’t believe me! Which of you can truthfully accuse me of sin? And since I am telling you the truth, why don’t you believe me? Anyone who belongs to God listens gladly to the words of God. But you don’t listen because you don’t belong to God. God is the true Father of all people who look to his Son for their salvation. They listen to Jesus and do what He says. The faithful are not simply those on a list of notable people who have lived for Jesus in spectacular ways. No, the test for all of us as children of God is this: Do we live what Jesus teaches? Ask God to help our discipleship to involve the way we live all of our lives, not just our language at prayer time. Pray for forgiveness for sometimes letting our discipleship and passion for Jesus not making it past our prayer time. Pray for God to empower us as we seek to show our love for Him in the way we live our lives.
[To the Jews, Jesus continued,] No, you are imitating your real father." They replied, We aren’t illegitimate children! God himself is our true Father. Jesus told them, If God were your Father, you would love me, because I have come to you from God. I am not here on my own, but he sent me. Why can’t you understand what I am saying? It’s because you can’t even hear me! For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies. Satan is behind evil in all of its forms, including the religious evil that sent Jesus to the cross. Make no mistake; Satan distorts, deceives, and lies. His goal is murder and destruction. Let’s not take him lightly. At the same time, let’s not cower before his threats. Jesus conquered him for us on the cross, and that victory was demonstrated through the resurrection. Let’s make sure that we stick with Christ, hold to His teaching, and live His truth. Let’s make it clear to the evil one that he has no hold on us [read Colossians 1:12-14, 2:12-15, 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18]. Pray and ask the Lord to deliver us from the evil one for all power, all honour, and all glory are the Lord’s. Ask the Lord to help us hold Jesus truth up as our example and live it fully in our lives.
[Continuing his reply to the Jews, Jesus said,] Yes, I realize that you are descendants of Abraham. And yet some of you are trying to kill me because there is no room in your hearts for my message. I am telling you what I saw when I was with my Father. But you are following the advice of your father.Our father is Abraham!" they declared. No, Jesus replied, for if you were really the children of Abraham, you would follow his example. Instead, you are trying to kill me because I told you the truth, which I heard from God. Abraham never did such a thing. What is your claim for significance? Is it your wealth, education, health, appearance, or achievement? What about your family heritage, your neighbourhood, or your reputation? The thing that matters most is what you do with Jesus! What are you going to trust to make a difference in the most important part of your life, the eternal part of your life? Are you going to trust in your pedigree or in your Saviour? Today, ask our heavenly Father to forgive us because in many ways we have sometimes been arrogant about our achievements and self-righteous because of our religious heritage. Do recognise that we find in our lives, our hopes, our joys, and our salvation in Jesus, in whose name we offer God our lives and our praise.
[Jesus continued his reply to the Jews,] A slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son is part of the family forever. So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. Salvation involves two great realities: 1) We are set free from our sins, and 2) we are adopted into God’s family and become his children. Jesus is not only our Saviour and Lord; he is also our older brother. God is not just the Almighty; he is also Abba Father. In Jesus, we are given our freedom to become all we are meant to be as God’s children! Today, thank and praise God for the freedom from your sin and the privilege of being a child in His family! Thank Jesus, for paying the price of your ransom to set you free and to purchase your adoption into His family.
But we are descendants of Abraham,[the Jews] said. We have never been slaves to anyone. What do you mean, You will be set free? Jesus replied, I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin.Sin captures us. Sin enslaves us. Sin abuses us. Sin brings us to death. When sin infects us and takes root, it becomes addictive and destructive. If we are going to enjoy the freedom the Lord longs to give us, then we must also commit to live for him and turn away from sin. We can, by the Spirit’s ower, put to death the power of sin, but we must also make it our commitment to leave it behind! Today, ask our Father to please deliver you from the sin that entangles you and keeps you from being all that He has made you to be.
Then many who heard [Jesus] say these things [about always doing what pleases the Father] believed in him. Jesus said to the people who believed in him, You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. What is the secret to knowing the truth? Knowing what Jesus taught and how he lived, then doing it! It isn’t in discovering a new idea, coming up with a new plan, or going in search of some lost mystery. Knowing the truth is found in living Jesus teaching. The proof is in the doing! Today pray and ask our Father in heaven to give you a heart to obey Jesus teaching; a heart to obey even when you don’t fully understand the reason behind his teaching; a heart to obey even when you don’t feel fully capable of pulling it off. There are so many valuable lessons you have learnt from Jesus when you have come with trust and obedience- ask for more of this. Ask the Lord to bless you now as you seek to put trust and obedience into practice more fully in your life.
While Jesus was teaching in the Temple, he called out, Yes, you know me, and you know where I come from. But I’m not here on my own. The one who sent me is true, and you don’t know him. But I know him because I come from him, and he sent me to you. Jesus came on a mission. It wasn’t a mission of his own initiative. He wasn’t looking for honour for himself. He was sent to do the Father’s work, to do the Father’s mission, and to bring glory to the Father by completing his work. The cost was high: He gave his life to complete the Father’s work. The mission was clear: It was to reveal the Father to us. The amazing thing, however, is that when Jesus ascended, he gave us a very similar mission: "As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you! So let’s live each day following the example of our Saviour, fully committed to represent the one who sent us and to reveal his glory and grace. Pray for God to give you passion as you face the challenges, opportunities, and even the monotony of each day. Ask for empowerment to live as one sent on a mission.
[When Jesus said he came from the Father,] the leaders tried to arrest him; but no one laid a hand on him, because his time had not yet come. Many among the crowds at the Temple believed in him. After all," they said, "would you expect the Messiah to do more miraculous signs than this man has done? Even with pressure from the authorities not to believe, many put their faith in Jesus. Why? They saw what he did and recognized that there had to be a divine power behind it. When unbelievers look at our churches, the body of Christ, what do they see? Do they see compelling deeds that cry out that God has to be behind what is being done because otherwise, we couldn’t do what we do? Or do they see predictable church stuff? Jesus promised that we would do even greater things than he did. So let’s go out and be what he called us to be and do the life-changing work of the Kingdom and not just the housekeeping work of doing church. Today, pray that the Lord will ignite our congregation and all believers in Jesus to a higher calling and to a bigger vision of what the Lord wants to do with us. Pray that He will use us in our community, and beyond, to do the work of Jesus, and use us in ways that we don't even think are possible.
When the Pharisees heard that the crowds were whispering [that Jesus must be the Messiah], they and the leading priests sent Temple guards to arrest Jesus. But Jesus told them, I will be with you only a little longer. Then I will return to the one who sent me. You will search for me but not find me. And you cannot go where I am going. The Jewish leaders were puzzled by this statement. Where is he planning to go?they asked. Is he thinking of leaving the country and going to the Jews in other lands? Maybe he will even teach the Greeks! What does he mean when he says, You will search for me but not find me, and You cannot go where I am going! So often we find ways to put off doing the right thing or we make excuses for not responding to God in the proper way. Opportunities to live for Jesus vibrantly and passionately can pass us by each day while our hearts grow callused. One day, there will be no more opportunities. Our hearts may grow hard, our bodies may grow too weak, our circumstances may degrade, or our influence may be lost. I will be with you only a little longer," Jesus told the Temple guards in today’s verses and also reminded his disciples another time. Many missed the joy of Jesus’ life because they found reasons to put off responding or found excuses to reject him. Let’s not be guilty of wasting a limited-time offer — limited not because Jesus will withdraw the offer but because we each have only a limited lifespan. Instead, let’s respond to Jesus with passion today before our hearts grow cold or our time runs out. Today, pray for a sense of spiritual urgency about the decisions you make each day. Ask God to give you a clear sense of what is at stake in what you choose, reject, or put off. Ask for the wisdom to see through all the distractions that can clutter your view and mislead your heart. Ask for a holy passion to do what God want you to do.
On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, Rivers of living water will flow from his heart. (When he said, living water, he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.) There is such a huge difference between a cistern and a well. A cistern has to be filled with water or collect water from the outside. It is not self-renewing and can run dry. On the other hand, a flowing artesian well has water that bubbles up under its own pressure with its cool and refreshing blessing. This same difference exists between a person trying to be spiritual based on his or her own efforts and a Spirit-filled person. When we become Christians, Jesus blesses us with his Spirit. The Spirit’s presence and power in our lives make all the difference in the world. The Spirit is living water inside of us, renewing us, refreshing us, empowering us, quenching our spiritual thirst, and giving us life. Living for Jesus is more than just a spiritual commitment on our part requiring our effort; it also depends on the gift and the blessing of Jesus enabled by his Spirit.
When the crowds heard [Jesus say that living water will flow from his heart], some of them declared, Surely this man is the Prophet we’ve been expecting. Others said, He is the Messiah.Still others said, "But he can’t be! Will the Messiah come from Galilee? For the Scriptures clearly state that the Messiah will be born of the royal line of David, in Bethlehem, the village where King David was born.So the crowd was divided about him. Some even wanted him arrested, but no one laid a hand on him. Who do you say Jesus is? Is he prophet, King, Teacher, Messiah, Lord, Master, imposter, pretender, fake, charlatan, deceiver? So often some people make their decisions about Jesus based on improper information. They think they know about him because they have heard about him in a church or read about him in a magazine or have been told by someone else. The real issue, however, is whether or not each of us has personally gone on a quest to discover Jesus. Ask God to help you know Jesus for who he really is. The most important question any of us will ever answer is this: Who do I say Jesus is?
When the Temple guards returned without having arrested Jesus, the leading priests and Pharisees demanded, Why didn’t you bring him in;We have never heard anyone speak like this! the guards responded. I love to listen to the accents of people from different countries as they speak. In a world with so many words — spoken, written, plastered on signs, broadcasted over radio waves, printed in newspapers and magazines, sent through cyberspace — it is nice to hear something different. Then, every-once in a while, someone comes along and speaks something in a fresh way; the words and accent are not just new, but the message is also refreshing and startling. Jesus spoke with startling freshness. His message was not just new, but also powerful. It had behind it the breath of heaven and the ring of truth that resonated in people’s souls. It had the power to change hearts, alter circumstances, and force out darkness. While we live thousands of years later, if we will listen for his voice as we read his story, we too can be touched and transformed. We too can say, We have never heard anyone speak like this!Thank God for speaking to us in Jesus; for the message He spoke when He sent Jesus to our world. Pray that God will make those words come alive in your heart as you read them. Ask God to transform and refresh you through the power of His words as you pledge your best to honour those words with your obedience.
“After consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising Him for His holy splendour… At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon… to start fighting among themselves “ Believers of God do not win battles with their own strength, in fact they recognise the mighty power of God and invite Him to the battle front. The power of praise remains our greatest artillery. As we put on a mind of praise, we shall see sweet victory in the battle. The plunder will be abundant that you cannot gather. Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Saviour and my God! (Psalm 42:11, NLT). This is your day of praise, see the Lord. mighty in battle, give you sweet victory.
The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken God’s plan for us is unwavering and it guides us to a perfect end. So it would be wise to find out His plan and walk in it. The only place to find out what His plans are, is in His word. This is what the Lord says: You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:10-11, NLT). The intention of God is not to keep us in bondage. He has an expected end in mind for us. Trust Him to bring you success.
Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord!You expected a promotion, and you were denied, or you confided in friends, and they betrayed your trust, or your family didn’t stand by you when you needed them. It may be hard coping with these issues, but nothing is too hard for God. There is no impossibility when it comes to Him; His name is I AM. Now let me attempt and paraphrase our text for today: Even though your bank account may be empty, or there has not been any improvement in your health, or no child after many years of marriage, or you couldn’t pass an exam, yet will you rejoice in the Lord of your salvation. Nothing is lost. Keep Hope Alive!
Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth There is a natural instinct in man that craves for more. When it is not kept in check, it could cause one to do unimaginable things. There is no problem in desiring more of anything good. But we must make sure our motives are right and pleasing to God. It is interesting to note that, most things we acquire from our own schemes other than God’s way, often do not last. And if even they do, they come without the peace of mind. The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22). For many of us, we are not even done with thanking God for the little we have now, yet we keep asking for more. We need to learn to be content.
In the morning, as Jesus was returning to Jerusalem, he was hungry, and he noticed a fig tree beside the road. He went over to see if there were figs, but there were only leaves. Then he said to it, may you never bear fruit again! And immediately the fig tree withered up. The Lord called me to true repentance as He showed me this scripture. Have you been in a situation where you badly wanted something and from a distance you thought it was ready for the taking, only to get closer and realize it wasn't as you thought? That was exactly what happened to Jesus. Having walked quite a distance and hungry, He thought He could at least get some fruit from the fig tree. Only to get there and see only leaves. Many of us are like this fig tree; showing all the trappings of a fruit-bearing tree but actually are empty. Let’s stop giving wrong signals. We can’t disappoint Jesus when He gets closer.
“He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son” When people are not able to distinguish between the seasons they are in, they are most likely to miss good opportunities. Seasons do change, so we should be able to discern and know which season we are in. There is a season for scattering and there is a season for gathering as well. Our text says, A wise youth harvests in the summer, but one who sleeps during harvest is a disgrace(NLT). God has ordered that, he who will not work shall not eat and He always blesses the person who is not lazy. This is a universal law that cannot be changed. As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest… (Gen. 8:22). It’s a season of work now. Let us utilise it and our harvest shall be great.
The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. What are you filled with? There is such a danger in our society to turn our Christian experience into an intellectual experience. We fill our heads with facts, rules, and knowledge about God. But Paul warns that there is so much more than knowledge. He wrote that “some people have missed this whole point. They have turned away from these things and spend their time in meaningless discussions.” Instead, we see that the goal of Paul’s teaching was more than giving us knowledge; it was to fill us with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. That is what good Bible teaching does. It purifies our hearts and emotions, clears our conscience of all our sins, and increases our faith. How exhilarating. How challenging. Today, might we know God’s word and have a grasp of its truth in a way that we become filled with love.
I have made myself available to those who have not bothered to ask. I’m here, ready to be found by those who have not bothered to look. I kept saying I am here to a nation that ignore me. I reached out day after day to a people who turned their backs on me, people who make wrong turns, who insist on doing things their own way.From our text today, God was not just willing to help these people, but said, I was ready. And it was not as though it was difficult to find Him. He was actually telling the people He was there. But His voice was not heeded to. There has not been a time that God has been out of coverage area. He has always been your present help in times of need, and He is here with you even as you read this. You have been trying to do many things on your own, working out strategies, all to no avail. It is time to turn to God for lasting solutions….Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2, KJV). Today, reach out to God and he will see you through the challenges and storms of life.
Just as the Master kept you alive during the hard times, he will keep your teacher alive and present among you. Your teacher will be right there, local and on the job, urging you on whenever you wander left or right: This is the right road. Walk down this road. As Christians, God’s word is our road map, and the Holy Spirit is our teacher (guide). He knows the way around every situation and would lead us on the right path if we follow Him. Road signs are made to control how we drive, so as to avoid dangerous behaviours that lead to accidents. Many accidents occur because some drivers never paid attention to these. The Holy Spirit may be prompting us to slow down about a decision. You are the driver of your own life but listen for the voice of God in His word, to avoid any accident. By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path (Psalm 119:105)
Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Without prayer we will go round in circles and our lives will be meaningless. We will eventually get overwhelmed and frustrated. If we want God to reveal His will for our lives, we need to talk (pray) to Jesus Christ at all times. ..pray without ceasing, For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thess. 5: 17, 18b, NKJV). Let us not stop communicating (praying) with God. He is the only One who will make life worth living!
And the Philistines fought, and Israel was smitten, and they fled every man into his tent: and there was a very great slaughter; for there fell of Israel thirty thousand footmen. And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slain. The ark of God is the symbol of the presence of God. When the Israelites went to battle against the Philistines, the ark was with them but they still lost. The ark was captured and even the priest who accompanied the ark was killed. At the time, God was not pleased with the Israelites. Thus, eventhough the ark was with them, God Himself was not. Sometimes, we act in ways that drives the presence of God away from us. Symbols of His presence will still remain with us and this may make us think He is still there. It is not about symbols but about His presence. Ensure that you do not loose His presence by being obedient to God.
For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, and he failed to restrain them; The sons of Eli had gone wayward and were defiling the temple of God. The scripture says Eli heard about their behaviour and cautioned them. From the text, God was not happy with the manner in which Eli dealt with the issue, hence the harsh punishment against the entire family. How are you bringing up your children? God holds you responsible for how your children turn out if you neglect the role He has given you as a parent. Proverbs 13:24 says, whoever spares the rod hates his child. Now the rod does not necessarily mean spanking, but you must be ready as a parent to correct, rebuke and say a firm no to your children when they are going the wrong way or withhold a reward to keep them on the right track. Remember that God expects you to mould the gifts he has given you into people he will be proud to call His children.
Now Eli, who was very old, heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel and how they slept with the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. So, he said to them, Why do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours Eli’s family was chosen to minister to Israel for all generations. But his sons treated this appointment with disdain. God had given specific instructions on what was to be done with the sacrifices of the people and how the priests were to take a portion. Eli’s sons, however, decided they wanted the choicest parts of the meat even before the sacrifice was ready. They also defiled the women who were supposed to be serving in the Lord’s house. Eventually, God cut off Eli’s family from their duties, which was also a source of living for them. If God has placed you in an office, remember that He is watching how you serve. Taking what does not belong to you does not go without consequences. If you do not want the wrath of God on your head, then honour Him in your workspace.
“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him;Children are very important to God and if He gives us any, it means He trusts us to be responsible for them. Like every gift, we ought to treat them well and care for them. The fact that God has not blessed you with the gift of a child, does not mean He does not trust you to do a God job with them. The Lord does whatever pleases him throughout all heaven and earth, and on the seas and in their depths (Psalm 135:6, NLT). Sadly, many of us today put less priority on the gift(s) given to us by God. We rather put all our efforts in other things we have interest in. “Do not neglect your gift, which was given you… Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress” (1 Timothy 4:14-15, NIV).
“I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, ‘Here am I, here am I.’ 2 All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations. From our text today, God was not just willing to help these people, but said "I was ready." And it wasn't as though it was difficult to find Him. He was actually telling the people "Here I am. But He had no response. There has not been a time that God has not been available. He has always been your present help in times of need, and He is here with you even as you read this. You have been trying to do certain things on your own, working out some strategies, all to no avail. It is time to turn to God for lasting solutions….Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation(2 Corinthians 6:2, KJV).
They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening Paul and Silas praised God while in prison and in chains. What at all were they singing and praising God for? That He had allowed them to be beaten and locked up in jail? It really did not make human sense. God takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. In difficult situations, people may not understand your praise, they rather expect you to give up. They may think something is wrong with you, when they hear you singing, and praising God. When the chains were broken and the doors opened, fellow prisoners with Paul and Silas could testify that God had inhabited their praise. Your praise may not make human sense, but it will bring
God’s presence. Don’t give up praising Him. It is a great weapon in times of difficulty.
So, he went and preached to the spirits in prison.Jesus Christ had the master plan. That when He gave up His spirit, He needed to complete the work of sharing the Good News to the dead as well. So that those of the Old Testament era, who were not alive would not be left out. Indeed, Jesus Christ died for a reason. For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your holy one to rot in the grave. You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence" (Psalm 16:10-11, NLT). “David was looking into the future and speaking of the Messiah’s resurrection. He was saying that God would not leave him among the dead or allow his body to rot in the grave (Acts 2:31, NLT). In these texts, it is made clear that Jesus Christ will not ignore His Holy Ones. Neither will he leave us among the dead.
When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none. Then it says, I will return to the person i came from. So, it returns and finds its former home empty, swept and in order. Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And that person is worse off than before…Here, I am seeking to bring our attention to issues that we need to know to fortify our minds and beings so as to remain focused and grow in the Christian race. Through the word of God, I have learnt that the devil will exploit every vacuum that we create in our lives. Unlike countries who have no man’s land, along borders that no one trespasses, the Christian has no such freedom. Our text prompts us of some actions we need to take to ensure we don’t leave room for the devil. Ridding our lives of sin is the first step. Filling it up with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit is another. The amount of His Word in you will determine how far you can go. Fill up for the battle rages on.
In my distress, I prayed to the LORD, and the LORD answered me and set me free. The LORD is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? How many fears do we suffer from today? Today’s passage illustrates a great realization that has made a vast difference in my life. It is this, the fact that the Lord is here. The Psalmist wrote, “In my distress, I prayed to the LORD, and the LORD answered me and set me free. The LORD is for me, so I will have no fear.” The presence of our living, all-knowing, all-powerful God can bring peace to the most challenging situations. He is the God of the now. He is here, and He cares. Peter wrote, “Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you!” God’s presence brings everything into perspective. His presence switches our thinking from monstrous evildoers to “mere men.” We can say with the Psalmist, “What can mere people do to me?” Today, reframe your fears. Put it in perspective. Look at your worries in the light of His presence and power.
SPEAK TO ME (PSALM 119:11, 18, NLT)
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. – Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. God has created us in such a marvellous way. He has given us the ability to use sounds and letters combined in ways that a community of people can understand. And not just verbal communication; we use the written language to learn with as well. God created and uses this marvellous, complex language to communicate to us both emotionally and rationally. Paul wrote to Timothy that “all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” Today, use this mighty gift from God and take the time to learn the scriptures. Knowing the Word will help you live the way God wants you to.
So, we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. Why was I born? What possible significance can my life be? All these are answered in the fact that God has a purpose for your life. He wants you to live a life worthy of the call He has on you. What He calls you to do, He will empower. Paul promises that God will give you the power to do all that your faith prompts you to do. He writes at the end of this passage, “This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.” Today, ask God to prompt your faith to know what you can do for His glory. Then know that God’s grace will give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do!
Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour. Instead, be kind to each other, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Forgiveness can be a complex process. Many traumas are rife with deep emotions, making it extremely hard to manoeuvre our thinking into a place of forgiveness. Other situations involve long-standing relationships with all their complicated nuances. Sometimes it is easier to ignore God’s commandment to forgive, hoping that all the pain will go away. But instead, the pain festers and infects our whole soul. Paul lists bitterness, rage, anger, and all types of evil behaviour as the diseases we contract from this spiritual infection. But there is a cure. It is forgiveness. Now, forgiveness is not forgetting or living without consequences, but it is a process by which we can stop letting the pain hurt us over and over again. Forgiveness is a choice. It is a choice to acknowledge our emotional hurt and then choosing to forgive and not holding the offense against the person anymore. It is surrendering the situation to God. The reason we can do this is because of Christ’s forgiveness of us. We reap the benefit of His grace. May God help us to give this same grace to others. In doing so, we will be set free.
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say. So many times, I feel a deep need in my heart. It’s like a tugging or anxiousness. Sometimes it is like a tightness in my neck or shallow breathing. Other times, I give out a deep sigh. If I stop to reflect, I may be able to get in touch with the thoughts and feelings going through my mind. Then, I could apply today’s verse to my situation. But instead of seeking comfort from God, I choose to cope or escape into other things. Isn’t this at the root of lust, cravings, or our drive for success? Isn’t this why we tend to procrastinate, overcompensate, or just become sluggish? We want comfort. We want to know that we are okay, loved, and will never be abandoned. We want that feeling that all is well, and people are happy to be with us. And so, we search, seek, and try to find comfort in all the wrong places. But praise God, Paul gives us hope. He asks God to provide us with what we so desperately need. Receive Paul’s answer for anxiety today. “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say.” Today receive His incredible comfort and strength deep into your inner being.
The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. What are you filled with? There is such a danger in our society to turn our Christian experience into an intellectual experience. We fill our heads with facts, rules, and knowledge about God. But Paul warns that there is so much more than knowledge. He wrote that “some people have missed this whole point. They have turned away from these things and spend their time in meaningless discussions.” Instead, we see that the goal of Paul’s teaching was more than giving us knowledge; it was to fill us with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. That is what good Bible teaching does. It purifies our hearts and emotions, clears our conscience of all our sins, and increases our faith. How exhilarating. How challenging. Today, might we know God’s word and have a grasp of its truth in a way that we become filled with love.
And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus. We have choices. I wish it were as easy as becoming a Christian, and from then on, everything we do would be pleasing in His eyes. But it doesn’t happen that way. No more than getting married guarantees that everything we do represents what a good spouse should be like. Much of what we do is far from God’s desire. Yes, we choose to become a Christian, and it sets our course. But then we must live it out every day. But how? How do we live the way He wants us to? By maintaining a vibrant relationship with Him, being purposeful in the way we live, and being conscious of the love, He has for us. This helps us make the daily choices we need to be His disciple. Today, may God give us the wisdom, courage, and strength to live for Him so we can say with Paul, “Whatever I do or say, I do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus!”
All the people were amazed and said to each other, “What is this teaching? With authority and power, he gives orders to evil spirits, and they come out!” Are you amazed yet? Not everyone was. In today’s passage, when people heard Jesus’ teaching, witnessed His miracles, sensed His immense love, they ended up saying, “What authority and power!” Matthew tells a different story. He writes, “When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.” Isn’t that just like us? We worship, and we doubt. We trust, and we fear. We have hope, and we despair. What can make the difference? What can take us from doubt to worship? The answer is, spending time with Him. Those who were with Him, watching and listening, were amazed as they experienced His power and His authority. Today, let yourself be amazed; spend time with Him
I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. Joy comes from relationships. We see this in a baby’s response when their caregivers are happy to be with them. Likewise, David drew to his Heavenly Father for his comfort and joy. As the youngest of eight brothers, shepherding out on the hills by himself, he found solace and significance in a deep mature relationship with God. When David was in the pit of despair, sinking in the mud and mire of life, he turned to his relationship with God. He waited patiently for the Lord to help him. God heard his prayer and returned him to joy. Today, turn to God. He knows your situation. He hears the groaning of your heart. Spend time with Him and His word. Let your relationship with God your Father return you to joy.
The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Our God is relational. He interacts with His people. It is easy to go through our day and not even think of Him, but rest assured God never stops thinking about you. He cares about the details of your life. Because of God’s deep care and concern for you, David encourages you to trust in the Lord, to delight in Him, and commit your life to His loving care. Today let Him direct your steps. Remember that He delights in every detail of your life.
So, encourage each other and build each other up Who are you encouraging? Do you see this as part of your Christian responsibility? You should. The New Testament is full of scriptures that tell us to love one another, bear each other’s burdens, comfort others in the way we have been comforted, and look out for the interests of others. We need each other. Jesus taught us both by His teachings and His example to live a sacrificial life putting other people’s needs ahead of our own. The Bible teaches that each of us has spiritual gifts, and we are to use those gifts to minister to others. Today, ask God to help you find those that you can encourage. Let’s build each other up.
May the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow. It is hard to ignore how much of a premium God puts on love. It should not be a surprise when you think of what John wrote. He said, “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” God IS love. That is why we can trust in Him. His essence is unconditional love. His love is abundant, overflowing, everlasting, never failing, and as long as we have breath, He wants us to strive and be the same. It is His work in us that will produce it. The Holy Spirit alive in us will give us supernatural love. All we must do is want it. So today, “may the Lord make your love for one another and for ALL people grow and overflow.”
But O My people, you won’t ask My help; you have grown tired of Me! We should never get to a point in our life, when we grow tired of seeking help from God. No matter the situation! Some people only present certain challenges to God but try to handle the others all by themselves. Let us remember this: He will keep the feet of His saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail(1 Samuel 2:9, KJV).Ah Lord God! behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by Thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee… (Jeremiah 32:17, KJV). We must understand this truth and run to God with our problems and seek for His help, because there is nothing difficult for Him. This is the way to go; Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you (1 Peter 5:7, TLB). This is a word from the Lord to us;What I want from you is your true thanks; I want your promises fulfilled. I want you to trust Me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you and you can give Me glory(Psalm 50:14-15, TLB).
In everything you do, stay away from complaining and arguing so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of people who are crooked and stubborn. Shine out among them like beacon lights…In today’s text, we are being admonished to desist from two main things; namely, complaining and arguing. These are things that as children of God, we must be conscious of, so that we don’t paint a wrong picture about us to those who are looking at us as examples. To complain means to lament, to murmur or to find fault. With this kind of attitude, no one will want to come around you. It is like a repellent that drives away good things and good people. God is not pleased when we take to complaining.And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and His anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp(Numbers 11:1, KJV). The second word we see in our text is to argue. It means to debate or try to find reasons why something is not what it is. And mostly, this is in reference to the word of God and things about our faith. These arguers—their minds warped by sin—don’t know how to tell the truth; to them the Good News is just a means of making money. Keep away from them. (1 Timothy 6:5, TLB).
GET GOD, HE IS YOUR ALL (Revelations 3:7)
“Write this letter to the angel of the church in Philadelphia. This is the message from the one who is holy and true, the one who has the key of David. What he opens, no one can close; and what he closes, no one can open” There are five things about God that today’s scripture is pointing us to. He is holy, He is true, He possesses the key to life, He opens and He closes. God is holy; He is an embodiment of righteousness; He is revered, and His holiness exceeds all creation. “Who is like You, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness…” (Exodus 15: 11) God is true; no lie is found in God; He is not human being that He should lie and that is why He didn’t do anything without His word because His word is true and amen. God’s words are unchanging, unwavering, and unmovable. He will do what He says He will do. (2 Corinthians 1: 20) God is life’s key holder; He exudes authority and without Him, there is no life. “All things came into
being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men” (John 1:3-4). God is the opener; Jesus Christ Himself told us in Matthew 7:7b to knock and a door will open for us and Apostle Paul attests to it “…the Lord opened a door of opportunity for me” (2 Corinthians 2: 12). God closes; He can shut us in when troubles roars “… and the LORD shut him in” (Genesis 6:16). May God be who He is to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. These are the days of liberalism where political and social philosophy promote individual rights, civil liberties among others. Some of these rights are evil and they are against faith systems that promote virtues. Unfortunately, we Christians are in the world together with these systems but the good news is that we are not of the world, so we have the right to choose between right and wrong. Apostle Paul in our scripture is admonishing the Church to be strong in the Lord even when godly standards are being compromised, when political and social systems are changing divine status-quo like marriage between the opposite sex among others. While the world looks crushing and confused, and trying to formulate solutions, yet they are unyielding, Apostle Paul again is urging us to rest in the power of God’s might. The world powers cannot save us because their worldview is different from God’s worldview. King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah depended on the power of God’s might when three nations sought to destroy them. Jehoshaphat’s army and systems couldn’t help but God’s power intervened. O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You” (2 Chronicles 20:12, NKJV). God has power to save His own, remain strong in Him.
O Israel, return to the Lord, your God, for you have been crushed by your sins Wherever there is sin, there is destruction. No wonder Adam and Eve lost their place in the Garden of Eden when they fell for the deception of the devil and disobeyed God. The Amplified version renders today’s scripture as follows: O Israel, return [in repentance] to the Lord your God, For you have stumbled and fallen [visited by tragedy], because of your sin. Sin serves as a hindrance to everything God wants to do in our lives and even affects our relationship with Him. Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, that He will not hear (Isaiah 59:1-2, KJV). We must consciously and deliberately deal with any known sin and make sure we are always in right standing with God, so that the devil does not take advantage of it to destroy us. Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal… (Romans 3:23, TLB). “Come and let us return [in repentance] to the Lord, For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us(Hosea 6:1, AMP).
Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruits be on the vines; though the labour of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Almost every facet of life has been negatively affected by the Covid-19 virus. Unfortunately, Christians are not exempted from this setback, however, this will not dampen our spirits. We will rather rejoice in the God of our salvation. Our scripture for today encourages us to rejoice in the Lord irrespective of the seeming darkened situations around us. Why should we rejoice in the God of salvation while faced with difficulties, losses and debts? We are to do so because all our needs are buried in God’s salvation and in our rejoicing, we are telling Him to help us, and this is the time we must resort to this salvation because there is no help from anywhere. “…On the day of salvation, I helped you. Indeed, the right time is now. Today is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6: 2)
Just at that time the highly prized slave of a Roman army captain was sick and near death. When the captain heard about Jesus, he sent some respected Jewish elders to ask Him to come and heal his slave. So, they began pleading earnestly with Jesus to come with them and help the man. They told Him what a wonderful person the captain was. If anyone deserves Your help, it is he, they said, Jesus went with them; but just before arriving at the house, the captain sent some friends to say, Sir, don’t inconvenience Yourself by coming to my home, for I am not worthy of any such honour or even to come and meet You. Just speak a word from where You are, and my servant boy will be healed! I know, because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my men. I only need to say Go! and they go; or Come! and they come; and to my slave, Do this or that, and he does it. So just say, Be healed! and my servant will be well again!” There were several times we see in the scriptures when some people invited Jesus personally to their homes to help them with their need. In our opening text, we see another level of faith being expressed in the words of Jesus and not just His physical presence. This signifies clearly that Jesus is the Word personified. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and These three are One (1 John 5:7, KJV). This Centurion understood a very great spiritual principle that many around Jesus had not yet caught. Even though He had earlier invited Jesus into his home, he made Jesus know how much faith he had in Him, by requesting that He only speaks from where He had gotten to and his servant will recover. Anytime you are in need, just call on Jesus and He will be there. He is our present help in times of need.
The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth It is true God is everywhere, sees all things and knows everything. Yet we need to call on Him into every situation to help. We should never assume that God knows and sees so there is no need to reach out to Him. When He is invited or called upon, it shows how much He means to us and how we cannot do without Him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke Him and said to Him, Teacher, don’t You care if we drown? He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, Quiet! Be still! Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to His disciples, why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:37-40, NIV). When in need, call on God. How can Jesus not be aware of such a great storm that was breaking a boat? He never acted until the disciple realized the need to call Him into the situation. Have you invited God into your situation? He is close to all who call on Him sincerely (Psalm 145:18, TLB).
NOTHINGNESS (Isaiah 43:18-20, NIV).
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honour me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” It is reassuring to know that even animals trust in God’s provision to survive during their desolate moments. Then, Christians can not give up when situations look hopeless. Have you been promised a job or a promotion that is still pending or still waiting for a baby to complete your home? Do your mistakes haunt you and make you believe nothing good is ever going to happen to you? Well, before you give up, ask the Jackals; they honour God because He provides streams in wasteland. Dump the negative thoughts and the hopelessness no matter how long it has been and believe God is able to give you something out of your nothing. It’s about time you wrapped your faith around the one who is still working miracles. Believe, because God is about to make something out of nothing. He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things" (Rom. 8:32, NKJV). “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honour me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” It is reassuring to know that even animals trust in God’s provision to survive during their desolate moments. Then, Christians can not give up when situations look hopeless. Have you been promised a job or a promotion that is still pending or still waiting for a baby to complete your home? Do your mistakes haunt you
and make you believe nothing good is ever going to happen to you? Well, before you give up, ask the Jackals; they honour God because He provides streams in wasteland. Dump the negative thoughts and the hopelessness no matter how long it has been and believe God is able to give you something out of your nothing. It’s about time you wrapped your faith around the one who is still working miracles. Believe, because God is about to make something out of nothing. He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things(Rom. 8:32, NKJV).
PRAY ALWAYS (1 Thess. 5:17, KJV)
Pray without ceasing. The purpose and importance of prayer in a Christian life cannot be over emphasised. It is one of the tenets of our faith. We cannot do without it and it is the life blood of our spirituality. Prayer ensures that we stay in continual fellowship with our Father. Thus, when Jesus was teaching His disciples to pray, He said: …When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven…(Luke 11:2, KJV). Our opening text tells us emphatically to pray without ceasing. In other words, we are to always pray. The living Bible translation renders it this way: Always keep on praying.This then teaches us that, we don’t have special days or times that we must pray. Prayer is not deferred to some occasions but must be part and parcel of our everyday lives. There shouldn’t be room for excuses when it comes to prayer, because clearly there is none. Pray all the time (Ephesians 6:18, TLB). We don’t only pray when we are in trouble or crisis. We don’t only pray when we need something from God. We don’t pray only when we meet in church, but we pray all kinds of prayers, any day, anywhere, any time. Prayer should be our lifestyle!
Corinthians 1:3-4, TLB)
What a wonderful God we have—he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us” As Christians, we may go through very trying times. Friends and family may forsake us for making a decision that conforms with Christ’s values. Nothing may seem to work, when trying to get a venture underway. But in the midst of all these, God continues to be our present help in times of need. He is the ever- faithful God who never leaves us nor forsake us. Praise the Lord. Our opening text is so comforting to know that, for all the things that we may go through, God
can use us to be of help to others who may also be going through the same thing. Indeed, God doesn’t waste resources. He invests in us, so that we can invest in others too. He comforts us, so that we can also comfort others who may be troubled. How amazing! Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will give us later. (Rom. 8:18). Your testimony may be someone’s life support. Share to encourage someone!
YOU MUST OBEY TO LOVE (1 John 4:19-21, TLB)
So, you see, our love for him comes as a result of his loving us first. If anyone says, “I love God,” but keeps on hating his brother, he is a liar; for if he doesn’t love his brother who is right there in front of him, how can he love God whom he has never seen? And God himself has said that one must love not only God but his brother too. Many profess love for God, forgetting that, without love for a fellow brother or sister, they cannot truly say they love God. It is a commandment that must be obeyed. Jesus in teaching His disciples once said: “If you love me, obey me… (John 14:15, TLB). But what does it really mean to love God? One simple answer is found in 1 John 5:3 – TLB: Loving God means doing what he tells us to do, and really, that isn’t hard at all… Love equals obedient to God and His word. God through Moses gave the people of Israel the ten commandments and chief among them was the subject of love. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might (Deut. 6:5, KJV). And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord
thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul.. (Deut. 10:12, KJV).
OPEN UP, GOD KNOWS IT ALL (Psalm 73:25-26, TLB)
Whom have I in heaven but you? And I desire no one on earth as much as you! My health fails: my spirits droop, yet God remains! He is the strength of my heart;he is mine forever!
David always bared his heart out when it came to his relationship with God. He could lay everything bear before the Lord His maker. He knew God knew all about Him and so there was nothing to hide. He had such a close relationship with God that, God could refer to him as a man after His own heart O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit or stand. When far away you know my every thought. You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am. You know what I am going to say before I even say it" (Psalm 139:1- 4, TLB). Are we aware of this ourselves too? We cannot grow deeper in our relationship with God, if we don’t get to this point. Where we develop such an intimate and close union with Him. No pretence, no secrets, and no lies; but just being real with God. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13, TLB). There is nothing to hide when it comes to God. Open up to Him for He already knows all about you.
“When he noticed that all who came to the dinner were trying to sit near the head of the table, he gave them this advice: If you are invited to a wedding feast, don’t always head for the best seat. For if someone more respected than you show up, the host will bring him over to where you are sitting and say, Let this man sit here instead. And you, embarrassed, will have to take whatever seat is left at the foot of the table! Do this instead—start at the foot; and when your host sees you, he will come and say, Friend, we have a better place than this for you! Thus, you will be honoured in front of all the other guests. For everyone who tries to honour himself shall be humbled; and he who humbles himself shall be honoured” This advice offered by Jesus above is so practical and it is something that happens anytime there is any gathering of a sort, whether social or religious. Several people have had their share of this experience. Mostly when you are invited to a program, you could be misplaced. But that is where the real test is. It is better to remain there and be called to the front, than to fight for your deserved position and later be asked to evacuate for someone much higher to take that place. This was a great lesson Jesus taught on humility, and He also exemplified it. “Your attitude should be the kind that was shown us by Jesus Christ, who, though He was God, did not demand and cling to His rights as God, but laid aside His mighty power and glory, taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men. And He humbled Himself even further, going so far as actually to die a criminal’s death on a cross” (Philippians 2:5-8, TLB). But those who think themselves great shall be disappointed and humbled; and those who humble themselves shall be exalted (Matthew 23:12, TLB)?
BE CLEAN BUT NOT EMPTY! (Matthew 12:43, TLB)
“This evil nation is like a man possessed by a demon. For if the demon leaves, it goes into the deserts for a while, seeking rest but finding none. Then it says, ‘I will return to the man I came from.’ So, it returns and finds the man’s heart clean but empty! Then the demon finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and all enter the man and live in him. And so, he is worse off than before” Many of us do our best to live righteous lives and have clean and pure hearts. Our prayers have always been Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. But our opening text clearly shows us that, having a clean heart is not enough. You must fill it up with the Word of God. From the passage, Jesus said, a demon will roam and after it has found no place to reside it, will return from where it came from. When it finds the person’s heart clean and yet empty, it will go and bring seven stronger demons to dwell in there to make matters worse than before. Therefore, as we strife to keep our heart clean and pure, we must fill it up with the word of God, so that sin will not have a place to dwell. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee (Psalm 119:11, KJV). Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord(Col. 3:16, NKJV)
4:11, KJV)
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure, they are and were created” It is amazing how sometimes you can feel worthless, rejected, and abandoned yet we are God’s most cherished creation. He intentionally and purposefully brought us into being. The living bible version of the bible renders our opening text this way: …for you
have created all things. They were created and called into being by your act of will”. This should be a source of encouragement to us knowing that we just didn’t appear, but we are products of a thought through agenda and a well-planned divine orchestration. We were made for God’s glory. We were made to bring Him excitement, as He sees His very own creation bring Him honour and praise with the fruit of our life. Christ himself is the Creator who made everything in heaven and earth, the things we can see and the things we can’t; the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for His own use and glory (Col. 1:16, TLB). Everything in heaven and on earth was made for His Glory. Therefore, let us live our lives in such a way that, He shall be glorified!
WAIT FOR GOD’S TIME (Jeremiah 29:8-10, TLB)
“The Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Don’t let the false prophets and mediums who are there among you fool you. Don’t listen to the dreams that they invent, for they prophesy lies in my name. I have not sent them, says the Lord. The truth is this: You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised and bring you home again .In this account, the people of God went into exile and a time came when some false prophets rose to give the people false hopes with their self-invented prophecies. God Himself through His prophet Jeremiah gave them the true message. They were to be in Babylon for 70 years, and after that God will fulfil His promises to them. Sometimes we are in a haste to get out of God’s planned agenda for our life. We either think we are being attacked by imaginary enemies or perhaps God has forgotten His promise to us. But even when there was no reason to hope God told His people; “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope(Jer. 29:11, TLB). You need to tune off all the noise and the false prophecies and hold on to God and His promises. Look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. God watches His word to perform, and your life will not be any different.
These remarks of mine about the Antichrist are pointed at those who would dearly love to blindfold you and lead you astray. But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, in your hearts, so that you don’t need anyone to teach you what is right. For he teaches you all things, and he is the Truth, and no liar; and so, just as he has said, you must live in Christ, never to depart from him. One of the assignments of the Holy Spirit is to lead us to truth. When the Holy Spirit, who is truth, comes, he shall guide you into all truth, for he will not be presenting his own ideas, but will be passing on to you that he has heard. He will tell you about the future(John 16:13, TLB). He is referred to as the Spirit of Truth because that is who He is. Therefore, He is able to detect and point out to us what is falsehood, so we can stay away from such. How would we know that this is the Holy Spirit at work? Jesus said in John 15:26 But I will send you the Comforter—the Holy Spirit, the source of all truth. He will come to you from the Father and will tell you all about me. The Holy Spirit shall testify of Jesus Himself.
“If you love me, obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and he will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth. The world at large cannot receive him, for it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you do, for he lives with you now and someday shall be in you(John 14:15-17, TLB). May the Holy Spirit lead us into all truth to guide us through our journey here. Please be blessed by our new song.
So, let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up(Galatians 6:9, NLT).
Many people have missed their blessings because they gave up too early. Just when their angel was about to deliver their package they fell off. But in this life, you need to walk in God’s grace to excel. Our scripture speaks of the reward for not getting weary. And just at the right time you shall reap bountiful and abundant blessings. Being good to others is sometimes overwhelming especially to someone you think does not deserve it. But whenever you do what is good, it attracts God’s attention to your issues. “But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. Give to anyone who asks; and when things are taken away from you, don’t try to get them back. Do to others as you would like them to do to you (Luke 6:27)
“If racing against mere men makes you tired, how will you race against horses?" (Jeremiah 12:5, NLT). Why do you want to give up on that project or business midway? Are you already tired because you are being frustrated? One thing about life is that, whiles you sit down complaining and wanting to give up, others are striving unto success. See tiredness as a mindset, work on yourself, restructure your project and move ahead. The journey to greatness requires stamina and tenacity. Some things may not look favourable, but never have a defeated mentality and call it tiredness. God is backing you. Paul once said, he could do all things through Christ who strengthens him (Philippians 4:13). Paul was not saying he never got tired, but he knew the source of his strength. So, he was able to say that in his weakness, he is strong. The level God is taking you is not for chickens but eagles. So do not get tired running with mere men because soon you shall be racing with men on horses
…for the Lord sees not as man see; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7, KJV). We say that most of us are Christians. But by what parameter do we draw this conclusion? Many show up in church on Sundays to attend services and see themselves as Christians. Does this guarantee that our hearts are for God? God has a better way of identifying who a Christian is. God looks at the heart. From the heart we see a person’s beliefs and intents. To be a Christian is to be recognized not only by what you believe and profess but also by how you live. A true Christian is committed to Christ and lives like Christ did. "Whoever says he lives in Christ [that is, whoever says he has accepted Him as God and Saviour] ought [as a moral obligation] to walk and conduct himself just as He walked and conducted Himself(1 John 2:6, AMP). Think about this now. Are you truly living like Christ in thought and in action? Look in your heart.
I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13, NLT) One thing that sustained David in the face of trouble was his belief to see the goodness of the Lord. We must get to the point where we are fully convinced that, we shall enjoy life. We may look at the challenges around us and give up on ourselves; failing to see the gifts that have been freely given unto us by God. We see from our text that, even in his troubled times, David concluded: Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living(NLT). That became his confession irrespective of the unfavourable circumstances. And God blessed him and made him great. The Lord says, I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honour them. I will reward them with a long life… (Psalm 91:14-16, NLT).
“But be on guard, so that your hearts are not weighed down and depressed with the giddiness of debauchery and the nausea of self-indulgence and the worldly worries of life, and then that day [when the Messiah returns] will not come on you suddenly like a trap; for it will come upon all those who live on the face of all the earth. But keep alert at all times [be attentive and ready], praying that you may have the strength and ability [to be found worthy and] to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man [at His coming]” (Luke 21:34 How can you remember that a time is near unless you are watching? Today, many of us believers have stopped watching for the second coming of Christ. As in the scripture above, many have become entangled with the things of this
world so much that, we have lost our way in making God to focal point of all we do. It is now about self and material wealth. We spend less time with God. Let us not forget, Christ is coming a second time. And it is nearer now than before.
All you need to do is to be on guard, so you do not miss him. Be a watchman.
Then God said, let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule…(Genesis 1:26a, NIV). Here, we learn that God created us like Himself. We have learnt that God does not sleep but watches over his own. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep (Psa. 121:3 ) We must then be like God. That way we can rule in our endeavours. You are a watchman for God. In an army everybody is first a soldier before ranks are considered. In rankings, Jesus is the Commander in Chief. That is why He intercedes in heaven for us. All we need to do is to listen to Jesus our Commander in Chief and watch daily. Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favour from the Lord. (Prov. 8:34)
BELIEVE, SPEAK, ACT & POSSESS! (Hebrews 10:23)
”Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promised” There are a lot of promises in God’s word. And one may ask, so if God has all these promises for me why is it that I don’t see them in my life even though I have believed? There are three levels of faith that must work together: the believing faith, the speaking faith, and the acting faith. Whatever you believe in, you must speak it and act according to that faith; We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13). Our opening scripture admonishes us to hold fast the profession of our faith, and not to give up on it. What you keep saying over time will begin to manifest. Let us look at how the amplified version puts it. So let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and our acknowledgement of it, for He Who promised is reliable (sure) and faithful to His word.
“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety” Many people have found their lives in a mess because of who they listen to or who they did not listen to. You must have people who can speak wisdom into your life and straighten you when you go wrong. The Hebrew word used for counsel in our opening text is which means guide. Life is just like when you embark on a tour which requires that you employ the services of a tour guide to show you places; they are significant and also assist you, so you do not miss your way. The greatest guide and counsellor is the Holy Spirit. By His inspiration, men are able to navigate dangerous courses in life for success. Never accept counsel from anyone without seeking for counsel from the Lord first. But the Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you (John 14:26). Who is your counsellor?
“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvellous glory and excellence. Yesterday, we learnt that we are a power bank of God, and we ought to use this supernatural ability to defeat the enemy in all aspects of life. Today, we want you to also know that you have all the power of God which is needed for a godly life. With the power of God deposited in us we live a life pleasing and acceptable to God. Until you accept and are convinced in your spirit that power has been given unto you, it will never manifest in your life. Be fully persuaded about the promises of God in your life even if you cannot see it physically. The devil is no respecter of persons. He inflicts pain regardless of age or colour. The only thing the devil respects is the power of God deposited in you.
“Behold, I give unto you power to trample over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you” Many Christians fear the devil and his cohorts. But we can see from our main text that God HAS GIVEN us power. Note that it did not say, God is about to give; neither did it say God will be giving. It is very emphatic: God has given; which means you already have power inside you. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you (Acts 1:8a). God has not given us the spirit of fear but of boldness and of a sound mind. Think right and walk in power. You are a power bank and once you know what you have, you make use of it and do so wisely. Do not be proud when the powers are subject to you but count it all joy and rejoice in the Lord.
LIVE BY FAITH! (1 Kings 17:1)
And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, as the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. Elijah declared these words with authority without having any form of doubt. He was conscious of the presence of God at all times. It was very evident in his speech. His words took effect immediately and that was the power of faith. In the time of famine, Elijah was being fed perfectly well. By ravens, a breed of birds who are noted to be selfish, they do not share their feed. Because of Elijah’s faith, situations had no option but to change. Likewise, your miracle is at your doorstep. Situations will change in your favour. In the time of labour, you will find favour. There is nothing impossible under the sun, just live by faith.
DRIVE THE OBSTACLES OUT! (Matthew 9:23-25)
“When Jesus came into the ruler’s house, and saw the flute players and the noisy crowd wailing, He said to them, “Make room, for the girl is not dead, but sleeping. And they ridiculed Him. But when the crowd was put outside, He went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose” When you invite Jesus into a situation and believe that He will fix things, the devil gets very upset. He starts to wail and does all he can to distract you in order to turn your focus from Jesus to all the things that tell you to give up. Just as Jesus put the crowd outside, we also need to drive out those unwholesome thoughts. We are to do this by “casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Don’t tolerate anything or anyone that makes you feel less than what God has made you. Drive them out!
2 Corinthians 11 v 1- 3, Ephesians 5 v 21-33, Revelation 19 v 5-10
There are so many things in scripture that at are hard to understand not least the relationship of Christ to his church. The church is the Bride of Christ. Scripture says a church without spot or wrinkle. Not just SNLBC but the church throughout the world. Do you ever think of that as you get ready for church on Sunday, be it going out to the building, or meeting on zoom? It is an awesome thing to be part of the Body of Christ and even more so to be HIS Bride. Something to be cherished, something to look forward to as week by week as we meet with each other and with Jesus. Richard often tells us to prepare to come to church. Do that because it is a Holy time.
Matthew 6 v 5-14, Mark 1 v 35-37, Luke 11 v 1-13
The disciples couldn’t help but notice the way that Jesus prayed. Sometimes it was all night or early mornings, sometimes he just disappeared to pray. To talk to his father. Imagine you are back there with them. You are a disciple, and the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray. He gives them an example. Pray to Our Father. Jesus had an exclusive relationship with his Father. How is your relationship with Jesus’ Father? When we are in church, we say communally, Our Father. But when you are on your own, is he YOUR Father, In heaven. Holy One, exalted one. Father. Talk to him today. Seek more of His Glory. Jesus is looking for a glorious church and these are the days he is wanting to build it, wanting it to rise up and be Glorious.
2 Corinthians 3 v 12-18, Psalm 23, Proverbs 21 v 21-22, Galatians 5 v 22-25
Jesus teaching through the gospels has one purpose. He desires that we become more like him. He wants to change us from one degree of glory to another. He has green pastures, still waters and a table set before us. He has made provision for us in the troublesome wearying times because he knows that in the world, we will have troubles. He did. We sometimes sing a song that goes, turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. How about doing that today in your time of prayer and allow him to bring another degree of glory into your life.
Matthew 4 v 19-20, Mark 7 v 1-9, Luke 18 v 18-29, John 12 v 23-41
Many things can get in the way as we seek to follow Jesus. His was a clear command to the first men he called to be disciples. ‘Come Follow me.’ As we read scripture, we might be challenged by obvious examples that get in the way of following him. Jesus speaks about tradition that gets in the way. Churches in general seem to make lots of rules that are nothing whatsoever to do with the Kingdom of God. Is it best to follow man-made rules or to be obedient to scripture? Jesus often speaks about money and possessions getting in the way. It’s not so much what we have, but our attitude to what we have. The scripture in John speaks about unbelief. Jesus had been with them for three years, teaching, healing, raising dead to life and still they didn’t believe. As disciples of Jesus are we much the same? As you read the above scriptures consider the question – do we have the same hang ups? What might be the reason. Perhaps it’s fear. Surely not unbelief.
Ezekiel 2 v 1-8, Proverbs 24 v 30-34, Mark 4 v 1-20, Song of Songs 2 v 15
Briars, Thorns and weeds are a regular theme in the bible. They are symbols of the troublesome problems that can hurt and hinder God’s people. To me weeds usually speak about sin. I have just been weeding my allotment. There are so many kinds of weeds. Some are small with pretty flowers, and some are of the thorn variety. One characteristic of weeds is that one weed has a multitude of seeds that scatter easily, usually in the wind. Consider a dandelion clock with its fluffy seed head. Weeds multiply very quickly. God invariably talks to me when I’m weeding, about things in my life that he sees as weeds. Things I’m holding onto, or I shouldn’t be doing. And beware, the little foxes, they love fruit. They eat strawberries but their favourite are gooseberries that are nearly ripe. Jesus spoke so wonderfully in the parables about life. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give you understanding as you read scripture, that you might see and hear and give no room for weeds to grow in your life.
Galatians 5 v 1-2, 1 Peter 2 v 11-17, John 8 v 31-47, Like 4 v 16-21
What does the bible say about freedom.? That it is Jesus who is our ultimate freedom. Because he came from heaven to proclaim freedom, from sin, from sickness, from oppression, from evil. He also came to fulfil the law. Jesus often had very direct conversations with people. The scripture in John challenges the Jews as to who their Father is, Abraham or God. We can bind ourselves up in all sorts of religious ideas, but the truth is that it is only Jesus who sets us free. Reflect on these scriptures today and maybe ask the father to show you places in your life that need greater freedom. The scripture says, when the Son sets you free – you are free indeed.
1 Timothy 6 v 11-16, Philippians 2 v 1-17
It is a high calling to be the Pastor and Leader of the church of Jesus Christ. Pray for Richard as he prepares for service tomorrow. Richard is faithful in caring for all of us and many others at this challenging time. He is also faithful in prayer for the church. Please pray for him and for his family. Prepare your heart for coming to church where we hear God’s word proclaimed, we sing God’s praise, and we need to hear and see what God has to say to us. God’s word never returns to him empty but has purposes he wants to accomplish. Don’t miss what he has to say to you.
In 1860 Anna Bartlett Warner wrote the words of one of the most popular Christian songs of all time. It was written to sing to a dying child but has become a powerful declaration of Jesus’ love. I know of a youth leader who sang this song in front of a violent alcoholic father who eventually began to sing along with her and was changed. I heard of a kidnap victim who began to sing it in her abductor’s car and was thrown out when traffic lights turned red. We may be weak, but he is strong, he is our almighty loving creator. The song is of course Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so, little ones to him belong, we are weak, but he is strong. Start to sing it and you’ll find it hard to stop. Its words are simple eternal truth. Sing it and be caught up in the mighty love of Jesus.
Isaiah 40 v 12 – 31, Acts 17 v 22 – 34, Hebrews 13 v 8, Ephesians 6 v 12-13
Our Father God is the Lord of all. He is the God of the nations. He is the same yesterday today and forever. We read earlier in the week of the nations in turmoil. We continue to have an enemy whose purpose is to deceive, lie, kill and destroy. Our battle isn’t against flesh and blood. Pray for the nations today. Any dear to you, situations you have seen on the news. There is a lot to pray about. As you pray remember that God is the God of history. He is all-powerful and although the enemy roars and rages Jesus overcame him on the cross. Pray for our own
country, for a wise government, for the Holy Spirit to move across our land and change the atmosphere. Jesus told us to pray for his kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
2 Corinthians 1 v 2-11, Jerimiah 17 v 7-8, Matthew 18 v 19-20, Psalm 133
These are difficult times, life is uncertain and many of us are struggling, and it is often hard to believe that God is our help and strength, a very present help in trouble. But that is still truth. Nevertheless, God also put us into the body of Christ. We are not meant to be alone but with the support and encouragement from our friends, family and neighbours. Let’s pray for one another today. Pray too for people who God puts onto your mind. Let’s find ways of being encouragers of one another. And let’s look to God to be our present help in trouble. He says he will never leave us or forsake us. That is his promise.
Psalm 46, Psalm 47, Psalm 48
I take great encouragement from the Psalms. Written between the time of Moses and the Babylonian captivity they speak to me timeless truth. Why should I be surprised when God’s word in scripture is a timeless truth. When I went to Israel God spoke to me from Psalm 48 v 12, walk about Zion, go round her, count her towers, consider well her ramparts, view her citadels. It was an awesome thing to do…the writers of these words knew God, they knew from experience his power, they believed his promises to deliver, they knew his voice. Though the nations
then as now were in turmoil they knew God was with them and would help them. Church, I pray that we would know God in that powerful way. Be still and know that he is God. Pray, consider, and learn from these scriptures and know that this God is our God for ever and ever. He will be our guide even to the end.
1 Chronicles 16 v 28-29, Psalm 99 v 5, John 9 v 13- 41, Philippians 2 v 9-11
We have read recently about Jesus speaking to the woman at the well in John 4, and about Jesus looking for worshippers. So many people in scripture who are going about their ordinary everyday lives suddenly encounter Jesus and their lives are changed forever. They become worshippers. Think of disciples leaving everything to follow Jesus, the blind man in today’s reading, Mary who anointed Jesus’ feet with precious perfume. Every knee will one day bow to the name of Jesus. It’s good to get some practice in as we go about our ordinary everyday lives. I have a song in my mind that says, O come let us adore him. It should be a song for every day, not just a Christmas Carol. Let’s adore Jesus today in our prayer time that our lives might be changed forever. Let’s adore the son of God and son of man, Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
A beautiful hymn to think about today: Blessed assurance Jesus is mine O what a foretaste of Glory divine, Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of his Spirit washed in his blood. This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long, this is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long. Jesus wants us to live in and to be part of his story. At our prayer meeting this morning John was talking about the birth of Jesus two thousand years ago and how History became HIS Story. That blessed me. Church embrace Jesus and let’s become part of HIS Story in a new way.
Hebrews 1 v 1-4, James 1 v 1-8, 1 Corinthians 14 v 33, John 14 v 27, Genesis 1 v 31
When God created the earth and everything in it, he looked at it and saw that it was very good. Look out today at God’s creation and despite all that mankind has done to spoil it continues to be very good. My little cat’s feet never cease to amaze me, and I could spend ages looking at them because they are beyond perfect. Our God is a God of order. Look out on a clear night and consider the heavens. The confusion in which we are living in the UK and indeed the World today isn’t of God’s making. He wants to bring a new thing into our lives and into his church. Not confusion but order and peace. As you read and pray today allow God to bring his order into your days and let your time be in his hands.
Psalm 43, Hebrews 12 v 1- 3, Hebrews 10 v 23, Ephesians 1 v 17 – 23, Romans 15 v 13
Jesus died to set us free from sin and from the bondage of Satan’s lies, despair, oppression, and hopelessness. It’s a new thing that Jesus want’s his church to embrace, Hope in place of despair. How easy in these days to fall into despondency as we live through cold winter days in lockdown, as we listen to the same news bulletins about an overwhelmed NHS and sick people. We have already read scriptures, but I want you to turn to Psalm 1 in your bible to read it slowly and to pray into your life the delight of the Lord. You aren’t a person that’s withering BUT you are one whom the Lord is watching over. Exchange that
despair for HOPE now and live in HOPE for the rest of 2022.
Romans 6 v 8 – 18, Acts 10 v 34 – 43, 1 Corinthians 15 v 33 -34, Matthew 5 v 6, John 5 v 19
What are some of the new things that God wants to do amongst us? I believe that he wants to change SIN into righteousness. He wants to raise up an army of called out people, Christians, who believe what he says and who do the things that he did. Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing. Jesus gave the church a commission – he commanded us to love one another, and he told us to make disciples of all nations, to teach them, to baptise them, to heal them, to set oppressed people free. To proclaim the good news of his Kingdom! Church, have we even begun? We have different plans as to how OUR church should be. But it’s not our church, it’s the Church of Jesus Christ and he is beginning to claim it back. He wants new things – his things, Righteousness. As you read and consider today’s scriptures think of what sin is. It’s something God can’t look at, but he can forgive when we turn to him in repentance, and he can make all things new.
Deuteronomy 4 v 32 – 40, Exodus 14 v 13 – 22, Matthew 28 v 1 – 10, Acts 9 v 1- 9
Moses asks the Israelites in Deuteronomy 4 v 32 has anything so great as this ever happened. As you read scripture, I wonder what you think of as the greatest thing that ever happened. The Red Sea being parted, Paul’s conversion, Daniel being spared by the lions, blind people seeing, the dead raised. I believe God is waiting to show mighty signs and wonders today in order to build his church and to cause the World to see that HE is still God. Something to do in the next week is to spend some time reading the Acts of the Apostles. Then ask yourself do you believe that God wants us to live today as the followers of Jesus did in the Acts of the Apostles. If your answer is YES, then ask God to begin to open your eyes to the new things he is wanting to do across this earth and let’s begin to believe in miracles and to see what God does in answer to prayer.
2 Corinthians 5 v 16 – 21, Isaiah 43 v 16 – 19, Lamentations 3 v 19 – 26, Revelation 21 v 5 – 7
At the beginning of a New Year, we look forward to new beginnings and for things to be different. I’m sure none of us would want a replay of the year 2021. But God. My Favourite is Genesis Chapter 8 v 1 which simply says, But God remembered Noah. God remembers you and me. I believe his purpose in these days is to change things and make things new. God remembers us, but we need to remember him by talking to him, listening to him and reading his word in the bible every day. You don’t need to wait for a New Year, or another birthday to feel you get a new start or a clean slate. God makes all things new. His blessing new every morning. Start this year praying for God’s new things. Ask him what he wants different and new in your life and in church life. Begin to pray for the things he shows you and have a blessed 2022.
1 Chronicles 7 v 14, 1 Timothy 2 v 1-7, Philippians 4 v 4-9
The scriptures today are ones that we looked at many times. They are scriptures that we need to take into 2022. Our land continues to need God’s people to pray for its healing and deliverance, we need to pray constantly for our leaders both in government and in church. 2022 then, a year of praying, a year of rejoicing, a year of peace, a year of thanksgiving and especially a year of not being anxious about anything. As the scripture in Philippians told us yesterday a time for pressing on. Let’s pray for one another we journey into 2022.
Philippians 3 v 7 – 14
Tonight we move into a New Year. As we wish one another a Happy New Year perhaps we should think about what God would say to each of us at the beginning of 2022. You might be one who makes New Year Resolutions, but we live in times that are hard to comprehend. Jesus Christ doesn’t change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Ask him to speak to you today and get to know his plans for your life as we move into 2022.
Habakkuk 2 v 1-3, Psalm 102 v 12, Revelation 1 v 8, Hebrews 1 v 10-12, Daniel 7 v 14
Throughout scripture we read of The Everlasting God. The one who doesn’t change, who doesn’t grow weary, whose ways aren’t our ways, who is the same today, yesterday and for ever. As we come to the end of another year, a year we would never have wished for or imagined, lets ponder on these scriptures about our wonderful Father, who doesn’t dwell in earthly time and space as we do. With Him a day is as a thousand years. He knows the end from the beginning. Remember God’s goodness to you through the year 2021 and be thankful.
Luke 15 v 11-31, Matthew 7 v 7-10, Psalm 33 v 5, Romans 8 v 31-32
I wonder if in the past year in all the gloomy news, death and disease we have
sometimes lost sight of God’s goodness, grace and blessing to us all. Goodness
that we really don’t deserve. Much like the younger son in the parable are we
sometimes away in a far country doing our own thing. Richard spoke back in
February about our wonderful giving God. It isn’t either of the sons in the parable
who come out smelling of roses BUT it is the Prodigal Father. Prodigal means
wildly extravagant. Although the younger son was wildly extravagant with his
Father’s money, it was the Father who opened wide his arms and loved both his
sons wildly and extravagantly. Such is the love of God. Its wild and its
extravagant. 2022 is a year that we need some of us for the first time to
understand and to live in the wildly extravagant love of God.
1 Samuel 3, John 10 v 1-7, Romans 10 v 14 – 18, Isaiah 30 v 19-21
Early in 2020 Richard spoke to us from Samuel 3 about the child Samuel hearing God’s voice and learning to respond. Samuel learnt early in life and he learnt well. He knew God’s calling on his life. Jesus talks about HIS sheep hearing HIS voice. Its Pharisees that don’t understand. God has plans and purpose for our lives. He speaks to us in many ways, through a sermon, through a bible reading or a song. He continues to speak through prophesy. Samuel 3 v 1 tells us that in those days, the Word of the Lord was rare, there were not many visions. In these days when God is pouring out his Spirit we can’t allow the Word of the Lord to be rare. We need to be hearing it daily, understanding it and being obedient to it. Pray that in 2022 SNLBC will hear the Word of the Lord.
Joshua 5 v 13-15, 2 Corinthians 4 v 7, Ephesians 5 v 18
As we look back on 2021 I’m sure we all have very different feelings. Disappointments. A year wasted. So many restrictions over our lives. Joshua 5 speaks of Joshua’s encounter with the Commander of the army of the Lord. He was looking for what God wanted to say to him. Corinthians 4 tells us to live by faith and Ephesians 5 talks about our need to be filled with the Spirit. We have needed all these things during a year we could never have imagined. God’s word. Faith and the Holy Spirit. If you haven’t embraced these necessities of the Christian Life in 2021 God is faithful and His blessings are new every morning. Ask God to help you to live in these truths today and throughout 2022.
John 1 v 1-17
For me there is only one scripture for Christmas Day, John Chapter 1. I first read this scripture in a church carol service when I was 10 years old and even then, the wonder and mystery of it was apparent to me. How could the Word become flesh? How could God be born as a baby? It is too incredible to imagine. But its true and so beautifully summed up in John Betjeman’s poem, Christmas: ‘And is it true? And is it true? this most tremendous tale of all, seen in the stained-glass windows hue, a baby in an Ox’s stall, the maker of the stars and sea become a child on earth for me. We know Jesus as so much more than a child. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. The Word has become flesh and blood and has moved into our neighbourhood (John 1 the Message) Ponder John 1 and have a blessed Christmas Day.
There is just one song in my mind for today: O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. This hymn talks about faithful people coming to Worship Jesus, and Choirs of angels exalting him, Citizens of heaven full of Joy in his presence. We are living in a bleak world just now, but Jesus continues to tell us to pray for his Kingdom to Come on earth as it is in heaven. Let’s be obedient to that command of Jesus. As we have sung carols and been reminded of something of the Glory of Angels and Heavenly Hosts, I will remind you that Jesus is still looking for those who will worship him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4)
Micah 5 v 1-4, Hosea 11 v 1-4, Matthew 2 v 1-15
In the prophesies of Hosea who wrote 800 years before Jesus was born and Micah, we are told accurate facts about the place of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem and how this little family had to escape to Egypt because of Herod’s persecution resulting in baby boys being killed. Today across this planet there are children suffering from hunger and preventable diseases because they live in poverty in a prosperous World, or under dictatorships, or because they are part of Christian families. The baby in Bethlehem was poor. Born in a stable, having to flee as a refuge. This is the beginning of the life of Jesus, The King of Kings and lord of Lord who has left heaven to become the son of man. Pray for suffering families today. Some may be known to you.
Isaiah 7 v 13-14, Isaiah 9 v 1-7, Luke 1 v 26-56
Isaiah saw the Lord in the Year that King Uzziah died. He now speaks prophetically about the Kings that followed Uzziah, Kings who were part of the House of David. These chapters were probably written about 700 BC, centuries before Jesus was born. We can turn to Jesus now as a Wonderful Counsellor, as the Mighty God and Prince of Peace, but I believe today we need to be praying that we allow the Government of our lives, our church and indeed our Country to be upon HIS shoulders. As I write a new virus has mutated, cases of the disease are rising, and it is almost Christmas. Hallelujah that we have a Father in heaven who knew all things from the beginning.
Genesis 12 v 1-3, Genesis 28 v 13 – 17, 2 Samuel 7 v 12-16, Matthew 1-1-17, Hebrews 9 v 14 -15
From the beginning God established a lineage of men and women who would seek to live in obedience to him and from whom the Messiah would be born. Its an amazing lineage, Rahab the prostitute, Boaz the kinsman redeemer who sheltered Ruth and who married her, Uzziah who was a righteous king for much of his reign from 783 – 742 BC but who died of leprosy. (Isaiah 6) Men and women who were the ancestors of Jesus. The Son of God was born into a line of sinful men and women. But God found an obedient young woman to be his mother. A young woman who as we saw last week welcomed God’s word to her from the angel Gabriel and became the mother of Jesus. Ponder these men and women today, descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to whom covenant promises were made. But Praise God that we are living under the blood of the New Covenant, in the Grace and blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Word of God from the beginning.
Genesis 3 v 8-16 NKJB, 1 John 3 v 7-10
This week we will look at some Old Testament prophesy relating to Jesus that was fulfilled in the events of his birth and early life. God knew from the beginning that Eve and Adam would be disobedient to his one command that they must not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden. He had made provision from the beginning of creation for a Saviour to come. In Genesis we read that there would be enmity between a woman’s seed and Satan. The seed to come, Jesus that would bruise the head of the devil, who would in time put the devil firmly under his feet. Ponder these scriptures today. Genesis was written between 1450 and 1410 BC, spoke of mankind’s disobedience and began the prophetic redemption story of a seed that would come to destroy the works of the devil. That prophesy was fulfilled on Calvary. Satan is under the feet of Jesus today. Believe it.
Isaiah 54, Isaiah 54 v 14-17, James 1 v 19-27, Ephesians 4 v 25-32
Again, we read mighty promises from God. He who created all things, even the destroyer, Satan, who was once a beautiful angel but with rebellion in his heart, will protect us. The scripture talks of every tongue that accuses you. Often it is thoughtless words, or sometimes even words that are meant, hurt us the most. Quite recently I have been hurt by words spoken about me. But God tells us to refute every tongue that accuses you. Forgive and give it to Him. I found that hard, but I know words that fester in our minds and Spirits take root and do great harm in our spiritual lives. The last verse of Isiah 54 talks about our heritage as servants, as children of the Lord. I encourage you today to live in the
Heritage, the Inheritance that Jesus as given you and to live in God’s blessing in these difficult days.
Isaiah 54 v 11 – 15, Matthew 16 v 13 – 20, Psalm 107 v 23 – 32, Matthew 8 v 23 27
Jesus calms the storms of life and tells us constantly to live unafraid. It is the theme of Psalm 23 that we looked at last week. Even though we walk the darkest path he is with us. Many of us have been Christians for many years and have proved God to be faithful. Even younger Christians have surely found in asking Jesus to be part of their lives something that has made them want to follow him. What a wonderful promise in v11 of Isaiah 54. Afflicted City, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will rebuild you. Pray today for our cities, lashed by the Coronavirus storm, with devastated economies and shopping centres, with jobs lost and people suffering financial loss. Pray for God to rebuild and to do a new thing in our country.
Isaiah 54 v 9-10, Genesis 6 v 1-18, Matthew 24 v 36-42
God says, To ME, this is like the days of Noah. Do you think that is how God might see this World now? Jesus said: As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the son of man. So how was it in the days of Noah? Wicked, sexually immoral, human hearts that were evil and obviously everybody doing what they wanted to do. I wonder if for us, lockdown can be a bit like going into the ark. Shut in. Genesis 7 v 16 says: Then the Lord shut him (Noah) in. Other translations say and the Lord closed the door. When the Lord shuts a door, no one can open it. (Rev 3 v 7) Praise God that the Isaiah scripture today tells us that God will keep his covenant with mankind because of his unfailing love. Ask the Lord to reveal more of his love to you. Ask him how you can use these shut away times to draw closer to him and bring him Glory.
Isaiah 54 v 4-8, James 1 v 16-18, John 3 v 16, Psalm 18 v 30, Revelation 21 v3
Isaiah knows God as his maker, a husband/provider, a Redeemer who is God of all the earth. He knows him as a God of compassion. The Old Testament often portrays God as a God of anger, war and vengeance, but the opposite is true, and God always talks to his people about forgiveness and returning to the Lord. Ch 54 v 7 says ‘for a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back. I believe this is a time when God wants to draw people back to himself. How many people do you know who have left church or turned away from God? Pray for those people to be drawn back. I also think it’s worth thinking of SIN. Not often spoken about, but God hate’s SIN. Make a list of the things that go on in this country that you think might displease or sadden God and pray too about those things, remembering his forgiveness and compassion.
Isaiah 54 v 2-3, Matthew 9 v 35-38, Matthew 28 v 18-20, Acts 9 v 31, Matthew 6 v 10
I only camped outside in a tent once, In the Girl Guides. Once was enough. I will leave the weather to your imagination but suffice to say it rained. However, I do understand what it means to enlarge your tents and to stretch out. It’s time for God’s Kingdom to grow. We have a country, even a world of desolate people. Who do you know or who can you talk to, that you can tell about Jesus? The Christmas season, especially this year is surely a time when we can talk about our faith and speak about Jesus. That’s spreading out your tent so that others can come inside. At my guide camp in the rain and flood, it was a time of huddling together in our tent. A time of telling stories. A time of laughing. It’s a time such as this when we need to see the harvest and tell our stories about Jesus. Ask God to show you who to talk to.
Isaiah 54, Psalm 104 v 33-34, Colossians 3 v 16, Acts 16 v 25-26
When we look at Psalm 23 we think about God knowing and providing for all we want. His list of things we want is perhaps a bit different from ours, as God’s purpose is to change us from one degree of Glory to another. I have recently been reading from Isaiah’s prophesy which is one of my favourite bible books. There is much in Isaiah 54 that I believe God wants to speak to us now. Sing O barren woman. In Israel to be barren was shameful. Remember Sarah and Hannah who longed for children, Sarah until she was almost a hundred years old. Isaiah is saying Israel is barren because there are so many desolate people. The ones who had been in exile. Do you feel desolate, in exile as lockdown restrictions never seem to come to an end? The answer, SING. The prophet tells us to SING. Perhaps this too is a word for today. Try it SING – praise God, favourite hymn, but SING.
Luke 2 v 8-14, Acts 1 v 6-11
Jesus’ coming was heralded by angels and angels were present when he had accomplished his time here on earth. Make no mistake angels will be very present when he comes again. As we go to church tomorrow let’s seek to bring the same glory to Jesus as the angels brought and continue to bring. Let’s allow him too to build his church without our plans getting in the way.
Matthew 7 v 24-29, Ephesians 5 v 15-20, 1 Corinthians 6 v 19, John 14 v 25- 27, John 16 v 13
We have looked at the church of Jesus Christ earlier this week as his House – the place he will build. But do you not know that you individually are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Welcome Holy Spirit into your life, into your Spirit because he is the Spirit of God whom Jesus promised. He is part of the Godhead. He is Not the Holy Ghost of church history, but He is Jesus’ promise to his disciples. Holy Spirit came down with Power on the Day of Pentecost and was promised to all whom the Lord God calls. If you are called and belong to Jesus, welcome Holy Spirit today. We can’t live our lives without him. The Lord’s Church can’t grow without him. Perhaps some of us need to repent that we have rejected God’s Spirit for so long. Jesus said of Holy Spirit ‘He will guide you into all truth. Ask Holy Spirit to guide and lead you every day. Seek his gifts and allow him to minister to you as you pray.
Hebrews 4 v 12-13, 2 Timothy 3 v 12-17, Psalm 119 v 9, Psalm 119 v 105, Luke 11 v 28
Verse 105 of Psalm 119 in The passion Bible says: Truth’s shining light guides me in my choices and decisions: the revelation of your Word makes my pathway clear. I want you to consider today what you think of the Bible. Do you read it every day? Do you think about what you read? Do you understand it? Do you believe it is true? Do you think of it as another book or as the Word of God? Are you obedient to what it says? Do you believe God spoke and universe were created/ Do you believe Noah built an ark under God’s guidance and got all those animals into it while the earth was flooded? We can’t believe bits of the bible. If we don’t believe all of it how can we trust God, have faith and live Christian lives. Jesus is the Word of God. He is the way and the truth and the life. As you read God’s Word allow the truth of Jesus to set you free. His Word brings revelation to our lives.
Haggai 1 and 2
I feel that we should read these 2 chapters today that make up the book of Haggai. 2 chapters don’t take long to read, but please read slowly and consider what God wants to say to us at SNLBC about how we are looking after our own houses/ourselves/OUR church and OUR plans in relation to how we approach God’s House. We read in Chapter 2 that God says, ‘he will shake the heavens and the earth’. Is this what God is doing now in our day. Then read chapter 2 v 7. Perhaps this is a time that God wants to retore his church and fill his house with Glory. At this Christmas season pray about yourself and your relationship with God. What is more important your plans or God’s plans. Do you/we know what God’s plans are??? Let’s ask him to show us his plans and expect him to show us.
Matthew 7 v 24-29, Psalm 127 v 1, Joshua 24 v 14-28, Matthew 16 v 13-20
Scripture also has much to say about how we build our house. Scripture refers to the houses we abide in but also to our spiritual houses. We need the Lord to give us wisdom as we build. Jesus himself talked about the difference between building on sandy soil and on rock. We probably all know from experience about building sandcastles. As soon as the tide reaches them, they are washed away often with their paper flags still flying. The Psalmist is also clear, Unless the Lord builds the House. Jesus tells us that HE will build HIS church on the rock. As you read the scripture in Joshua 24 which tell of the Israelites promise to serve God think of all the times in the Old Testament, they have promised to serve God. Me and my household we WILL serve the Lord and how quickly disobedience and foreign Gods appear. Are we any different as we speak of OUR church? It isn’t. It belongs to Jesus. It is HIS church. As we pray today decide once and for all that it is Jesus Christ who is going to build his house so that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it.
Isaiah 56 v 6-8, Jerimiah 7 v 9-11, Matthew 21 v 12-13, Mark 11 v 13-17, Isaiah 2 v 1-5
In recent studies we have been looking at different aspects of prayer. We have looked at many scriptures where Jesus teaches his disciple about prayer. Today we are looking at how Jesus desires his house to be ‘a House of Prayer and here he is talking about the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus wants HIS House ‘A House of Prayer’. I believe that it’s how he wants his church to be. Jesus isn’t impressed when his house becomes like the World. In the Jerusalem temple merchants were buying and selling, exchanging money, and selling doves for sacrifice. He drove out the merchants and declared ‘My house will be called a House of Prayer for all Nations. I fear that down the years we have brough much of the World into the Lord’s House and Jesus isn’t impressed. Pray today for SNLBC. We currently have 3 prayer meetings during the week Pray that we will be intentional in making SNLBC a House of Prayer for all Nations as we live in a multicultural society.
Matthew 16 v 13-20
Jesus said, His church would be built on the rock which was the Son of the living God. Scripture is full of verses about the Rock. The rock where we can shelter, be secure, the high place where we can stand firm. Look back on this week’s scripture as Advent move quickly on towards Christmas. Think about Light and Joy in these dismal dark days and pray for these characteristics of the Kingdom to be evident as we meet at SNLBC. As we meet tomorrow let’s be those who are declaring the Kingdom because we know the presence of the King amongst us. And pray regularly for his kingdom to come.
Matthew 6 v 10, Mark 1 v 14-15, John 18 v 30-37, Luke 10 v 1-17, Ephesians 2 v 8-10
Jesus tells his disciples and us how to pray as we saw last week in the Words of the Lord’s prayer. One of the well-known verses says, ‘your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’. It’s quite hard to see the Kingdom of God on earth at present. Jesus said, ‘Repent for the Kingdom of God is near.’ The Kingdom is where the King is. It’s where Jesus is being demonstrated in the way we live our lives. It isn’t about doing good works that keep us busy but about doing the things the King tells us to do. Jesus told Pilate very clearly ‘My Kingdom is NOT of this World. I often read Luke 10 the scripture in which Jesus sent out his disciples to further the Kingdom. They came back rejoicing because even demons submitted to the name of Jesus. The Kingdom is all about Jesus because at his name every knee will bow. Today, seek the Kingdom of God, something Jesus tells us to do.
Philippians 1 v 3-6, Philippians 4 v 1-9, Romans 14 v 17, Nehemiah 8 v 9-10
I am reading Philippians in my daily bible study. This book is often called Paul’s letter of Joy. He talks about praying with Joy. Prayer shouldn’t be a gloomy business. We are coming to heavens throne room when we pray, a place of holiness, health, peace, glory, and light. A place where there is no discontent and never any darkness. Scripture tells we can come boldly to this throne of plenty and restoration. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5 v 22). As you pray today, come with Joy. If you haven’t got much Joy, just now ask God for more as you pray. Pray Joy for your friends and family. God is looking for his house to be full of joy. Joy is contagious and is much needed in this dark World.
John 8 v 12-20, John 12 v 46, John 1 v 5, Luke 2 v 28-32, Psalm 27 v 1, Psalm 119 v 130, Ephesians 5 v 8- 14, 1 John 1 v 5 – 7, Romans 13 v 11-12, Matthew 5 v 14 – 16
December. The last month of the year, Cold dark days which so many people hate. Gardens and my allotment look quite sad, but new shoots are beginning to appear, bulbs popping through and lots of winter shrubs flowering. I have writen a long list of scriptures today which are all about light. We live in a Kingdom of light not darkness. We have been delivered from darkness. The Kingdom of Heaven is a positive Kingdom, not a place of gloom and talk about how bad everything is. It’s not a place of negativity. Choose light and life today. Light a candle and praise Jesus who is the light of the World.
Matthew 24 v 1-44, Hebrews 10 v 19-25, Acts 1 v 1-11, Revelation 1 v 7-8
Scripture leaves us in no doubt that Jesus is coming again. I find it remarkable that the disciples asked Jesus ‘what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age’? Jesus had told them of his death but the disciples especially Simon Peter couldn’t believe it would happen. Jesus tells his disciples to pray about the days prior to his coming again, difficult perhaps when we don’t know when it might be. We looked lats week at different aspects of prayer but how should we pray in readiness for Jesus’ 2 nd coming. Pray for joy in these dark days, pray for Jesus to build up his church and that we might be people who are living in obedience to him. Scripture tells us we are a Royal Priesthood a Holy Nation a people called out of darkness. The church of Jesus Christ needs to be demonstrating difference, being salt and light in these dark days and preachers of the Gospel. Most of all Pray … persevere in prayer. Remember Jesus said to pray and never give up (Luke 18 v 1)
Isaiah 9 v 1-7, John 1 v 1-18, Romans 13 v 11-13, Malachi 3 v 1-4
Yesterday was Advent Sunday the start of the season when we prepare for the birth of Christ. The word Advent is taken from the Latin Adventus which means ‘coming’. 26 days now until Christmas and we are still in the season of Black Friday with television adverts filled with bargains and special offers. How do you prepare for Christ’s coming? Maybe frenzied shopping for presents or panic about how to get the turkey. Will there be shortages? Should I order from my favourite supermarket or take a chance? Christmas is so much more than things.
It’s about Jesus. The scripture tells us ‘He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. I have been thinking a lot about that scripture. It’s a scripture to ponder. Advent is also a time to prepare for Jesus coming again. Suddenly, the Lord will come. Are you ready for the Lord Jesus to come again? There is a Christmas poem by Christina Rosetti which says: what can I give him, give him my heart. As you pray today, open you heart to Jesus and allow Holy Spirit to show you more about the Christ child, born in a stable, reigning in heaven, King of King and Lord of Lords.
1 Timothy 2 v 1-4, 1 Timothy 3 v 1-10. Colossians 1 v 9. Proverbs 3 v 5-6
Today the Deacons of SNLBC are having an away day to pray for the church and for God’s guidance in the days ahead and for the coming year. Please could you pray for the Deacons throughout the day as Holy Spirit prompts you and reminds you. Pray too for the service at SNLBC tomorrow that God might be glorified as we meet together.
2 Chronicles 7 v 11-16,
We have read lots of scriptures this week that give us different thoughts on how we pray. Humbly, as children, in agreement, fervently, continually and believing we have a father in heaven who tells us to ask, and we will receive. The scripture from Chronicles is before us again today. We have prayed this scripture many times during the pandemic but as we look around our country it still needs to be prayed. Perhaps some of the scriptures we have read this week will encourage us to pray for our country believing that God can and will turn and heal our land. Let’s pray without ceasing until this scripture is fulfilled and we see Holy Spirit again moving in the United Kingdom.
1 Thessalonians 5 v 16-24, Romans 12 v 9-12, NKJV, Ephesians 6 v 17-18, Acts 12 v 1-19
Paul also teaches the churches to ‘pray continually.’ He had perhaps witnessed or knew of instances recorded in the Acts of the Apostles where the church had prayed with dramatic results that even the prayers found hard to believe. I believe to pray without ceasing is to walk so closely with the Lord that we are always aware of his presence with us speaking to us and guiding us. In recent days prayer has increased and there are many churches and prayer rooms around the World that pray 24/7 – every day. Prayer without ceasing. I was at a prayer conference well before lockdown and a group of Welsh Christians had pledged to pray a million hours for Wales, 24/7. Church we need to be fervent in prayer, persevering in prayer. There is opportunity to pray in church meetings but its wonderful to do as Jesus says: to go into your closet and shut the door and pray to your father who is in secret. Do it today as you pray – you might be in your closet longer than you intended.
Romans 1 v 8-13, Romans 15 v 4-13, 1 Corinthians 1 v 4-9.
Paul’s letter to the churches were filled with prayer. praise, teaching and encouragement. He prays mighty prayers which we have recently read in Ephesians. He talks about remembering the churches and his friends in prayer and longs to see them. I’m sure we have longed to see our friends during the long months of lock down, but how do we pray for them. Paul prays spiritual blessings over his friends, that they might be encouraged, enriched in their speech and knowledge, that they won’t lack in spiritual gifts, that they would stand firm, that church would be united and accept one another, that they would glorify God. Wow, words of wonderful encouragement as we read. Let’s learn from Paul and pray today for our friends today in new ways’, not just for their worldly and physical needs but for their spiritual blessing and encouragement from God. Pray that we would all be people who stand firm as we seek to follow Jesus.
Luke 18 v 1-17, Matthew 18 v 15-20, Matthew 18 v 18-22, Mark 11 v 20-25
Jesus talks about prayer in countless places in the gospels making clear things we should be aware of as we pray. In Luke 18 Jesus says to pray and not give up. He goes on to speak about the persistent widow, about pride and humility as we come before God and about becoming as little children. Jesus talks in Matthew’s gospel about sin in the church and about agreement as we pray together. I hear so many people speaking about 2 or 3 gathering together and it will be done for them as they pray. Bur Jesus talks about praying in agreement. I believe It is the work of Holy Spirit who causes us to agree in prayer. Holy Spirit is the one who teaches us all things. Let him reveal to you what it means to bind on earth and to loosen on earth that the same might be done for us in heaven. Prayer is talking to God, coming into his presence, but Jesus speaks much about our attitudes as we come into that Holy place. Much to consider in the Word of God.
Matthew 6 v 5-15, Luke 11 v1-13
The disciple regularly saw or had been aware of the way that Jesus prayed. In Luke’s gospel his disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray and he teaches them the verses that have become the Lord’s Prayer. Was he giving them a pattern of how to pray or merely verses to recite.? As you pray can I suggest you expand these well-known verses. Spend time over each line allowing Holy Spirit to show you how to use Jesus’ Words. When you pray say Father. That would have been radical to the disciples as they were told to address the Almighty God as Father,
even Abba, a familiar intimate word used for a special relationship. How special is your relationship with God in these difficult days when the whole world seems to be in chaos? Time surely to make your relationship with God special. As you pray today allow Holy Spirit to draw you closer to your heavenly Father.
Mark 6, John 14 v 26
Read this chapter through again and allow Holy Spirit to teach you ‘many things’ As you pray think again of the scripture that says, ‘is anything too hard for the Lord. Prepare your heart for the Communion service tomorrow and come with great expectation to hear the word of the Lord.
Mark 6 v 45-56, Mark 5 v 24-34, (Matthew 9v20-22, Luke 8 v 43-48) Matthew 10 v 1
The closing verses of Mark 6 show us Jesus seeking some time for himself to pray on a mountainside. Make no mistake ministering to crowds of people can be an exhausting business even for Jesus. He knew he needed time with his Father. The disciples set off across the lake in their boat no doubt talking about the mighty miracle they had just experienced. Suddenly Jesus appears, walking on the water like a ghost. They were terrified, and then amazed as the wind ceased. Fear and amazement on top of one another because they hadn’t understood about the loaves. They hadn’t understood Jesus, Son of God, power, and authority. Verse 56 of Mark talks about touching the edge of HIS cloak…cling onto it. But how much better to see and to understand the power and authority Jesus has and gives to us and to experience those signs and wonder. How big is your expectation? Find some time today to hide yourself away like Jesus did and spend time with the Father.
Mark 6 v 30-44, Matthew 13 v 13-21, Luke 9 v 12 -17, John 6 v 1-14, Genesis 18 v 13-15
This is the only miracle that Jesus performed that is recorded in all four gospels apart of course from the resurrection. These are significant and amazing scriptures. How different is Jesus’ approach to all these people compared to the disciples? We read that Jesus had compassion and healed many. The disciples thought it might be a good idea to send them away because night was coming. Jesus told his disciples to give them something to eat. But we have only 5 small loaves and 2 fish. What astounding gifts Jesus used as he sat the people down in groups of 50 and increased the boy’s lunch to feed a multitude. Scripture tells us 5,000 men besides women and children were fed that day with many leftovers. Ask yourself, Is our expectation of what God can do too small. We read way back in Genesis ‘is anything too hard for the Lord’. Consider what you believe as you pray today. Consider too if revival came to church with hundreds of people being saved, what would we do?
Matthew 3 v 1-15, Mark 6 v 14-29, Matthew 14 v 1-13, Luke 9 v 7-9
In the midst of the disciples’ missions, we read the scriptures about the horrible beheading of John the Baptist, given on a plate to Herod as a birthday present. We recoil in the West at such brutality. Halifax the town where I was born had a guillotine which was used very regularly until 1650 and there is still a replica on the site where it was situated. In some Asian countries and the Middle East, we have seen on the news evidence that this form of punishment continues. John the Baptist was a relative (possibly a cousin) and certainly a friend of Jesus. Scripture
tells of his distress when he heard the news of John’s death. Christians in many countries of the World endure terrible torture and imprisonment for their faith. We read last week of people in Afghanistan, but North Korea, India, China, and Iran are countries where Christians need us to stand with them in pray. There are several organisations that support the persecuted church, Open Doors, Sat 7, CSW – pray for them too and search online for further information about their work.
Mark 6 v 6-13, Luke 9 v 1-10. John 17 v 16-19, Matthew 10 v 1-20
In each of the gospels we read scripture about Jesus calling his disciples. As he called them, so he sent them out. This is the gospel. Being called by Jesus and then sent out with gifts to accomplish our different callings. Gifts that will teach and draw other people to be called too. Its being a disciple. Called and sent out with Jesus’ authority and instruction to heal the sick, drive out impure spirits and preach the Kingdom of God. We are told, freely you have received, freely give. I remember singing a song many years ago, freely you have received, go in his name and because you believe others will know that I live. There is a world around us that need Jesus as its Saviour. Pray that at SNLBC we will be a church that is following the master’s instructions and that we will know how to grow disciples.
Mark 6, Mark 6 v 1-6, 2 Corinthians 5 v 7
I am often amazed at what we can learn from a few verses of scripture. At the beginning of Mark 6 we find Jesus in his hometown preaching in the synagogue. The people he was speaking to knew him. Isn’t this Mary’s son with his brothers and sisters. They knew he had wisdom and performed mighty miracles but… they took offense at him. My husband was at university with a man who became a very, very, famous pop star. People who knew him advised that he should finish his degree as he needed to earn a living. As he walked away from university his friends were offended. He became a household name and very wealthy. He certainly earned his living. Its so easy to think that everybody should be like me. I wonder how often I try to make Jesus like me instead of seeking to be like him. Imagine yourself a resident of Nazareth and what you might have thought of Jesus., your neighbour. Consider too how you are doing today knowing him famous: Creator of the World. King of King and Lord of Lords.
Ephesians 1, John 4 v 19-26
In recent studies we have looked at Paul’s prayers written to the Ephesians church. As you read this chapter today ask God to enlighten your heart. Ask him to give to you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Ask him to show you what it is to be a son of God. Conversing with God as we read his Word is what seeking him is all about. Nothing mysterious just wonderful intimate times with our Father in heaven. As with the lovely woman at the well he knows all about us too and he still loves to talk to us.
John 1 v 1-5, John 14 v 6, John 17 v 17, Psalm 119 v 160
In a recent prayer meeting we considered the scripture in John 14 v 6. In chapters 12-17 of John’s gospel Jesus is preparing his disciples for his coming death, teaching them things they find hard to understand and praying for them. He prays too for those who in future years will become his disciples (us). Jesus says I AM the way, the truth, and the life. John opens his gospel telling us that Jesus was the Word. Jesus is the Word of God. Truth. I wonder how you regard the bible. Do you believe it. Do you believe some of it, perhaps the bits that you think are believable? I think that our relationship with Jesus is determined by how we regard and believe HIS Word. After all, if we don’t believe it, or only some of it…are we calling HIM a liar. Are we trusting him even when scripture can be hard to understand? As you pray today ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you the truth of Jesus, the truth, and the Word of God.
Matthew 6 v 9, Isaiah 2 v 1-5, Amos 5 v 23-24, Matthew 23 v 37-39, Matthew 24 v 1-14
Today is Remembrance Day. The 11 th day of the 11 th month 0f 1918 at 11a.m when the guns of the 1 st World War fell silent. This was the Great war to end all wars. Wars and rumours of war continue as Jesus said would happen. As we seek Jesus, I believe we get a different view of World affairs. Living in his Kingdom gives us a different perspective about the ways of our Almighty God. He is Sovereign over the affairs of the earth because Psalm 24 tells us, ‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.’ As you pray and remember today, remember Jesus, the Prince of Peace. He laid down HIS life as a ransom for many because his Father so loved the World. Decide today to be one of the generations of those who seek him.
Psalm 24 v 1-6, 1 Chronicles 16 v 8-11, Lamentations 3 v 25, Matthew 6 v 25- 34,
Many scriptures in both old and new testaments tell us to seek the Lord. Psalm 24 talks about the generation who seek him. I believe God is raising up a generation in these days of those who are seeking him. Difficult times can do one of three things- cause us to seek God earnestly, cause us to run away, or cause us to totally ignore him. Jesus tells us many profound things in Matthew 6. He tells us not to worry about food and drink, what we wear, he even says not to worry about our lives. If we are earnestly seeking Jesus these things become less important. Seeking Jesus is about seeking his Kingdom. It’s having a desire to see his Kingdom come. It’s about following him and the truth of his word in scripture. Its about living in the light of eternity. Are you willing to be part of the generation of those who seek him?
Psalm 24 v 1-6, Matthew 5 v 10-12, 2 Corinthians 12 v 7 – 10, Revelation 2 v 8-10
One of the marks of the early church was the suffering and persecution that it endured. Jesus himself warned that in this World we would have tribulation. I receive a bi-monthly prayer diary from Open Doors, a Christian organisation that speaks out for the persecuted church. The situation in Afghanistan has almost faded from the news but people there are suffering terribly since the Taliban took control of the country. A Christian in Afghanistan recently said ‘we need you to ask God on our behalf. We need to know you are strong. We cannot speak of our
God, but you can.’ I find that heart-breaking and wonder how much we speak of our God. Pray for the people of Afghanistan today and for the church there that lives in great danger and operates mostly underground.
Genesis 1 v 31, Genesis 6 v 20-22, Psalm 24 v 1-2, Revelation 6 v 12-14
As I write the climate conference continues in Glasgow with World leaders seeking solutions to climate change. I often read the scriptures in Genesis about God creating the heavens and the earth. As HE spoke trees and stars and birds and plants, and fish and amazing animals came into being. God put life into them, and a wonderful universe was born. Man and woman were made caretakers of God’s creation but from the start didn’t do a very good job. I am very encouraged that scripture tells me ‘The Earth is the Lord’s’. I am also encouraged by the word given to Noah following the flood. God told him, as long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. I have an allotment and I do pray for my crops that God will water them and cause them to grow as only he can. Stupid? No, I like to think believing. I believe too that He who created it will decide what happens to it. Perhaps we need to become caretakers of our own spaces and ask God’s forgiveness for the mess we have made with our greed and wants. Consider too the words ‘as long as the earth endures’ and pray for God’s purposes for his earth.
1 Peter 2 v 1-12, Isaiah 5 v 20, Romans 13 v 11-14, Ephesians 5 v 15-17
Tomorrow is Halloween, a pagan festival with its origins in Celtic traditions. All Hallows Eve, the day before All Saints Day. The scripture tells us we have been called out of darkness into his marvellous light. The scripture too tells us to be wise, so if you get callers at your door this evening Be Wise. Pray beforehand and think about what you might say to children dressed in devilish costumes or fearful masks. Remember what we thought of yesterday about Jesus’ love for children. Teach your children to make good pumpkin soup instead of lanterns. Teach them too to live in the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ who has called us to live in his Kingdom of Light.
1 Samuel 3, Matthew 18 v 1-5, Luke 2 v 41-53
Scripture has quite a lot to say about the upbringing of children and young people. I’m sure you are all familiar with the Proverb that talks about bringing up a child in the way he should go. (Proverbs 22 v 6). Samuel learnt to hear the Lord’s voice at an early age, and we find Jesus lingering in the temple because he needed to be about his Fathers business. Let’s pray for children and young people known to us today that they would want to know more about Jesus. This has been a very difficult time for lots of children with lockdown affecting schools, college, and university education. Many children have Coronavirus and are having a lot of time away from school. This affects more than their education but their mental health and time with their friends. Pray for our children and young people today.
Luke 18 v 1-8, Matthew 6 v 5-15
Jesus was a man of prayer. He often spent all night on the hills talking with his Father. Talking with the Father, I find, brings us closer to heaven. As Jesus was a man of prayer so should his followers be people of prayer. He taught his disciples to pray and told them to pray and never to give up. To be persistent. Last week we looked at topics that scripture tells us to pray. We are encouraged to pray for our leaders and those in authority. After the brutal murder of Sir David Amess last week how timely is this scripture. Let’s pray for our leaders both in Parliament and in the church. Remember those of other denominations, Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury and Ephraim Mirvis, the Chief Rabbi, and the Reverend Geoff Colmer who is President of the Baptist Union. Pray for our leaders that they will grow in Wisdom and Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2 v 8-22, Ephesians 1 v 22, 1 Corinthians 12 v 14-21
The church is the body of Christ. The word church in the original Greek in Ephesians 1 v 22 is ecclesia. This word means ‘called out’. It’s a group of people with a special purpose. A group of people with different gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit that we might work together in the same way that a body works. The different parts working together. Following my recent hip operations, I am very aware of what the body is like when the parts don’t work together. It’s not good. It’s difficult and painful. Jobs that were once easy don’t get done. I am a picture at the moment of a dysfunctional body. In these days we need the Church of Jesus Christ to be fully functioning. Pray again with Paul today that the fullness of Jesus might fill his church in every way as the body moves in obedience to him. It is good to pray scripture. Pray Paul’s prayer for the church of Jesus at SNLBC.
Ephesians 1 v 15 -Ephesians 2 v 10, John 16 v 31-33
You perhaps have noticed that we live in a pretty hopeless World. Jesus himself has told us very clearly, ‘in this World you will have trouble.’ As I write Covid infections continue to rise, along with prices. Fear, depression, tiredness, and gloom continue to increase across our nation. Protests and uprisings against government agendas are common around the World along with our own motor-way protesters. Church, how we need to know the Hope to which the Lord Jesus has called us, and to live in the Peace that Jesus has given to us. Paul talks at the beginning of Ephesians 2 about people who follow the ways of the World… and as always there is a BUT. But God, in his great love for us has seated us in heavenly realms. He wants to show he grace to this World because he has a church that is showing his authority and the good works, he has created for us to walk in. We need to be people of the Word. Do you know you are HIS Masterpiece? Be encouraged, know who you are and live seated in those heavenly places today. And know what, it’s not a place of busyness and ambition. It’s a place of peace and love and Joy, and of being led by the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 1 v 15-Ephesians 2 v 10
As I have read and considered God’s Word over the last few days, I have been surprised at so many scriptures I have read about HOPE. Why should I be surprised when we have Gospel, Good News that is all about Hope. Paul prays that we may know the Hope to which HE has called YOU. Do YOU know the Hope to which HE has called YOU? Pray with Paul today as if he were in your prayer meeting. Pray for your friends and for the churches across this land, that the Father may give to us all, a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. It’s a calling God has for us. HE wants to give us a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. Why? So that we may know him better. Don’t we all need to know HIM better. Pray with Paul today that the Father may give these things to us.
Just a song today, Be still for the presence of the Lord, The Holy One is Here. Listen on YouTube, and hear his voice.
1 Kings 19 v 1-13, John 10 v 1-21, Psalm 46 v 10
Elijah certainly knew the voice of God, yet we find him in 1 Kings 19 being fed by angels and journeying for 40 days and nights on that heavenly food. Still, he ran to Horeb the mountain of God because he feared for his life. We know the scripture of God speaking to him on the mountain in a still small voice. Jesus tells us that HE is the Good Shepherd, and his sheep hear his voice. I wonder if often. like Elijah, we try to avoid listening to the voice of God. It can take time to know HIS voice. As Elijah found it is often a still small voice although I have heard God shouting at me. Church, we really need to know what God is saying to us in these days. He wants to build his Church and he can only do that as we listen to Him. Jesus came that we might have life to the full. We will only live life to the full as we hear HIS voice and follow him. Listen out today… it’s a small voice.
Psalm 107 v 23-32, Mark 4 v 35-41 NKJB, Mark 5 v 1-21
Today I turn from sheep to the sea, as today is Trafalgar Day. It’s a day I always remember because of a very day friend of mine who served in the navy. Many of you will have visited HMS Victory at Portsmouth, Nelson’s ship. Victory at Trafalgar meant Britain had dominion over the seas for over 100 years. Jesus’ death on Calvary means that we can always have Victory. We have a saviour who always has dominion over the seas and the storms. HE rebuked the wind and said to the sea ‘Peace be still… and there was a great calm. I’m sure those sailors on Victory would have liked a great calm in that warfare. But we can have a great calm in every storm of our lives. I believe Jesus wants to bring us all into a place of calm. Reflect on the scripture today, Peace be still… and there was a great calm. As we read on from the storm on the lake into Mark 5 perhaps, we can understand why we need Jesus peace to deal with every situation in life. So many people are afraid and awful situations seem to suddenly arise when we least expect them. Hear Jesus say to you – ‘Peace be still’.
Psalm 103, Exodus 12 v 1-14, John 1 v 19-31, NKJB, Revelation 12 v 7-12
Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the World. This is one of my favourite verses in the bible. That I can Behold the Lamb of God. Jesus. I think this is another verse to spend time reflecting on. Jesus, the Lamb of God. Back in Egypt as God saw the groanings of his people and delivered them from their place of oppression by the blood of lambs, so Jesus became the sacrificial lamb as he died a horrific death on Calvary. He saved us and delivered us from all our oppressions and set us free. Revelation tell us ‘They (we) overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony. We are overcomers because of the blood of the lamb. As you pray today, spend some time beholding him, Our Saviour. The One who takes away the sins of the World. Church we need to rediscover Our Saviour that we might know again what it is to be overcomers.
Psalm 23, Job 42 v 12, 1 Kings 8 v 63, Psalm 78 v 51-54, Psalm 100 v 1-2, Matthew 11 v 28-30
Sheep are the most mentioned animals in the bible. Flocks of sheep were HUGE. Look at the number Job owned, the scripture says 14,000, or the number King Solomon sacrificed, 120,000. I can’t imagine so many sheep, even as a Yorkshire woman where sheep are common are seen regularly The Israelites understood sheep. As you read the bible it’s good to understand something about sheep and shepherds. 3 Facts about sheep: they have no sense of direction (have you ever watched One Man and His Dog), they are defenceless, and they are not meant to carry burdens. Beasts of burden are Camels, or Donkeys. Scripture often compares people to sheep. We are the sheep of his pasture. Have you ever thought of yourself as a sheep, the sheep of God’s pasture? Perhaps a fact lots of us should consider today is that sheep are not meant to carry burdens. As you pray today, remember that children’s song, Cast you burden onto Jesus for he cares for you. Sing it and do it, Cast you burden large or small onto Jesus and live free.
Psalm 23, Psalm 23 v 1
I sometimes read the bible in a very different way. Taking a familiar verse, or a verse that the Lord has highlighted to me. I take a long time reading it slowly and reflecting on it. Recently I spent an hour reading verse one of Psalm 23, thinking and letting God speak to me. ‘The Lord is my shepherd;’ I shall not want’ except I didn’t get past ‘The Lord is my shepherd.’ I can spend a long time thinking of ‘The Lord’, wanting to know more about him, who he is, his power, his glory, the mighty things he has done, his heaven. I then go on to read is my, The Lord who is involved with me. He is my shepherd. Perhaps that is a concept that we find hard to understand as we don’t see many shepherds around Surbiton. For David, the writer of the Psalm, having the Lord as HIS SHEPHERD would have been overwhelming. David knew how to care for sheep, and he knew The Lord would care for Him far better than he was able to care for his sheep. Reflect on this verse allow God to speak to you through it. I guarantee you will carry it with you for a long time.
1 Thessalonians 5 v 16-18, Romans 12 v 11-12, Ephesians 6 v 18, Matthew 6 v 5-15, Luke 18 v 1
There are many scriptures that encourage us to pray. Jesus told his disciples that ‘they should always pray and never give up’. Paul tells us that when we don’t know how to pray the Holy Spirit will help us (Romans 8 v 26). Many people have said to me, I can’t pray, or I can’t pray out loud, yet most of us can talk. Prayer is after all talking to God. What a privilege that is that we can talk to God, whenever, and wherever we are, and whatever our circumstances. We can talk to God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Talk to God today and listen because He wants to talk to you.
James 5 v 13-18, Luke10 v 1- 24, John 14 v 8-14, 1 Corinthians 6 v 19-20
Paul tells the Corinthians, ‘Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit’, ‘Do you not know you were bought at a price. Jesus wants us to continue to follow him just as his disciples did in all the scriptures we read in the gospels. Luke 10 is a picture of Jesus command when he spoke the great commission. The harvest is plentiful out there, there are more sick people than we can count. Every day there are thousands of people diagnosed with Covid 19. There are nearly 7,000 people in hospital with this disease as I write. We have doctors and nurses in out fellowship who are working on the front line. James tells us to pray for each other that we might be healed. The scripture is full of Words that tell us how to pray. Shall we pray for the sick today, but as we pray be encouraged that God tells us, ‘He is the Lord who heals’.
2 Chronicles 7 v 11-15, 1 Timothy 2 v 1-4, Psalm 122, Matthew 6 v 10
People say to me, but I don’t hear God talking to me. The truth is we have a book of scripture full of things God says to us. In all the above scriptures God shows us things to pray for. He tells us to pray that he might heal our land, he tells us to pray for those in authority over us, for our leaders, he tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I confess that I find that quite hard to understand, but I do pray for Jerusalem and for God’s people the Jews regularly. God also tells us to pray for his Kingdom to come. I think these subjects could take up a lot of prayer hours. Begin to pray for the things God suggests. You will hear him speaking to you and showing you how to pray as you are obedient to his word.
Jerimiah 32 v 1-16, 2 Chronicles 20 v 14-17, Amos 8 v 11-12, Ezra 8 v 2-3, Acts 13 v 42-47
How vital it is to hear the Word of the Lord and to understand what he is saying to us. In chapter 32, Jerimiah receives not one but two words of Prophesy from the Lord. The first tells him that Jerusalem will be besieged by the King of Babylon with subsequent destruction and exile. Immediately he receives a prophetic word telling him to buy a field. Why would he do that when he was confined in the courtyard of the royal palace of Judah. Perhaps he remembered the earlier word God had spoken to him telling him that God had good plans for him, plans to give
him a hope and a future.
How vital it is to obey what God is saying to us. Praise God that Paul understood this. His words of life had been rejected by the Jews, but he knew God had commanded him to speak to the Gentiles and bring salvation to the ends of the earth. The Word God wants to speak to you today may have eternal consequences. Hear his voice as you read and pray today.
Jerimiah 32 v 17-23, Exodus 15 v 1-6, Isaiah 52 v 7-10, Luke 1 v 48-55, Acts 13 v 16-23 (NKJB)
We read throughout scripture of God’s mighty arm lifted up in power, never shortened that it cannot save. Mary recognises the mighty deeds God performed with his arm as she praises him for his blessing to her as she learns that she will have a child who will be called the Son of God. God tells Moses to stretch out his staff over the Red Sea, but Moses recognises that it was God’s power, his majestic power, God’s right hand that shattered the enemy. God’s arm of power remains the same today with the same power to shatter the enemy. Today in this World and maybe in your own life there are situations that can only be changed by the Power of God and by Prayer. As you pray are you looking for HIS Power to change circumstances or relying on your own resources. God’s ways are surely best.
Jerimiah 32 v 16-44, Ephesians 3 v 14-21, Matthew 6 v 9-13, Revelation 4
We find some mighty prayers recorded in scripture. Prayers prayed by people who knew who God was. Jerimiah addresses God as Sovereign Lord, Paul kneels before a Father of glorious riches and Jesus simply tells us to address God, as Our father in heaven. They all recognise a mighty God with whom nothing is too hard and one who is mighty in purpose, ruling over the earth and with a Kingdom established in heaven. A Kingdom that can’t be shaken and that HE desires to come on the earth. Look up as you pray today to that Throne Room in heaven and remember that Nothing is too hard for the Lord. Pray today for God’s Kingdom to come in churches across the United Kingdom. Pray that people will begin to recognise that there is a God in heaven and that nothing is too hard for him. Pray that Christian people will believe this and walk in new power and authority because nothing is too hard for our Lord.
John 2 v 1-12
As you have read this passage each day this week read it again slowly today and allow Holy Spirit to reveal greater things to you from this scripture. What might be greater. His Glory. Verse 11 tells us ‘What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed His Glory. Allow Jesus to reveal his Glory as you read and pray today … and his disciples believed in him.
John 2 v 1-12, Amos 9 v 11-15, Acts 2 v 1-21, Mark 14 v 23 -26, Matthew 9 v14-17
My Spirit feels as if it will burst as I read these scriptures about wine, such a symbol of the Holy Spirit This luxury miracle at Cana when Jesus was demonstrating a new era, a change from Mosaic Law to the bounty and blessing and provision of the Kingdom of God. It was the BEST Wine. Why was it kept for last? I wonder if Jesus is keeping the best Wine for these last days when HE wants to pour out his Holy Spirit on all flesh. But he’s looking for new wine skins for his new wine. He’s looking for Worshippers, for people who are obedient, for people who are glimpsing the Kingdom of Heaven We need new Vision church. Church has often appeared disapproving of wine Jesus demonstrated at this wedding, here is the season of New Wine. I, Jesus, have come to fulfil the law, to do away with ritual and religion and ceremony. I have come to usher in the Kingdom of God. Let’s embrace all that Jesus wants to show us as we live in this wonderful season of Grace,
John 2 v 1-12, Exodus 19 v 9-17, Exodus 8 v 5-9, Psalm 51 v 7-9, John 4 v 1- 10
Cleansing with water was an important part of physical and spiritual cleansing from the time of Mosaic Law. If you have read the book of Leviticus, you will be aware of the lists of clean and unclean practises. Most homes would have stone jars to hold water for purification, living water that was collected from a cistern or a spring. The scripture tells us that this home had 6 jars, jars big enough to hold 80 to 120 litres. 80 litres are 17 and a half gallons for those who like me don’t think metric. Jesus said’ ‘fill the jars with water’ and we all know this first miracle of the water turned to wine. The only people that knew that water had been turned into wine were the servants who had been obedient to Jesus. Think on that – I wonder if it’s the obedient servants who see the miracles? Obedience is an act of Worship, better than sacrifice. Jesus said’ If you love me, you will keep my commandments’. Church how are we doing as we seek to follow Jesus.
John 2 v 1-12, Matthew 7 v 24 – 29, James 1 v 22, John 14 v 23-26
Jesus’ mother Mary appears to have been a prominent guest at the wedding in Cana. She was there and knows exactly what’s going on even to the wine running out and no doubt the panic behind the scenes in the ‘kitchen’. To run out of wine at a wedding feast would have meant total humiliation for the family who were hosting the wedding party. The shame of not being able to provide for their neighbours and guests would have been long lived. But Mary knew exactly what to do even when Jesus was reluctant to get involved. She told the servants ‘Do whatever HE tells you’ Those word should reverberate for us down the years, but so often we don’t seem to get it. ‘DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU’ Obedience to Jesus. As you spend time with Jesus reading these scriptures and praying, hear what HE is saying and ‘Do whatever he tells you’ James, the brother of Jesus tells us, ‘Do not merely listen to the Word,…do what it says’. Like Mary he obviously knew too it was wise to obey.
John 2 v 1-12, Matthew 25 v 1-13, Malachi 3 v 1, Ephesians 5 v 25-27
It was the custom of the day that the bridegroom would go and collect his bride with bridesmaids and guests waiting for the wedding procession to arrive so that the wedding ceremony might begin. No one was quite sure when this might happen. Weddings often took place in the autumn when the harvest had been gathered in. The bridegroom went to collect his bride in the evening with a lavish banquet the next day that lasted for about 7 days. We see a picture of this in Matthew 25 where Jesus tells a parable warning his disciples to be ready for the bridegrooms coming. He’s saying very clearly ‘be ready for my return’ because you do not know the day or the hour. Wedding start time in Jesus’ day was flexible. BUT you had to be ready. I wonder how far into the future Jesus was thinking when he said to his mother ‘my hour has not yet come’. His crucifixion, His ascension, His second coming or his own wedding banquet when he comes to collect his bride the church. HIS church without spot or wrinkle. Are we ready? I think we need to ask the Holy Spirit to show us how to be
John 2 v 1-12, Matthew 1 v 18-25, Esther 2
John 2 v 1 tells us ‘On the third day, a wedding took place in Cana of Galilee’. I believe that we often miss out on things the scripture wants to teach us because we have little understanding of Jewish culture in the time of Jesus. Before a wedding could take place, the bride and groom came together in a betrothal ceremony, a covenant, that bound them together without consummation of the marriage. Marriages were often arranged, and the marriage between Mary and Joseph was definitely arranged by God himself. The betrothal period lasted up to a year and the marriage took a great deal of preparation as is usually the case today. We see in the book of Esther the preparation that took place before Esther was brought before the King. In villages everyone would attend the wedding, a great social occasion. Jesus and his disciples had been invited. As you pray and read about this wedding, allow the Holy Spirit to show you what it might have been like to be a guest.
Just as song today: Ascribe greatness to our God the Rock, his work is perfect, and all his ways are just. Moses version can be found in Deuteronomy 32. Read this scripture and Praise our Omnipotent God, creator of all, full of Love and Justice and power. His light will surely overcome the darkness,
Isaiah 60 v 1-3, John 1 v 14, Luke 24 v 13 – 36
What a wonderful exultation in Isiah 60. Arise, Shine for our light has come. These later chapters of Isaiah may have been written towards the end of his life perhaps about 680 BC. Isaiah was seeing Glory but so long before Jesus was born, before the Glory of God’s Kingdom was birthed. The scripture in both John and Luke tells us of people who did not recognise Jesus. Israelites, his own people who went to Synagogue week by week, who heard the prophetic read and were expecting a King. But not a King like Jesus. His own disciples, those who had lived with him for 3 years- their eyes were closed to recognising their Saviour and friend. Is the body of Christ today in 2021 doing any better at recognising Jesus or of knowing his power, his Glory, His Love and his Holiness? I hear people regularly talking about OUR church. Until we really see the people who meet by week in buildings up and down this land and people who don’t meet at all because they are disillusioned with OUR church, as HIS church. then out Light can’t shine. Why! Because its US and not HIM.
Ephesians 1 v 15-23, Matthew 4 v 18- 22, Matthew 16 v 13- 26,
In Paul’s prayer in chapter 1 of Ephesians he is asking God to give, power, and a Spirit of wisdom and revelation that we might know the hope to which we have been called as Christians. Again, this scripture talks about our fullness in Jesus as we become part of the church that he is the head of. It isn’t OUR church. Jesus is the head of the church, and it is his church that he is wanting to build in 2021. Jesus talks to Simon Peter in Matthew 16 about HIS church. As Peter recognises Jesus as the Messiah, he recognises him because of revelation from heaven, not from earthly knowledge. I believe we are living in the last days when we need to be followers of Jesus as the disciples were followers of Jesus back in the book of Matthew. There’s a need for revelation from heaven and a need to be leaving our comfortable 2021 lifestyle to spend time with HIM who is our lover and our friend. Jesus wants to build us into HIS church, The Bride of Christ. Will you allow yourself to be built?
Ephesians 3 v 14-21, 1 Chronicles 29 v 10-13, Isaiah 12 v 4-6, Luke 1 v 49
I was thinking about the greatness and love of God in an unexpected way today. I was wrapping a birthday present to send in the post. I do this fairly often as so many of my family live far away. I have a collection of boxes as boxes are easier to pack than strangely shaped presents. Paul tells us in Ephesians of the length and breadth, the width and height of the love of God. I need a box to fit my present, but I wondered how big a box we would need to fit all that immeasurable love of God into. A universe sized box would not be big enough. Yet I am convinced that many of us try to fit God into a box because its all our finite minds can cope with. At this season when days are shortening and autumn has come, might it be a good time to set God free from whatever box we have him in. Its time for the light of the World to shine forth and for HIS Holy Spirit to invade our lives as never before. The Lord wants to do great things for us just as he did for Mary. We need to say Yes Lord.
Ephesians 3 v 14-21, John 15 v 1-15, Galatians 5 v 22-26
I’m sure many of you will have visited the great vine at Hampton Court Palace. Jesus says ‘I am the vine. The vine is really made up of the huge root stock and the area of ground outside the vine house that causes it to thrive. This is the largest vine in the world, but Jesus says he is ‘the true vine’. Vines are regularly pruned, not just the odd branch cut off, but often with wine grapes down to the ground. Why are they pruned? So that stronger branches are produced that bear more fruit. It’s a mighty sight when this vine it is in full growth and bearing pounds of fruit. In John 15, Jesus talks about the vine and goes on to speak about Love. Love is listed as the first fruit of the Holy Spirit. We need to be rooted and established in Jesus’ vine to enable us to know the length and breadth and width and height of God’s love. As you pray today, be rooted in Jesus, and know again his command ‘to Love on another’
Ephesians 3 v 14-21, Revelation 2 v 1-7
Many writers and scholars think that the book of Ephesians is the most spiritual book in the bible. I certainly think it contains some of the most amazing prayers, Paul wrote this letter to the church in Ephesus about 60AD from Rome. He kneels before the Father as he prays. He wants this church to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. It follows that he wants Christ’s church down the ages to know this love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. Why? Because it’s this love that fills us with all the fulness of God. Love. It’s this love that make the church of Jesus Christ unique when it’s practised in the way that Jesus intended. Some 35 years later as Jesus writes to the church at Ephesus, HE is saddened that his church has lost its first love. What would Jesus say to us about our love for him and for one another. As you read these scriptures and pray, consider how we love.
Isaiah 45 v 1-7, Matthew 1, Revelation 5 v 6-14
I wonder at all of the names recorded in Matthews Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah. So many names. But the angel said to Joseph … You are to call HIS name Jesus. The most wonderful name of all. Dwell on that name today – the Lamb who is worthy of Praise.
Isaiah 45 v 1-7, Genesis 28 v 10-22, Genesis 32 v 22-32, Genesis 35 v 1 and 9-15,
God called Cyrus by name, he honoured him and blessed him. But why should he do this for a pagan King? The reason, ‘for the sake of Jacob, my servant, of Israel my chosen’. Jacob, the wild son of Isaac, the child of promise. The twin who stole his brother Esau’s birth-right. The young man who ran away and met so powerfully with God. Jacob the nation builder. God calls many people by name in the scriptures Moses, Moses, (Exodus 3) but there are few people whose names he changes, Jacob was one of those whose name God changed. ‘Your name will be Israel, So HE (God) named his Israel. Genesis 32 v 28 tells us that Jacob ‘ has struggled with God and with men and have prevailed’. (NKJB) God had refined this man in the furnace of affliction and gave him a Nations name, just as he gave Abram a name to become the Father of many nations. Abraham. Names are precious to God… He used Cyrus to take his Kingdom forward with the liberation of the Israelite. He’s still building his Kingdom. Ask God today what part he has for you in his plans and purposes as he builds.
Isaiah 45 v 1-7 Exodus 3 v 1-4, Isaiah 43 v 1-7, Romans 9 v 22 v 26. Ephesians 1 v 4, Psalm 139
God says to Cyrus ‘ I have summoned you by name’ Whether we acknowledge him or not, God knows our names. I want you to think on that amazing fact today – God knows your name. Not only does he know your name, but he knew it from before the foundation of the World. He knows everything about us. Nowhere we can go, nothing we can hide. As you pray, read Psalm 139 and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you … He knows your name.
Isaiah 45 v 1-7, Ezra 1, 2 Kings 20 v 12-18. Psalm 23 v 4-5, Matthew 6 v 19-24
God says to Cyrus in verse 3, ‘ I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret place so that you may know that I am the Lord…I don’t know if Cyrus ever became a believer in Israel’s God, but I am sure that he was encouraged and blessed especially in times of battle because God had anointed him. I am certain that the Israelites were wonderfully blessed as their captivity came to an end and they were lavished with
gifts of silver and gold, livestock and valuables to take back home. Moreover, King Cyrus returned to them things that had been taken from the temple in Jerusalem which Nebuchadnezzar had stolen. Walls and fabric needed restoring but not the amazing temple artifacts. They had not been melted down or damaged. Here they were 70 years later, treasures from the darkness of the days of captivity. It is usually in our dark valleys and hard places that we find the treasures of the Lord. If you are in a dark place just now, praise God and look for the treasure that is surely there, that God wants to reveal to you as he teaches you new things.
Isaiah 45 v 1-7, Ezra 1, Psalm 149, Mark 11 v 22-26, Matthew 16 v 19, Revelation 2 v 29
Cyrus conquered Babylon in 539 BC. God told Cyrus that he would subdue nations before him, and this was certainly the case. Some of his conquests he had to work for. It is said he diverted the Diyala rivers flow, thus making it easier for his army to cross. No River Jordan experience for Cyrus. He had to dig! After conquering Babylon, he overcame Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine and much of Iran. God tells Cyrus ‘I will level the mountains and go before you’. Jesus says very similar things to us. Here was a man who didn’t know God at all. As I read this scripture, I read of what God did through Cyrus in the physical, but I always look for the spiritual as I read God’s Word. Look at Psalm 149. God’s people need praise in their mouths and the sword of the Spirit, that double edged sword in their hands. Why? To subdue Kingdoms and bind Kings with fetters and nobles with shackles. But we are talking about binding up the Kingdom of darkness, the principalities, and powers of this dark age. We are not going to war against Europe or the USA but against satanic kingdoms. As you read and pray, be open to what the Holy Spirit wants to reveal to us. Praise God and be light in this dark World.
Isaiah 45 v 1-7, 2 Chronicles 36 v 22-23, Daniel 10 v 1, Proverbs 21 v 1, John 19 v 7-13
Another chapter that I have read many times during the summer is Isaiah 45. Isaiah spoke this prophecy at least 100 years before it came to pass. The chapter opens ‘This is what the Lord says to his anointed Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of’. Cyrus was a pagan King who ruled over Persia from 559-530 BC. He conquered Babylon and was the King who liberated the Israelites after 70 years of captivity allowing them to return home. God says that ‘Cyrus is HIS anointed’. HE has given to Cyrus power and honour even though he didn’t acknowledge HIM or know him as God. Jesus tells Pontius Pilate, ‘That power is given from above’. It’s given to whom God chooses to give it. This was a sobering moment for Pilate. If we believe scripture, God gives power from above, to people he has appointed even if they don’t know him. This should cause us to pray every day for our government and for those in authority. As I write Boris Johnson is re-shuffling his cabinet. Pray for these men and women. Pray God’s wisdom, pray they would recognise a higher wisdom in the Government of God. Pray for Christians in parliament that they would be salt and light as they go about their daily lives. Let’s continue to be the IF people named in 2 Chronicles 7 v 14 and pray. Our land needs healing.
Today I only have space to ask you to look for on YouTube and play my favourite Song … Here is Love vast as the ocean. Play this hymn of the Welsh revival and let it revive your soul.
Isaiah 25 v 6- 9, Psalm 23, Hebrews 10 v 8-25, John 10 v 11, Psalm 30 v 4-12
On this mountain … Calvary, this rock-strewn, hilly place outside the city walls of Jerusalem where Jesus died. Isaiah tells us that on this mountain the Lord Almighty has prepared a banquet, he has destroyed the shroud that covers all nations, he has swallowed up death for ever. Doesn’t that make you want you to cheer and praise God and dance round your living room because of the truth brought in Isaiah’s prophesy about 700 BC, centuries before Jesus was even born. These word’s fill my Spirit with Joy that should last me for the rest of my life. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces. I shed a lot of tears, most days I shed tears. I shed tears in pain, in grief, for the World, for my friends, for my family, BUT the Lord himself will wipe them away, Isaiah tells us ‘The Lord has Spoken’ How awesome is the Word of the Lord. As John found in the book of Revelation, I don’t have Words to describe the truth and beauty and healing we find in the pages of scripture. This Chapter has filled my summer with truth and joy and hope. Keep reading God’s word.
Isaiah 25 v 3-5, Psalm 46 v 1 – 7 , Lamentations 3 v 52-57, Ruth 2 v 12, Matthew 6 v 25-34
The scripture in Isaiah 25 v 3-5 reminds us again that God is a shelter and a refuge in the storms of life. Whatever our circumstances God can restore and redeem. David’s Psalms tell again and again of how he relies on God to be his place of safety and his refuge. The book of Ruth paints a wonderful picture of this faithful girl finding a kinsman Redeemer, who was Boaz, but how much more can we find our kinsman Redeemer in the Lord Jesus Christ. So many scriptures go through my mind as I write, and I don’t have room to list them all. Perhaps suffice to say today: lift up you heads O ye gates and be lifted you everlasting doors that the King of Glory might come in. As you pray today be it from a place shelter or from a place of strength, make room for the King of Glory to come into your life with the restoration and redemption that we all need.
Isaiah 25 v 2, Joshua 5 v 13-15, Joshua 6, 1 Kings 29-34
I believe that the city that Isaiah is speaking of in verse 2 is Jericho. As the Red Sea stood in the way of Moses this beautiful, fortified City of springs and Palms was hindering Joshua’s way forward into the promised land. In each of these situations ‘the Lord went ahead of the Israelites. Exodus 13 v 21 tells us ‘By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud… and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. The Ark of the Covenant with priests and trumpets led the way as the Israelites marched round Jericho. Surely in the days in which we are living we are learning that we can only succeed and prosper whatever our circumstances if we know that God is going ahead. This wonderful scripture in Joshua 5 when Joshua meets with the commander of army of the Lord and finds himself on Holy ground is similar to Moses’ encounter with God in Exodus 3. As Moses turns aside at the burning bush, he too finds himself on Holy ground. Church we need to be standing on Holy ground. As you meet with God Day by day in prayer be looking for the Holy ground. Without encountering it, its hard to move forward in safety and victory.
Isaiah 25 v 1, Psalm 46 v 10, Matthew 6 v 9-10
Isaiah tells us that he will exalt the Lord and Praise his name. In the Lord’s prayer Jesus removes the focus from us beginning our prayers by asking him for things, to the things of the Kingdom of God, Our Father who is Holy and who has a name that is worthy of praise. Isaiah exalts God for his faithfulness and for the wonderful things HE has done. God is still in the business of doing wonderful things. Jesus tells us to pray for HIS Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. In recent prayer meetings we have looked at the words of Psalm 46 recognising that God is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in trouble. Verse 10 of this Psalm prophetically tells us that God will be exalted among the Nations. He will be exalted in the earth God says it ‘I will be’. How are you praying for the situation in Afghanistan. Is it not as easy for God to move in the life of a Taliban warlord as it is for him to move in the life of my lovely next-door neighbour? Does God love these people equally? Let’s Be still before God and then be bold as we pray that HE will be exalted in the Nations.
Isaiah 25
I wonder what you have been reading during the summer month of August when lots of church meetings have had a holiday break. I have turned many times to two chapters in the Prophesy of Isaiah and God has shown me mighty things as I have read and pondered on these words of scripture. Chapter 25 verse 1 could be read and pondered over indefinitely as we read and allow the truth of this scripture to invade our spirit, ‘Lord you are my God.’ How are we demonstrating that the Lord is our God. How are our faith and trust in him as we have battled
through so many months of lockdown and coronavirus and as we see World events on an apparent downward spiral where the enemy so often seems to triumph. ‘Lord you are my God’ As you pray and spend time with God today consider how this verse is impacting your life and how true it is in your daily living.
Hebrews 10 v 23 – 25, Matthew 18 v 19 – 20, Acts 2 v 1 – 21
Please pray for the Meeting tomorrow. Church is open and Zoom continues. Let’s meet together as the Word encourages us to do. Imagine as you read the bible what might have happened if the people of God had not heeded the Word. They were often disobedient and missed great blessing. But what if the disciples hadn’t waited together in one place, united. Would the Holy Spirit have fallen? Church we need to hear what God is saying and do it. Hebrews tells us to meet all the more ‘as we see the Day Approaching’. God is beginning to pour out his Spirit. Be obedient to the Word.
Hebrews 4 v 12 – 13, John 1 v 14 – 18, Revelation 19 v 11 – 16, Isaiah 55 v 8 – 13
The Word of the Lord endures forever (1 Peter 1 v 25) Think about that. Forever. John introduces Jesus as ‘The Word’ who was with God and who was God, who became flesh and dwelt among us. Think about that. Eternal. From Genesis to Revelation the Word of God isn’t just words in a book. It is alive and active, it speaks clearly to us, it accomplishes purpose, God’s purpose and won’t return to him empty. As you read today be aware of the treasure you hold in your hand. Let the words you read be active and speak to you. Be aware of Jesus himself, the Word of God. There are things we can never work out with our finite minds but know, ‘He is the one speaking to you’ John 4 v 26.
Hosea 14, Hebrews 4 v 9 – 13, James 1 v 22 – 25
Hosea 14, speaks about returning to the Lord, Repenting and living in HIS blessing. This is a sure way to become a praising people. We need to know what God’s Word says and to live in obedience to it. Reading the scriptures helps us to know the way to live. Return to God, repent, offer the fruit of your lip, Praise. And God says, I will heal your waywardness, and love you freely. You will become like dew that refreshes the ground. You will blossom and be fragrant, you will be fruitful and flourish. Don’t forsake God’s Word. Pray for greater understanding as you read that it might be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.
Genesis 39 v 6 – 19, Jerimiah 32 v 1-2, 2 Corinthians 11 v 21 – 26, Hebrews 11 v 32- 40
Throughout scripture God’s people, have been persecuted, thrown into prison, stoned beaten, tortured, and yes crucified. They continued to trust God in the direst circumstances. We live in exceedingly difficult times, but I don’t think any of us have shed blood for the sake of the gospel. There are many Christians in many countries in prison today because they will not renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. We think about Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. This lady needs our prayers that she might know Jesus in the dark place she finds herself. We think our lives are difficult, but we live in a country with a proper legal system. Amos says ‘let justice roll on like a river and righteousness like a never-failing stream Amos 5 v 24. Open Doors says that over 260 million people in the World today are being persecuted for their faith. Pray for them.
Ephesians 1 v 1-14, 1 Thessalonians 5 v 16 – 24, Hebrews 12 v 18 – 28
How can we live as the scripture in Thessalonians tells us? How did Paul and Silas sing hymns in prison? Perhaps some of the answer lies in how we read God’s Word and understand the blessing and provision HE has given us. Paul opens his letters by announcing the Grace of God. Grace and Peace to you. Paul knew every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm had been given to him and to us. We are chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven and we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit. It didn’t matter what his circumstances were, he knew God had provided and was with him. I find that a definite challenge. We are citizens of heaven, and our names are written there. Pray today for your family and friends, the church at SNLBC that we will have new revelation of who we are in Christ. We are sons and daughters of God. Let’s live as children of the King, Praising him for his Love and Grace.
Philippians 4 v 4 – 9, Habakkuk 3 v 16 – 19, Acts 16 v 22 – 32
Philippians 4 is a scripture that has been read and quoted so many times that perhaps God is wanting us to take note of it and apply it to our lives. Rejoice, Praise God, don’t be anxious, pray and give thanks. Some may find this easier than others. Paul and Silas had been attacked, beaten with rods, thrown into prison, and were restrained by stocks. Yet they were able to sing praise and hymns to God with remarkable results. An earthquake shook the prison, opening the doors and breaking chains. The Word of God was preached, and people were saved. Praise is a remarkable weapon in our Christian arsenal. Practice praise today. Most of us know the hymn Praise my Soul the King of Heaven. Sing it now, look it up online and inhabit Praise. Live in it. Praise needs to be reinstated. Satan would try to silence our songs, but I encourage you to sing and to praise at home every day because Jesus is worth singing about.
2 Chronicles 7 v 11 – 22
This scripture is God’s answer to Solomon when he had dedicated the temple to God. More lessons to learn from these Old Testament men with all their faults and who had many of the same problems that we have today. God talks to Solomon about his country turning away from HIM. As I write the UK has done this big time and disaster has come. Church let’s be the ‘IF’ people and pray every day that our God would have mercy on us and turn and heal our land.
2 Chronicles 20
Read Jehoshaphat’s prayer and his response to God when trouble and war came to his country. He knew who God was. He knew God ruled over the Kingdoms of the Nations. He knew of God’s Power. He knew of God’s Covenant with his people. He knew he had no power, but he knew a God who had. Do you know Jehoshaphat’s God? Jehoshaphat prayed ‘We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you’. O that Boris Johnson’s eyes were on God. Pray that our national church leaders’ eyes might be on God. We need to do a U-turn and invite God back in and repent of all the places we have shut him out. We do not know what to do but our eyes need to be on God. We need to be hearing from heaven and appealing to heaven that God might have overwhelming mercy upon us and might turn and heal our land.
Exodus 15 v 22-27, Exodus 23 v 25, John 15 v 25-27, Psalm 107 v 20-22
We said yesterday that we are in a battle against disease in this land. God’s word is full of promises that we need to take note of at this time. A precious promise is that He is the Lord who heals us. Yes, there is a proviso ‘if you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes and pay attention to his commands … We need to take heed that we have a God who heals. Jesus went about doing all manner of good and healed all diseases. We need to be praying for the disease in our land. It isn’t just a disease of the body, but our country is soul sick. It’s a disease called sin because we don’t listen to the Lord our God. Let’s pray for one another today that we might hear what God is wanting us to do at this time. As we pray to Our Father, ask him to lead you to pray for people to be healed. Our hospitals are overwhelmed. Only God is able.
Esther 4 v 9-17, Ephesians 5 v 14-15, Deuteronomy 20 v 1-4, Luke
Today we are in a battle against disease in our land. Jesus Christ is still wanting us to seek him. The church belongs to him, and HE is building it on a rock? In the Second World War the King and Church Leaders called for National Days of prayer when churches were packed as people turned to God on behalf of the Nation. God has allowed the Coronavirus situation and perhaps it will be a means to draw people back to himself. Esther was told: ‘and who knows but that you have come to your Royal position for a time such as this.’ We the church of Jesus Christ are a Royal Priesthood and God has placed us as church for a time such as this. Let’s be wise in the things we do. Pray today for the church. Pray for its earthly leaders that the Lord Jesus would reveal to them truth from heaven as to the way they should go in these days. Hear from God for yourself turning from fear and doubt to faith knowing that with God all things are possible. Jesus said Do not be afraid little flock for the Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom (Luke 12 v 32)
John 16 v 23b-33, Psalm 76 v 6-10, Matthew 24 v 36-44
The whole World is living in very difficult days. We are all part of a generation that has got used to comfort and plenty in our lives. Supermarket shelves usually full of all that we want. Not many people are left who endured the hardship and poverty of World wars. Yet perhaps these people were rich because they understood community, what it was to be a good neighbour, they understood the need to share and to care. Are these attributes and values that we have forgotten despite political correctness and fine words. Perhaps God is bringing us back to basics. Scripture tells us very clearly that in this World we will have trouble. We seldom read scriptures about God’s wrath and judgement or hear sermons that condemn sin, but the truth is that Jesus is coming again to judge this World. Scripture tells us that creation is waiting for the sons of God to be revealed. We have the answers to the problems of this World. Time to rise up as a neighbour, as one brings calm into the midst of fear, as one who is focused on the things of God’s Kingdom rather than the news of this world. Jesus said Be of good cheer because I have overcome the world.
Psalm 100, Psalm 103
The truth is that we have a good God, our heavenly Father, the one who tells us to pray for HIS Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. A God who scripture tells us redeems our lives from the pit and crowns us with love and compassion. Why then are we afraid? Come into God’s presence with thanksgiving and praise today. Read these Psalms prayerfully and let the truth of scripture go deep into your Spirit in these hard times.
John 15 v 16-17, Hebrews 13 v7-8, 1 Peter v 1-4
Pray for Richard and the deaconate of SNLBC. Pray for their families today and ask God to sustain them in every way. (Numbers 6 v 22-26)
John 4 v 20-26, (1 Chronicles 16 v 23-31, Exodus 20 v 1-7 Romans 12 v 1-2)
We sing a song about ‘Coming back to the heart of Worship’. This scripture is about the heart of worship. It’s not about a place. Not a building. Not Mount Gerizim where the Samaritans worshipped. Not Jerusalem. It’s about Spirit and Truth. Worship of God because he alone is Worthy. Extravagant worship because we have an extravagant God. We have found the Messiah! We are filled with the Holy Spirit! Come on church. Let’s Worship in Spirit and in Truth every day, especially on Sunday no matter how you feel. Worship because HE is greatly to be praised. Please pray for our times of worship either online or at church.
John 4 v 16 – 20, (Psalm 139 v 1-10, Romans 11 v 33-34, 2 Chronicles 16 v 9)
The woman doesn’t seem surprised that Jesus knows she has had 5 husbands and that she is living with another man. Does the thought that Jesus knows all about you surprise you or scare you? Jesus speaks into her life because she is sinning, and sin keeps us from living in the light of Jesus. See how she changes the subject to side-step Jesus’ challenge. Sir, I can see you are a Prophet. We know him as our Saviour. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Allow Jesus to have his way in your life as he challenges you and teaches you. His purpose is to make us more like himself, changing us from one degree of glory to another. Ask him to show you anything in your life that is stopping you from living fully in the light of Jesus.
John 4 v 10–15, (Jeremiah 17 v7-14, John 7 v 37-41, Revelation 22 v 1-2)
Jesus begins to speak to the Samaritan woman about the springs of water of Eternal Life. This is a remarkable conversation between Jesus and the women. She isn’t a silent woman, and she doesn’t wait for permission to speak. She is full of questions for Jesus and hungry for answers. She has come to the well alone, at noon, the hottest part of the day, because she has probably been judged as immoral by other women in the village. As we will see she has had 5 husbands! But Jesus is showing that his ministry and his gospel is for all people. This scripture shows us of our need to have conversation with Jesus. Don’t just talk to him in prayer but listen to what he wants to say to you. Today have a two-way conversation with Jesus and take a big drink of the water of life that he is longing to pour out on you.
John 4 v 7-11, (Luke 6 v1-11, Matthew 8 v 1-4)
In these short verse Jesus breaks 3 Jewish customs. He spoke to a woman, he spoke to a SAMARITAN woman, he didn’t have a vessel to drink from which to drink. Using her cup would have made him ceremonially unclean. The scripture says ‘Jews do not associate with Samaritans’. Jesus did things that upset people who lived by Old Testament law. He healed on the Sabbath, he touched lepers who were unclean people. I wonder if there are people in today’s society that we would go out of our way to avoid. Consider people that you might find it difficult to mix with, or whom you might avoid because they aren’t like you. Pray that God will give us in SNLBC hearts of loving compassion for anyone who the Lord brings our way, be it at church, our homes or wherever we find ourselves.
John 4 v 1-6, (Matthew 8 v 24, Luke 6 v 12, Mark 1 v 35)
Scripture shows us that Jesus had emotions and needs like ours. He got tired! The above scriptures show us that he often spent time praying when he could have been sleeping, or having a lie-in. His tiredness in John 4 was from a long journey. Walking from Jerusalem to Galilee took at least 5 days. If you took the short cut through Samaria it took ONLY 3 days. Consider your own lifestyle today, and ask yourself, “What makes me tired?” Are there things you can change? Do you take relax or is your life spent rushing from one place to another? Have you ever prayed all night? As you pray today ask God to show you how to live heathy in Body and Spirit. Allow Jesus to show you if there are things you could change to make your life better and more in tune with God’s Spirit.
Romans 13 v8 – 14, Ephesians 6 v10 – 18, 1 Timothy 2 v 1 – 8.
Prayer Pointers:
We are living in difficult days and need to understand and live in the mighty Power that God provides. Let’s pray for the Community we live in and for the dark places that we are aware of. Pray for Christian Leaders and Churches across the Borough of Kingston for our local Council and Police. For peace in our community. Pray against the consumerism and sin that is invading our society – the love of money, alcohol, drugs and violence. Let’s begin to pray that the Light of the Lord Jesus will begin to infiltrate the dark places. Pray we will have a greater understanding of the ‘Principalities and Powers’ that Paul speaks of in Ephesians. AS you read and pray may you be aware of God’s presence and guidance. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to understand fully the scriptures you are reading and; May the Lord Bless YOU and Keep YOU May the Lord make his Face Shine upon YOU, and be gracious to YOU May the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon YOU And give YOU Peace.
Numbers 6 v24 – 26.
Isaiah 40 v28 – 31, Isaiah 42 v14 – 16, Mark 1 v29 – 35.
Prayer Points:
Today we are praying for the people we know in our church fellowship and our friends and family who are sick, tired, disappointed or in distress for those who feel hopeless and discouraged. We have been reading in previous days about Jesus the Light of the World. Lets apply these words of truth and healing to peoples’ lives as we pray. Scripture tells us that: WE can approach the Throne of Grace with Confidence with BOLDNESS so we may receive Mercy and find Grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4 v16) Come on church pray with Boldness !!
Psalm 109 v105-108, Hebrews 4 v12-13, Matthew 7 v 24, 1 Samuel 3 v19-21.
Prayer Points:
We are praying today that we might have a greater desire for the written word of God – the Bible. Pray that we may hunger and thirst for God’s word and that the Holy Spirit might make the pages of Scripture might come alive to us and that we might understand the Power in God’s word.
Isaiah 60 v1-3, Matthew 5 v14-16, John 8 v 12, Romans 12 v1-2
The Message.
So, here’s what I want you to do God helping you. Take your everyday ordinary life – you’re eating sleeping going to work and walking about life and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from
the inside out.
Prayer Points:
The truth is that in these gloomy uncertain days as God’s children we are the light of the world. Pray that as we go about our daily lives everyone we meet and talk to might be aware of the light of Jesus within us and that we might have many opportunities to share the Good News of the Lord Jesus.
Genesis 1 v1- 3, John 1 v1 – 3, 1 Samuel 3 v1 – 10.
Prayer Points:
Let’s pray today that we might have a greater understanding of the way that God our Heavenly Father speaks to us ALL. Pray that we will expect God to speak to us and begin to hear his voice above all our busyness and uncertainty Pray that Richard and our Deacons may hear God speaking clearly and give them unity of vision as they lead the church forward.
Ephesians 5 v 25-32, Matthew 25 v 1-13, Revelation 19 v 4-10, Song of Songs 8v 6-7
Jesus sees his church as His Bride, a church sanctified, without spot or wrinkle. Jesus has provided fine linen for the bride to wear. But he expects us to be ready and clothed with the fine linen. Who knows when the bridegroom will come? (Matthew 25) Jesus is coming back for his Bride, for His Holy church. We need to be ready for HIS return. Scripture talks about his coming like a thief in the night and says that he will suddenly come to his temple. Are you ready with your lamp filled with Holy Spirit oil? Seek more of Jesus and ask him to make you ready,
desire to be ready. What if he returned today!! Do you believe he is coming again?
Ephesians 2 v4-10, Genesis 1 v26-27, Isaiah 64 v 8-9, Romans 9 v 20-24
God sees us as his workmanship, the work of his hands. He made us to be in his image, men and women to rule over and to take care of and to bless his creation. He breathed life into us. Do you think you just exist because of your mother and father.? Scripture teaches that He has known us from the foundation of the world. God desires that you know him as your Father, he’s desperate for you to know how much he loves you. Spend time with God today and let him minister his love and grace to you. WE are his beloved and his banner over us is love.
Ephesians 6 v 10-18, 2 Corinthians 10 v 3-5, Psalm 24 v 7-10, Revelation 19 v 11-16
These scriptures show us that God’s army of believers are in a spiritual battle. We are told in Ephesians to put on the whole army of God that we might stand. The picture is the armour of a Roman soldier dressed for battle. We have a warrior God. Our country today is in a battle for its existence quite as serious as in the days of the world wars. Church we need to see the battle. We need to learn to pray as the Holy Spirit teaches us in groans for all that we see that is against the will of God. Confusion, division, hatred, knife crime, disease. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the battle and to teach you to pray. And pray for Great Britain.
Ephesians 1 v 22-23, Romans 12 v 3-8, 1 Corinthians 12 v 12-21, Colossians 2 v 19
Jesus founded the church, and he loves it. He has great plans and purpose for it. He sees it as a body with himself as the head. However, for the body to flourish it needs to be joined together. Consider SNLBC as you pray today. Are we functioning as a body? Are we recognising the giftings of the Holy Spirit amongst us? Are we seeing demonstrations of healing, prophesy, and the greater gifts spoken of in 1 Corinthians? Pray that we will all have a real desire to see SNLBC becoming a fully functioning body as Jesus would want it to be. He sees a glorious church without stain or wrinkle. Are we?
Matthew 5 v 14-16, John 1 v 1-14, Ecclesiastes 2 v 13, 1 John 1 v 5-9
Light is used in the bible to symbolise God (in whom there is no darkness), faith and holiness. Jesus says to us – YOU are the Light of the World. Being light suggests being different to the world, like a city set on a hill that everybody can see. Light speaks of transparency in our dealings and in our fellowship with one another. Read John1 carefully today, this scripture that is a special Christmas reading speaking of Jesus, the true light of the world. Pray today for greater light in your own life and a greater knowing of Jesus.
Matthew 5 v 13, Mark 9 v 43-50, Leviticus 2 v 11-13, Ezra 6 v 6-10
Salt was a very important commodity in Bible time. The crowds gathered at the Sermon on the Mount would have totally understood what he meant when he told them ‘You are the salt of the earth.’ Salt was used in covenant transactions, in agreements sealed, in marriage ceremonies, for purification purposes, and to preserve and to add flavour to food. It signified purity, loyalty, value, usefulness, and permanence. Salt. Jesus is saying our lives need to be salty. Look at the words salt signifies and see if your lifelines up with those words. Ask God to show you how to be a person who is the salt of the earth.
1 Chronicles 16 v 23 – 33, Habakkuk 3 v 17-19, Isaiah 25 v 1, Acts 16 v 22-35
It’s good to Praise the Lord. Whenever you pray, Praise the Lord for he is good. Amazing things can happen when we praise God. Be amazed as you read of the happenings in Acts 16. Praise released Paul and Silas from their chains, but as we praise God, we too can be released from earthly chains that hold us back. Praise can change our minds from despair to hope, Isaiah talks about a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. (Isaiah 61) On Friday we were considering what the Kingdom of heaven might be like. It’s a Kingdom of Praise (read Revelation 4 about heavens throne room and come to church tomorrow full of praise to our God and Father. HE alone is worthy of Praise.
Psalm 3 v 3-8, Psalm 73 v 23-26, Romans 8 v 26-39
Sometimes we don’t know how to pray. Romans 8 tell us that the Holy Spirit will help us and that he will groan for us. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to pray. He knows exactly what you need even better than you know it yourself. Reading a scripture, or reading a Psalm is often a good way to begin to pray. David’s Psalms so often seem to exactly resonate with how we might be feeling. Find your favourite Psalm today and use it to help you to pray.
Jeremiah 10 v 23-25, Matthew 26 v 36-45, Psalm 18 v 3-19
We can pray at any time of day and night and in any circumstances. Jeremiah talks to God when Jerusalem is under siege and exile or even death looms large. David too is in great distress when he is being pursued by his enemies and feels he is close to being killed. And Jesus talks to his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane before he is crucified. Hopefully our circumstances aren’t quite so perilous as the scriptures we have read today but they do show that we can talk to God however difficult our lives might be. Bring everything you fear or that you have doubts about before God today. Everything. Let his peace fill your spirit.
Matthew 6 v 5-15
This scripture recorded in Matthew’s gospel is part of the sermon on the mount. Jesus who came to fulfil the law teaching on how we should live. For God’s children, part of living is praying. Jesus prayed and he taught his followers to pray to OUR Father. Our Dad, Abba. Our Father who is in heaven. Do you really know your Father who is in heaven? Are you in regular communication with him? Consider this prayer that Jesus taught us. What do you think about HIS Kingdom coming today, on earth, as it is in heaven? What is his Kingdom in heaven like anyway? And then forgiveness … Lots to meditate on and to pray about.
Psalm 55 v 1-8, Psalm 91 v 1-4, 1 Peter 5 v 6-7
Do you feel that prayer is too difficult, or you don’t know how to pray? We might often feel like flying away when life gets too stressful or busy, but we have a place of shelter in the Lord. Peter tells us to cast our cares our anxieties upon him because he cares for us. Peter was a fisherman, very used to casting out his nets into the sea and expecting a haul of blessing in the fish that he caught. It’s a great picture. Think of it as you cast your net of burdens onto Jesus and expect that he will answer your prayers with blessing and with good things, because God is good all the time even when we have difficulty in understanding his ways. So today, cast your burdens onto Jesus because he cares for you.
Luke 11 v 2-13, 2 Chronicles 6 v 12-41, Ephesians 1 v 15-23
Throughout scripture God’s people have prayed. In both the Old Testament and the new we find examples of God meeting with his people as they prayed. Rooms shook, places were filled with smoke, tongues of fire came down and angels ministered in answer to prayer. Today I want to encourage us as God’s people at SNLBC to PRAY. To persevere in prayer and to seek God’s face as we pray. Pray for yourself that the Holy Spirit would give to you a greater desire to meet with God every day for at least 30 minutes.
I will be taking a break from writing these notes until the beginning of September. Can I encourage you to continue to read God’s word in the bible every day? Choose a book or a theme, such as the parables Jesus taught, or the life of King David and see what God has to show you. Perhaps buy a Christian book. I have read many books this year, and would recommend, God on Mute or How to Pray by Pete Greig both of which the lady’s group have studied. You might like We’ve never been this way before by RT Kendall or a very challenging book by Matt Chandler called Joy in the Sorrow. Another brilliant book is Heart Fire by Johannes Hartl, a book to read a bit at a time and be blessed and challenged, or The prodigal Prophet by Timothy Keller. Have a great August and happy reading.
2 Chronicles 7 v 17-22, Deuteronomy 7 v 7-10, 2 Timothy 2 v 11 – 13, Matthew 25 v 14 – 30
We have a faithful God who in turn desires us to live in faithfulness and obedience to him. The scriptures from start to finish are telling us of God’s faithfulness. We sing songs most weeks telling of his faithfulness. We in turn need to walk in faithfulness and obedience to God. I think of the song we often sing, Faithful one so unchanging. Ageless one you’re my rock of peace, Lord of all I depend on you, I call out to you again and again. We live in a society that seeks to be independent, fending for ourselves but the truth is we need to be dependent on our faithful God in every part of our lives. As you pray get to know the faithfulness of God and thank him for all the times in your life that he has been faithful to you.
Acts 17 v 39-48, John 3 v 16-21, Isaiah 53 v 3-6 and 55 v 6-7, Matthew 6 v 12-13, 1 John 1v 9
Forgiveness. Scripture talks much about forgiveness. It tells us that if we confess our sins God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins. Jesus told us to repent, that he might forgive us. He tells us too, to forgive one another. Forgiveness is a difficult subject, and we often find forgiving easier said than done. God tells us in the Chronicles scripture that IF we turn from our wicked ways. Its addressed not to the nation but to HIS people. Maybe in seeking God, we might ask him what the wicked ways are. Or perhaps we know already. In 1857 a middle-aged American businessman decided to start a lunchtime prayer meeting in New York which sin the middle of a financial crisis. At first, he prayed by himself but within 6 months the meeting spread to 10,00 people coming each day to seek God in prayer. That’s how revival begins, and nations are healed. IF my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land. I believe we need to hear this Word from God as the Pandemic continues across this planet.
1 Chronicles 22 v 19, Matthew 6 v 24-34, Psalm 14 v 2, Acts 17 v 24-31
We often spend an inordinate length of time in our house looking for things, usually documents or keys. Yes, we do have hooks marked for keys! The worst occasion was a few years ago when we were going on holiday to Mauritius. The travel documents were locked in the filing cabinet in my husband’s outside office which of course was locked. We spent an absolutely frantic 2 hours on the day of travel searching for those keys. God tells us to search for him, to seek him. I have never been so frantic in my search for God as I was in searching for those keys. Something indeed to think about. What Joy when lost things are found. God isn’t lost but perhaps it’s us that have the difficulty in seeking him out. Seek 1 st his Kingdom and his Righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.
Psalm 130, Genesis 18 v 18-33, James 5 v 16-18, 1 Samuel 1 1-17, Luke 22 v 39-44
The bible records for us some mighty prayers. Men and women who had no other course of action but to throw themselves upon God’s mercy. If my people will humble themselves and pray. I have recently been reading about Hannah’s prayer in my own daily readings. I was moved to tears by Eli’s response to her: Eli was an old and rather ineffective priest, but he said: Go in peace and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him. The bible records people praying from broken hearts and anguished spirits. I don’t want to be a person who rushes in and out of God’s presence wondering if he is even there, but I want to have a relationship with him. I want to be hearing him say to me: Go in peace, I have heard your prayers. It is a wondrous privilege to come before the Lord in prayer. As you pray seek to make it a holy time when you know God’s presence with you, and you know you have been heard by heaven. (Daniel 10 v 12)
1 Peter 5 v 1-9, Micah 6 v 8, Philippians 2 v 1-11, 2 Chronicles 7 v 11-17
I have been thinking for a long time about humility as it is spoken of in scripture. Humility is said to be living without pride or arrogance. I know I have a long way to go. Humility needs to be a characteristic of people who follow Jesus. His is the best example of a life lived humble from stable to cross. Could he not have summoned angels to find him a good hotel or the top palace in the region to be born or to have him removed from his crucifixion suffering. Of course, he could but the scripture tells us HE humbled himself. It is a requirement of the 2 Chronicles scripture: God’s people humbling themselves. The pandemic continues to rage despite lockdowns and various testing, but God hasn’t changed his Word. IF his people will humble themselves. As we read today’s scripture should we ask the Holy Spirit to teach us more about humility.
Isaiah 44 v 3-8, Matthew 16 v 13-20
Jesus is building his church across this World in these days. He wants us to hear him, to join with what he is doing and to be a people of Praise whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. I don’t write these notes as someone with the answers but as I write I am challenged by the words the Holy Spirit gives to me which are often difficult to write. Scripture tells us in so many places that God is the Rock. He has a Kingdom built on a rock of righteousness that can never be shaken. Stand on the Rock today with thanksgiving and with songs of praise
Ezekiel 37 1-28, 1 Chronicles 12 v 23- 40, 2 Corinthians 10 v 1-5, Revelation 19 v 11-16,
The scripture in Ezekiel is a wonderful prophetic picture of God raising up a cemetery into an army, Ezekiel is told to prophesy to these bones breathing life into them. God gathers and makes them a people together under one King. We see in 1 Chronicles 12 how warriors from all the tribes of Israel joined together to turn Saul’s Kingdom over to David. They were determined together to make David King over all Israel. We are part of a kingdom that does not wage war as the World wages war. Our weapons are divine weapons given to us by the Holy Spirit. The scripture tells us that Jesus wages war in righteousness. Look around you and see that today we’re living on a battlefield of sickness, death, inequality, racism, hopelessness, economic disaster, and sin. Only Jesus has an answer. Perhaps we need to get desperate for this lost World as I got desperate when I lost my son in M&S all those years ago.
John 15 v 26 – John 16 v15, Acts 2 v 1-41
Jesus said many things to his disciples whilst he was with them that they did not fully understand. But he told them, the Holy Spirit will make known to you, and will guide you into all truth. Do you ever think about Jesus’ ministry? He drew crowds of people to him and where Jesus was there was noise and activity, questions, arguments, but there was healing and fun and joy and life. So, it was on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell on the followers of Jesus in that upper room. The crowd heard a sound that couldn’t be contained in a room. It spilled out into the streets. Think England against Italy in the European Cup Final. It couldn’t be contained even in Wembley Stadium. It spilled out across the country. Do you think the Spirit of God wants to spill out across this country with Joy and excitement and miracles, not because of a football team but because God is amongst us and with his people. Let’s pray that we would hear from heaven about how God is wanting to move in these days. Is it time for him to pour out his Spirit on all flesh? What might you do if HE did?
Revelation 3 v 19-22, Genesis 3 v 8-9, 1 Kings 19 v 9-13, Romans 10 v 14 – 21, Hebrews 1v1-2
God wants to talk to his people. He looks for people who are eager and willing to spend time with him and talk with him in a two-way conversation. He sought out Adam and Eve, where are you? It almost a desperate cry like a mother calling out for a lost child. I remember many years ago losing my 3-year-old son in Oxford Street Marks and Spencer’s and I was calling out where are you. I was desperate to find him God calls out to Elijah What are you doing here. He was in a cave hidden away. I think God is always looking for us wanting us to join him in a heavenly ‘coffee morning’ of praise and conversation. He comes knocking on our doors, Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. God is speaking to us today through his son and through the Holy Spirit. Today if you hear his voice don’t harden your heart but welcome him into your house. What a privilege and joy to talk with God.
Genesis 8 v 20-22, Genesis 22 v 1- 8, Deuteronomy 29 v 2-6, Matthew 25-34, Isaiah 61 v 3
From the garden of Eden to the present-day God has provided for his people. Carefully read Abraham’s response as he takes Isaac his son as a sacrifice. ‘I and the boy will go over there; We will worship and then we will come back to you.’ We will worship. We spoke about freedom last Saturday, about freedom being a choice. As freedom is a choice so is Worship and Praise as we look to God. The opposite of Praise is mourning, or despair. God says. ‘He will give us a garment of Praise instead of a Spirit of despair. Yes, mourning and despair have a place in our lives, but I wonder if we sometimes despair too easily. I believe that
in this pandemic which does continue in spite of our greater freedom this week God is wanting to teach us many things particularly regarding prayer and praise. As you come to him in prayer today listen to what he wants to say to you.
Psalm 150, Isaiah 25 v 1, Habakkuk 3 v 17 – 19, Acts 16 v 30. Psalm 34 v 1- 6
Much of scripture talks about and declares the praises of God. I wonder what we think praise is. Maybe singing some good songs or hymns on a Sunday morning or saying a prayer when God has blessed us. Yes, these things can be seen as praise, but it is so much more. Is not God not always worthy of our praise. What happens when our prayers aren’t answered, or we find ourselves in pain or when life gets tough? What if we find ourselves in prison because we have been to church or because we are at a prayer meeting. This happens to lots of Christians around the world. Praise the Lord at all times says the psalmist. Why? Because he is Worthy, he is faithful, because he’s done wonderful things, because he saves us from fears and troubles. Whether life if good or not so good today, as you spend time in prayer find lots of things to praise God for.
Isaiah 61 v 1-3, Galatians 5 v 1-7, Hebrews 11 v 32-39, John 8 v 34-36
Paul tells us to stand firm both in Galatians and in Ephesians as he writes about our need to persevere in the hard places of life. As we read about the ‘Giants’ of scripture we see that none of them had easy lives. Noah survived the flood, Jacob spent over 20 years labouring on his uncle’s farm tending livestock as he fled from his brother Esau and Caleb spent 40 years in the wilderness. Today men and women continue to live in hard places, places of sickness, loss, homelessness, hunger, and financial distress. Many live with the consequences of war, natural disaster, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions. I read a harrowing account yesterday of a young woman who has been in one of the world’s most evil prisons for many years. Enduring beating, torture, sickness and hunger in a recent communication from prison she said, ‘I am free today because being free in a choice, not determined by being on either side of the bars. ‘We too can choose to live free because of all that Jesus has done for
Hebrews 11 v 1- 39 and Hebrews 12 v 1-3
What amazing people we have read about this week. Scripture is full of men and women like us, with human frailties and doubts, but who became Giants because they trusted God. We need some Giants today – people prepared to go out as the young shepherd boy David did and to slay some spiritual giants whatever the hardships. Be encouraged as you read about the great crowd of witnesses. They are cheering us on from heaven. Give your life over to God again today, ask Him to strengthen you and fill you with his Holy Spirit, put on his armour and start fighting the battle which isn’t against flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6 v 10 – 20)
Numbers 13 v 21-30, Numbers 14 v 19-25, Joshua 14 v 6-13, Numbers 34 v 16-19
Today we are looking at scriptures about Caleb, the man who had a different Spirit. The man who had gone in with 12 others to spy out the promised land. Only he and Joshua gave a good report to Moses about this land of promise. Out of all the desert wanderers Caleb and Joshua were the only 2 who entered that promised land. I long to have a Caleb Spirit, a different Spirit. One who hears the Lord and is obedient to him whatever the cost. Caleb who aged 85 was still asking God to ‘Give me this Mountain’. What are you wanting God to do for you? Cry out to Jesus Christ of Nazareth and ask him for your Mountain. Whatever it is we have a Faithful God with whom nothing is impossible.
Genesis 25 v 19 – 28, Genesis 28 v 10-22, Genesis 35 v 1-5
The story of Jacob is told across several chapters in Genesis. Jacob was an amazing Patriarch and he had mighty encounters with God. One of these is told in Genesis 28 where he saw God and heaven in a dream. It appears to have been much more than a dream as God made mighty covenant promises to Jacob that again would be faithfully fulfilled. How awesome is this place Jacob declares of the place he met with God? God is in this place, it’s the gate of heaven. Jacob had a wild life, but in spite of his failings God had mighty plans for him and changed his name to Israel because he knew him as the founder of a Nation. Be encouraged as God has big plans for you too. Ask God to show you what He would have you do.
Genesis 6 v 9-22, Genesis 7 v 1-5 and v 16, Genesis 8 v 1 (or the whole story of Noah from Genesis 6 v 9 – Genesis 9 v 17)
God had become very disillusioned with the human race he had made, and scripture tells us he ‘regretted’ having made mankind. He saw Noah – a righteous man and God told Noah of his plan to destroy mankind and told him to build an ark. Now you would need to be a very special person to build a boat where there was no water. But it wasn’t only a boat, but a house for Noah and his family and the birds and the animals who went in 2 by 2. Don’t think this is a bible fairy story. It was a Covenant Ark to save creation. For a long time in the Old Testament God lived in an Ark. Read Noah’s story and be amazed at God’s faithfulness to this man. Think today of all the times God has faithfully provided for you and be Thankful.
Deuteronomy 7 v 9, 2 Timothy 2 v 13, Hebrews 10 v 19-24, Revelation 19 v 11-16
Throughout scripture we read that we are serving a faithful God. My huge Oxford Thesaurus Dictionary lists the following alternatives for the word faithful: Loyal, Constant, Unswerving, Steadfast, Dedicated, Dependable, Trustworthy and many more. Looking at these words, do you think that God is Faithful to you, but just as important are you faithful to him and to his body, the church. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to walk in Faithful obedience to God.
I’m singing another song about Jesus that says: Jesus what a beautiful name Son of God son of man Lamb that was slain, rescued my Soul, My Stronghold freed me from shame, Forgiveness security power and Love, Grace that blows all fear away. Jesus what a beautiful name. If only I had space to write all the words, but you can find them, read them, and sing along on YouTube and ponder these Words of truth. They will surely lead you to pray to our Saviour Jesus who forgives us loves us and heals us. Come to church tomorrow to Worship our precious Saviour who alone is worthy of praise.
Job 19 v 11-27, Jonah 2 v 1- Jonah 3 v 1-3, John 3 v 16
Reading about Job and Jonah this week, we find them in very different circumstances but both feeling alienated from the Lord and crying out to HIM for help. In the depths of his need Job knows that he has a Redeemer who lives. Jonah hears God speak to him again as he is vomited onto land by the big fish. After repenting he turns to God and is obedient. The words of a very old hymn are going through my mind as I write that say: O Saviour Christ our woes dispel for some are sick and some are sad, and some have never loved you well and some have lost the love they had. We live in a World that is sick and sad and in need of love and healing. Will you pray for our country and for our World today that it might know there is a Redeemer who ‘So loves the World that he gave his Son’.
Job 42 v 7-11, Ephesians 6 v 18, Matthew 5 v 43-48, 1 Thessalonians 5 v 17, Ephesians 3 v 14-21
Job had a very vocal group of friends who gave him some very questionable advice and weren’t overly kind or sympathetic to him. Maybe they felt they were telling him the truth in love. I have a wonderful group of friends who down the years have told me the truth in love and who continue to do so. I am eternally grateful. Jesus tells us to pray not just for our friends but for our enemies too, do you ever pray in football matches or tennis tournaments for your favourite to win? I often wonder how God answers those sorts of prayers if at all. Maybe they stay in a heavenly ‘filing tray’ Today, pray for your friends. You know them and you know some of their needs. Pray for them. But pray too as Paul prayed that your friends may know the Love that God has for them. High and deep and wide, love that surpasses knowledge. Dare to pray that for your enemies too if you have any!
Isaiah 14 v 12-17, Micah 6 v 6-8, Philippians 2 v 1-18, Ruth 3 v 5-6, Luke 22 v 42, 2 Chronicles 7v14
Many scriptures talk about humility. It was satan’s pride that caused his fall from heaven, as Isaiah says, ‘all your pomp has been brought down to the grave’. Jesus lived a life of humility, a servant life. Scripture tells us ‘He came to do the will of his Father’ (John 6 v 38). His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, ‘yet not my will but yours’. God tells Solomon in 2 Chronicles, if MY people will humble themselves and pray. God’s saying if they will do my will, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land God hears and heeds humble hearts. People who turn to him knowing HE is the only one that can bring change and restoration. Jesus forgives sin when we repent and turn to him because he died to take away the sins of the World. Its not the burnt offering God’s after, it’s you he wants. You are his child, and he wants best for you, just as you want best for your children. Know that best as you come to HIM in prayer today and know that he is a good God, all the time.
Jonah 1 – Jonah 3 v 1, Psalm 139 v 7, 2 Chronicles 7 v 11- 15
I’m sure we all know the story of Jonah, the prophet who tried to run away from God. Jonah who went as far away as he could from the great sinful city of Nineveh by taking a ship going to Tarshish. I am currently reading a book by Timothy Keller called The Prodigal Prophet and my daily reading notes by Jeff Lucas called voices of prayer also have teaching on Jonah this month. This prophet is on my mind. Eventually he ended up in the great sinful city of Nineveh. His is a very easy story to read in 4 short chapters but it throws up many questions that I’ll leave you to ponder. But perhaps this book reminds us too that we live in a great sinful city and an equally sinful country. We are reminded of this
most days on the news and in our newspapers often with vivid pictures. I believe we need to get serious before God as we read the familiar Chronicles scripture, and to humble ourselves and pray. Jesus said Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven has come near. Jesus continues to want to come near.
2 Corinthians 1 v 1-2, 2 Peter 1 v 1-11, Matthew 4 v 12-20, Jonah 2 v 1-4
Letters in the New Testament contain wonderful teaching, but I always dwell on the opening verses. No simple Dear church from the apostles but a summary of who they are in Jesus and always Grace and Peace to their readers. Simon Peter tells us he is a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ. Peter was called to follow Jesus as a young fisherman. He often got things wrong and denied Jesus three times (Matthew 26 v 69) but here he is about AD 67, an older and wiser man but with a story to tell about how he is a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ. He tells us in his letter, ‘Not to forget that we have been cleansed from past sins.’ He knew. When Simon Peter first met Jesus, he Jesus, was preaching Repentance, for the Kingdom of heaven has come near. It’s come near for us too and we never ought to forget that Jesus cleanses us every day from our sins as we confess them to him. We can repent anywhere as we go about our daily lives, Jonah repented from the belly of a big fish. But it’s best done as we spend time talking to Jesus in our precious daily conversations with him.
Isaiah 40 v 25-31, Numbers 23 v 18-20, 1 Chronicles 29 v 11-13, 1 Timothy 6 v 11-16
We serve a mighty God. Spend time today worshiping HIM as you read the scriptures. The triune God, the Blessed and only Ruler, King of Kings and Lord of Lords who alone is immortal and lives in unapproachable light. Yet, we can call him Father and we can call him friend.
Genesis 1 v 14-19, Ecclesiastes 3 v 11, Daniel 2 v 20-23, 1 Thessalonians 5 v 1-11, Psalm 31 v 14-16
Today is the first day of the second half of 2021. It’s the 183 rd day of the year and there are 182 days still to come. Some of you may want to start your Christmas shopping ??Today might be a good day to consider how we have used the first part of 2021 much of which has been in lockdown. What has God taught you or shown you. Have you written a journal to look back on and remember sermons or prayer times or special things God has said to you? As we have prayed together, we have seen God bring amazing changes into many situations even on Zoom prayer times. Today might be a day to consider how we might respond to the things God has been saying to us even as we have read the scriptures and prayed this week. Our times are in his hands.
Exodus 33 v 12-18, 1 Corinthians 14 v 7-12, Luke 6 v 27-34, John 15 v 18-21, 1 Corinthians 3 v 17-18
Moses understood way back in Exodus that God’s people needed to be different. Scripture shows us in many places that we need to be different. Consider people who were different. Moses – he turned aside to meet with God, opened the Red Sea but spent a lifetime in the wilderness. Joseph who was so hated for being different that he was sold into slavery. Elijah, the one who caused 3 years of drought then prayed and it rained. He had to flee from Kings and the prophets of Baal. Jesus who was so radically different that he was crucified. Church needs to be different. We are church. It’s not about decorating a building but about us being changed from inside out. The scripture says from one degree of glory to another. Talk to God today and see what he says about change.
Psalm 23, Galatians 5 v 13-26, Ephesians 3 v 8-10
Yesterday we thought about being refreshed by the river that flows from God’s throne. We find similar word in Psalm 23 as we read about green pastures and quiet waters. These too are places of refreshment, but we aren’t meant to stay in them for ever in this life. God has saved us the scripture says by grace. We are God’s handiwork; he has given us gifts and has good works which he prepared in advance for us to do. Note well: HE has prepared the good works for us to do. I have seen so many Christian people who are doing good works and are worn out, disillusioned and disappointed.
Many people who are not Christians do good works. But I want you to consider how many of the good works are ones that God has prepared for US to do. We talked yesterday about fruit that brings healing. We read today of the fruit of the Spirit. Perhaps these are some of the good works that God has for us to walk in. Consider if Christians lived fruit of the Spirit lives, could the World begin to be a different place. Might people begin to notice we were different. Pray about this today.
Psalm 46, Ezekiel 47 v 1-12, John 4 v 10-14, Revelation 22 v 1-5
Psalm 46 talks about mountains falling and seas raging. It speaks too of a river that makes glad the City of God. Rivers that flow from God bring life. The river that flowed from the temple in the book of Ezekiel I estimate was about a mile and a half wide (but I am open to correction maths not being my strong point) It was a powerful river that could turn the dead salt sea to fresh water where life swarmed with fish and fruit trees grew. Such is the living water from God. Holy Spirit water. Water to drink of and to live in. An old 1970’s song talked about coming to God’s river to drink and to live. Life is restored where God’s waters flow. Fruit trees that never fail in producing fruit that serves for food and healing. As we thought of mountain top dwelling yesterday, today we can be refreshed and healed as we bathe in the river and rest on the tree lined banks of God’s river. The river that flows from HIS throne.
Psalm 62 v 1-2, Psalm 46, Hebrews 12 v 18-29, Exodus 19 v 16-24
I find it so easy when I am reading a scripture to be led onto another and another and end up with a bible study of the Lord’s showing. So, this morning I was reading Psalm 62 v 1-2 and looked at this scripture in NKJB. My soul silently waits for God. So to Psalm 46 where the scripture says Be still and know that I am God. I started to think about being still and waiting for God. I need to do that much more, how about you? Moses spent time, sometimes 40 days on the fiery mountain with God, but God warned the people that they mustn’t go up. Hebrews tell us, But YOU have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God. We can spend as long as we want with God on the mountain, waiting for him, being still before him. Someone once said to me ‘but what did Moses do on the mountain for 40 days. He dwelt in the Glory, in the presence of God and when you have done that you don’t want to be wandering round the wilderness for 40 years. Find time today to be still before God and to wait for him. Perhaps you too will find you are dwelling in the Glory.
Matthew 6 v 10, Matthew 6 v 25-34, Ephesians 1 v 1-10
Thank God that we can meet freely in this country in an open church as we gather for worship at SNLBC tomorrow. Consider again the things we have read this week, about freedom and refreshment, about living water, about Jesus who is the light of the World and about our eternal loving God. We are chosen, we have an inheritance of every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm, we are free because of Jesus. We live in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken because it is the Kingdom of Heaven. As you listen to God’s Word tomorrow be it spoken or in song, ask God to help you to understand more of the heavenly things that he wants to speak to us every day. Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church, not the building, but to you and to me.
John 3 v 16-18, John 17 v 1-19
God so loved the World. We read this scripture again today along with the prayer Jesus prayed to his father before he was arrested. It is a prayer not for himself but for those who know him as God’s son and who are obedient to him. He asks that God would give his followers Joy, he asks that God would make us Holy and he asks that God would protect us. The World God loves has many followers of Jesus who face persecution every day because of their faith and because they won’t renounce Jesus. Pray today for our persecuted brothers and sisters,
especially those in North Korea, the most dangerous place in the World to be a Christian. Not far behind are Afghanistan, Somalia, and Libya. Maybe lockdown has taught us something about meeting in different ways, but we can partake in Zoom meetings from the comfort of our homes. In these countries having a Christian meeting at home and been found would result in prison, beatings and even death. God so Loved the World.
John 3 v 1-21, Titus 2 v 11-15, John 16 v 31-33
It is so interesting to read about the way Jesus talks to the people he meets in these early chapters of John’s gospel. He says to Nicodemus, I’m telling you of earthly things and you don’t believe, how then will you believe if I speak to you of heavenly things. Jesus says to Nicodemus 3 times very truly, indicating that this is a very serious conversation that he is having with this man who is a Pharisee. The scripture says, ‘he came to Jesus at night’, and Nicodemus knew that Jesus‘ was a teacher sent from God. He too wanted a serious conversation. How are we in our conversations with God. God in Jesus who knew all about Nicodemus as surely as he knew about the woman at the well in John 4, and as surely as he knows you and me. As you pray, is Jesus able to talk to you about the heavenly things. Nicodemus was Israel’s teacher, and he didn’t understand. We are Christians and we need to understand and allow Jesus to speak to us every day of heavenly things.
John 3 v 16. John 1 v 19-31 NKJB, 1 John 2 v 1-2, 1 John 2 v 28, Malachi 3 v 1
Those of us who have been Christians a long time can perhaps benefit from taking a fresh look at Jesus. Might he need revealing to us again? Imagine yourself a disciple of John as you watched him baptising in the Jordan river and heard the priests and Levites questioning him. Suddenly John knows that Jesus is here. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World. Remember how you first met Jesus. God so loved the World to include everyone, to save everyone. He so loved the World that he might have many children who would be salt and light, many children who would demonstrate love, peace and hope to his World. Children who delight to be co-workers with him in building his church and his Kingdom.
Genesis 21 v 14-21, 1 Judges 12-14, Jerimiah 2 v 9-12, Numbers 24 v 1-10. John 4 v 7-15
Every scripture that I have read today mentions water. Water is life. Animals, vegetation, and people all need water. Without it we would die. My garden is looking quite sad at the moment. Its wanting some showers of rain to refresh it. When Jesus asked the woman at the well for a drink, he told her that as she drank well water, she would always be thirsty. We need constant refreshment and as Christian’s refreshment is available to us every day as we read the Word and talk to God and as we fellowship together. Water of life must be spiritual water too. Scripture says ‘with Joy you will draw water from the wells of Salvation Isaiah 12 v 3. Jesus said, ‘if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink…rivers of living water will flow from within them’, John 7 v 37-38. As we drink from Jesus and his Word, life will flow out from us because we have been watered. Water is available to us every day. As you pray drink deep of those waters of salvation.
John 8 v 31- 38, Psalm 46, Hebrews 13 v 8, Lamentations 3v 19-21, 1 Timothy v 1 v 17
Today is another of those days when we were supposed to be unlocked. Unfortunately, Coronavirus had other ideas because infections are on the rise again. Will we ever be Free shouts the headlines of The Sun newspaper as I write this study. As children of God, we have a freedom that the World doesn’t understand, and that we as Christians often don’t understand. Jesus died to set us free from sin and sickness from anxiety and fear. If we understand and walk in his teaching, we can live free. Jesus himself said: ‘if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed. So today shall we pray for a greater understanding of the Son’s freedom that is available to us all, every day.
Colossians 1 v 18 – 20, 1 Corinthians 12 v 27, Ephesians 4 v 4-6, John 4 v 23
As we meet tomorrow as church be sure that the church of Jesus Christ isn’t a building but a people, A people who are one body with many gifts. A people who are children of God. A people who call him Father. We are a people who have been saved by Jesus Christ, a redeemed people, a Royal Priesthood. A people who are walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. A people who are called to be the light of the World and the Salt of the earth. A people called to worship in Spirit and in truth. Thank God that we live in a country where we are still free to do that.
2 Chronicles 7 v 13-15, Psalm 33 v 11-15, Isaiah 9 v 6, James 5 v 16, Daniel 2 v 20 – 22
As we pray for our country lets turn again to the scripture in 2 Chronicles with which we are very familiar. God instructs us to humble ourselves and pray and to repent. That’s what turning from our wicked ways means. Psalm 33 shows us a Lord who is over us, one who looks and watches and considers. His are the plans that stand firm for ever. We recently looked at the 7 Revelation churches who were told to hear what the Spirit was saying to them. Lets tune into the Lord’s plans, listening and hearing the plans that he has for his church and for this country. I don’t know about you, but I want to live in a country whose God is the Lord, with the government upon his shoulders. I want a wise and discerning government. As Daniel did through his prayers, we can change the hearts of Kings.
Matthew 4 v 17-22, Luke 18 v 1-8, Psalm 86 v 1-3, Ephesians 6 v 18-24, 1 Timothy 2 v 1-2
Jesus began his ministry by declaring the Kingdom of God and he spoke of repentance. Part of our conversation with God should be talking to him about the things that we do wrong. Things that we need to repent of. We live in a country that is in urgent need of repentance. Scripture talks about the darkness that covers the land and tells us to pray for those in authority, first for Kings and then for government. Scripture in both old and new testaments encourages to keep praying. Jesus tells the parable of the unjust judge and says that we should pray
and never give up. We have so much to pray for. So lets heed scripture and pray for our Queen today and for those in authority.
Luke 11 v 1-4, Psalm 103, 2 Samuel 7 v 12-16, Matthew 10 v 29-33, 1 John 3 v 1- 3
We all know the Lord’s Prayer. The disciples of Jesus asked him to teach them to pray. He said to them ‘when you pray say Our Father’. Jesus told his disciples many things surprising them on many occasions, but this must surely have counted as something very radical. Call GOD your Father. Some of us who have visited Jerusalem may have seen Jewish people praying at the ‘wailing wall’ a small remaining part of the temple. The disciples went to the temple to pray, with the ancient Jewish religion being observed including the reading of the Torah
scrolls as from the days of Moses. They believed in one God who had made heaven and earth. The 7 Jewish festivals would have been kept annually including Passover, with sacrifices for sin and Sabbath observed. Imagine then what these men might have felt as they saw Jesus praying on hillsides, day and night and in his favourite spot in the garden of Gethsemane. Maybe similar feelings as we considered playing in fields of grace. Jesus didn’t do religion. He introduced his Fathers Kingdom which was full of love, freedom, grace and truth. He upset the scribes and Pharisees and was crucified to set us free from the law and sin and death. Who do you pray to? Its great to talk to Father. He loves it when we spend time with him.
Genesis 1, Genesis 2 v 8-23, Romans 8 v 1-6, Luke 12 v 32 NKJV
What a beautiful creation. God created perfect for Adam and Eve to live in. They didn’t even have to weed the garden because there were no weeds until the devil moved in. Imagine a garden without weeds. That would be paradise and paradise is a place for God’s children to live. The garden God made, Kingdom of God. It’s a place that God still wants us to live as we are led by his Spirit. He wants us living free from the law because Jesus came to set us free. Jesus told his disciples ‘fear not little flock for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.’ Our Papa is in the business of restoration. Jesus talks about us living life in all its fullness. I still have to meet someone who is doing that, but its how our Father wants us to live. Kingdom lives led by the Spirit of God. As you pray today ask God to begin to show you fullness of life. Ask him to show you too how to walk in it.
Romans 8 v 12-21, John 1 v 11-14, 2 Corinthians 18, Galatians 3 v 26
At a recent prayer meeting we read from Romans 8 about who we are. Scripture tells us in many places that we are children of God, That’s who we are. My favourite songwriter and worship leader is Godfrey Birtill even though he was born in Lancashire, and I’m a Yorkshire woman. He wrote a song about us being God’s children. One of the verses goes: Playing in the fields of grace, knowing the joy of Papa’s embrace, Hear him say I love you, Hear him say I’ve always loved you. We’re your children O God and that is what we are. Do you have an intimacy with God that allows you to consider playing in the fields of grace and knowing the Joy of our Papa’s embrace. Perhaps you haven’t ever considered having such a relationship with God. If not consider it now and as you pray today let the Holy Spirit show you what it means to be a child of God.
Isaiah 64 v 8, Ephesians 2 v 8-10
I’m building a people of power and I’m making a people of Praise that will move through this land by my Spirit and will glorify my precious name. Build your church Lord, make us strong Lord, join our hearts Lord through your Son Make us one Lord in your body in the Kingdom of your son. This song tells of how Jesus wants to build us. Are we willing to be the clay in the potter’s hand.
Revelation 2, Revelation 3
As you read again 7 letters to these 7 churches perhaps you can get a bigger picture of the things Jesus desires his church to be. I have a lovely book by John Stott entitled what Jesus thinks of his Church. Beautifully illustrated and with lots of history about the churches John Stott suggests the things Jesus encounters in his church then and now. It’s his church. Love is essential. Suffering is probable. He wants truth, people who are true to his name. He wants a Holy church. Don’t tolerate that woman Jezebel. He wants his church to be real. Not religious, not a social club, but Alive and faithful. He wants a church that looks for opportunity to preach the gospel. He wants a wholehearted church, not lukewarm, poor or blind. He wants a church built on the Rock. His church. And he wants us to hear what his Holy Spirit is saying to us all of the time. Quite a challenge and much to consider and pray about.
Revelation 3 v 14-22, Deuteronomy 6 v 4-9, Joshua 22 v 5-6, Matthew 22 v 34-40, Luke 10 v 25-28
Our reading today takes us to the church at Laodicea. This letter is the one we are most familiar with. Perhaps it challenges us the most as Jesus speaks to the church about being lukewarm. Is it at all possible that he would say something similar to his church in 2021. Think about it. Lukewarm!! I love my cups of tea, strong Yorkshire tea with milk no sugar. The thing I hate most about tea is when it is lukewarm, it gets thrown out. Jesus hates church to be lukewarm. He says: I will spit you out. This is not a letter we would want to receive. It tells this church they are complacent, lukewarm, poor, wretched, blind, naked. But the people in this church think quite differently. They think they are a great church, rich, they don’t need anything. We talked yesterday about open doors. Jesus says – Here I am knocking. Will you open the door for me. Perhaps if we open the door to him and he is in the house we will find many more doors open to us. Something to consider and to pray about.
Revelation 3 v 7 – 8, Isaiah 45 v 1-3, Matthew 16 v 13 – 20, Matthew 7 v 7 – 14, Psalm 24 v 7-8
I think we should dwell on open doors for another day. Matthew suggests 3 steps to doors being open, Ask, Seek, Knock, but we can’t make formulas out of Jesus’ words, However if we are living in the power of the Holy Spirit and knowing Jesus as Messiah, like any good father gives his son a fish rather than a stone, so our heavenly Father will give us good gifts and open life doors for us. I am aware of many situations in church that require doors to be open. People need doors opening for work Finding jobs is not easy as we come out of lockdown and industry and workplaces seek to begin again. We need open doors in regard to health continuing to believe God when he says I am the Lord your healer. We need open doors regarding our faith, remembering that the disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith. You may have a door that needs opening known only to you and God. Pray that God will begin to open doors in all these situations. We have a Lord who is mighty in battle who is waiting to open doors, that He might come in.
Revelation 3 v 7- 13, 1 Corinthians 16 v 5-8, , Acts 16 v 6-10, Isaiah 22 v 22, John 6 v 5-12
We see that the church at Philadelphia was a place of great opportunity. Jesus has placed before them an open door that no one can shut. This church has little strength but unlike the church at Sardis the little strength gains commendation from the Lord because they have kept his word and not denied his name. We can have very little, like a grain of mustard seed, or the widows small coin or the loaves and fishes but if we are using the little for Jesus, he will give us greater things. Because this church has kept Jesus command to endure patiently, he will
keep them from the hour of trial that will test the inhabitants of the whole earth. Very relevant as we live through the present pandemic. As we pray, know that the things of God’s Kingdom are worth waiting for. As we obey, Jesus will keep us, and no one will be able to take away your crown. As you pray, hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to his church.
Revelation 3 v 1-6, Psalm 57 v 7-9, Isaiah 52 v 1-3, Romans 13 v 11-12, Ephesians 5 v 8-17
Last week we read letters that were revealed to John by the Lord Jesus Christ and written to the churches at Ephesus, Smyrna Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis. Philadelphia and Laodicea. Different letters to followers of Jesus who lived many centuries ago but that are still relevant to the church in 2021. The church in Sardis received a letter that was the most critical of any written to the churches as Jesus tells them what he thinks of them. They are told to Wake Up because they are dead. Outward appearances can be deceptive. Churches can appear to be flourishing with lots of activities and social events. But Jesus tells them their deeds are unfinished in the sight of God. They aren’t doing the things God wants. What are they to do? Wake up, Strengthen what remains, Remember, Repent. Begin to be Victorious. Any lessons for the church today? I think we can take note and hear what God is saying. Hear what the holy Spirit is saying to his church at SNLBC.
Revelation 2 v 7, 11, 17, 20, Colossians 4 v 19
Paul ends most of his letters to the churches with the blessing of grace. Grace be to you; the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. The endings of the letters to the Revelation churches all have the same important ending, HEAR: Whoever has ears to hear, let him (or her) hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. To every church, Hear what is being said to you. We thought yesterday about God’s knowing. Let’s hear today what he is saying. It may be something for you or something God wants the church to hear.
Revelation 2 v 2, v 9, v 13, v 19, 2 Timothy 2 v 14-19, Nahum 1 v 7 NKJV, Psalm 139
In these studies we recently read and considered 139 a Psalm that speaks to us about the way God knows us. You may have noticed as we have read the letters to 4 Revelation churches this week that God says to each one of them …I know. I know your deeds, I know your afflictions, I know where you live, I know your deeds, your love. Jesus says, I know my sheep by name. As you pray today, ask God what he is knowing about SNLBC be it good or not so good or something that Jesus would not tolerate. See what Jesus says to you.
Revelation 2 18-29, Acts 16 v 11-15, 1 Kings 16 v 29-33, 1 Samuel 15 v 20-31
The church at Thyatira receives the longest letter although it was the least important of the seven cities. It was however a prosperous trading centre with guilds of bakers, tanners and clothiers. In Acts we read of Lydia who was a dealer in purple cloth. She met Paul as she journeyed to Philippi probably on business. So what of the church. The Son of God addresses this church with eyes that are like blazing fire – A Holy Son of God and he commends the church for its love, faith and service. A church seeking Holiness, but they have in their midst a
prophetess, Jezebel with the same Jezebel spirit we encounter in the 1 st book of Kings. Her story coincides with that of Elijah. Do read it. The Jezebel spirit continues to this day and Jesus tells the church He will not tolerate it. Are there spiritual things in churches today that Jesus will not tolerate, Seemingly insignificant things such as horoscopes or reading tarot cards. Even disobedience to God’s commandments as Saul found at such great cost. Beware Jesus will not tolerate these things. Consider our holiness as you pray today.
Revelation 2 v 12-17, John 14 v 5-6, John 17 v 15-17, 1 Kings 17 v 24, Ephesians 6 v 14
Pergamum was the capital and political centre of the Roman province of Asia Minor. It was famous for its art and theatre and also for its many pagan cults. The angel told this church, ‘I know where you live’ – it’s the place where satan has his throne. Pergamum was a church that had to minister to the culture that it lived in. How did it fare – it was commended because it hadn’t lost faith in Jesus Christ. It remembered that truth of the gospel in spite of the sacrifices and idols it had to contend with. The church was told to repent. Jesus told his disciples I AM the way and the truth and the life. He prayed before his death for his disciples to be sanctified – that means to be made Holy by the truth. Consider whether the church at this time of Humanism and Worldliness has watered down the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He desires truth in his church. Pray for the place where you live today and ask God to show you the places where satan dwells in your area. Begin to pray the truth of Jesus into the places you are shown.
Revelation 2 v 8-11, Romans 8 v 14-19, 1 Peter 12-13
The letter to the church at Smyrna is short but is from the one who was dead and came to life. Jesus. One who knew what it was to suffer and to lay down his life for the sins of the World. Jesus suffered and he recognises the suffering in this church, but he tells them in spite of all their tribulations they are RICH. The letter warns the church of greater trials to come but he encourages them not to be afraid and to endure. The early church was marked by suffering and across this earth today in many countries many Christians are suffering persecution, hardship, loss of jobs, poverty, hunger, imprisonment and even death for their faith in Jesus Christ. We in the West have not yet known this kind of suffering but suffering for following Jesus is a way of life for much of his church. Pray today for the persecuted church. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you what to pray for and the countries that need prayer today. And keep praying for these brothers and sisters across the World.
Revelation 2 v 1-7, Ephesians 3 v 14- 21, Ephesians 6 v 13
Much of the New Testament is made up of letters written by Paul to various churches to instruct and encourage them. The book of Revelation opens with John receiving a word of prophesy and a vision from Christ to write to the 7 churches in the Roman province of Asia. Much of what is written in these letters continues to be relevant to the church of 2021. The first letter is to the church at Ephesus. You may recall the letter that Paul wrote to this church. He prays that they will know the love of Christ that they might be filled with the fulness of God. He also instructs them to stand against evil in the armour of God. The revelation letter commends the church for hating evil but rebukes them for forsaking their first love. Remember how you felt when you were first in love. Jesus wants us to have this same kind of loving intimacy with him. He wants churches that Love him and not evil Love. How are we doing. Pray that we will hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to SNLBC.
1 Samuel 13 v 14
We have read many scriptures and psalms this week teaching us much about David’s life and his intimate relationship with God. God sought a man after his own heart, David. Reread some of these scriptures and ponder if God might choose to call you ‘a man, or woman after his own heart.
2 Samuel 7 v 18-29, 1 Samuel 23 v 1-6, 1 Timothy 2 v 1-3 NKJB
David was a man of prayer that is evident from the Psalms. In 2 Samuel 7 he prays in regard to a prophetic word that has been delivered to him by Nathan. He responds to all that God has said to him including God’s wonderful promise ‘Your House and your Kingdom shall endure forever before me.’ Maybe you have had prophetic words spoken to you. Prophesy is often for the future so maybe you need to remind yourself of things God has said to you and promised you. Scripture tells us many times, ’David enquired of the Lord’. God likes to be
enquired of. There is a word used in the NKJB where Timothy talks about supplications being made… Supplications means pleading for something, asking humbly and earnestly. I believe David was a man of supplications as he approached God in prayer. Make some of David’s prayer your own today as he exalts God in 2 Samuel 7.
Psalm 51, Psalm 32, Leviticus 14 v 1-7, Exodus 12 v 21-22, John 19 v 28-30
We read yesterday of the way that David expressed his emotions in the Psalms that are such a blessing to us in 2021. God’s Word through scripture is for ever. David knew too about repentance. Who of us hasn’t related to Psalm 51 probably on many occasions. Cleanse me with hyssop and I shall be clean … Create in me a pure heart O God. Hyssop was used widely in the bible for cleansing and purification. The Israelites were told to use it as a brush to put the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of their homes before they left Egypt and interestingly
hyssop is mentioned at the crucifixion. I brought a pot of ground hyssop back from Jerusalem. Very pale brown in colour I have washed my hands with it on many occasions. Mildly abrasive it leaves skin feeling beautifully smooth and pure and wonderfully perfumed. No wonder David wanted God to Cleanse him with Hyssop. God’s mercy and love are ever new as we come before him in repentance. Reflect on these scriptures today and allow God to minister his cleansing into your life today. We all need his touch.
Psalm 93, Psalm 150, Psalm 13 v 1-4, Psalm 69 v 1-12
David knew how to Praise God and he knew too how to lament, to be full of grief and sorrow before the Lord. The ladies group recently considered David’s Psalm’s of lament in our study of prayer. Joy and sadness are part of all of our lives. David knew how to be Joyful and how to be sad and to pour out all his emotions and thoughts to God. Alain Emerson in his book Luminous Dark remembers a newfound appreciation of scripture in the honesty of the Psalms following the death of his young wife. David wrote many of these Psalms when he too was grieving following the tragedies that he experienced so of course his words can minister to us whatever our circumstances. Reflect on these psalms today and whether you are Joyful or sorrowful thank God that his Word is light and life in every part of our lives.
1 Samuel 19 v 9-18, 2 Samuel 1-17, 2 Samuel 18 v 29- ch.19 v 2, 2 Samuel 24 v 1-11
David is remembered as a great King, a man after God’s own heart, a wonderful poet and soldier, a man who planned for the building of a temple fit for the Lord God of Israel to dwell in. He had many triumphs but many tragedies too. He had to flee for his life on more than one occasion. He committed adultery with Bathsheba and arranged the death of her husband Uriah who is named as one of his mighty men. He had rebellious children and his household often appears to be dysfunctional, but he was broken hearted at the death of his son Absalom. He organised an unauthorized Census which resulted in a deadly plague from which 70,000 people died. Many of us experience triumphs and tragedies in our lives. In every circumstance David was aware of God. He was quick to repent and to praise. So much to new learnt from his life as we read of his relationship with God. Repentance and Praise, We need to consider these things every day as we live life in 2021.
2 Samuel 23 v 8-39, 1 Chronicles 11 v 10-47, Matthew 24 v 1-14, Ephesians 6 v 10 – 18
As I read through my bible in one year, I have recently been reading scriptures about David, Shepherd boy, Psalmist, King and Warrior. It often seems that the whole of the Old Testament is about wars and battles with Kings and whole ‘tribes’ of people being slaughtered, and spoils being divided by victorious armies. I am intrigued by David’s Mighty men who did exploits, protected their King and put their lives on the line for his Kingdom. Even as I write there is war again in Israel and Gaza and this has been the case down the centuries and certainly
since Israel became a Nation in 1948. The truth too is that there is always war going on in the heavenly realms. God wants people who will sign up to be Mighty men and women in prayer, those who do exploits and pray for the Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. You can start today.
Acts 2 and Acts 3
Tomorrow is the day of Pentecost when the disciples waiting together in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Acts of the Apostles gives an account of how the disciples lived following the Day of Pentecost. It show how the church grew as these once fearful disciples were changed and ministered in the Power of God. Acts 2 v 39 tells us, the promise is for you – what promise? The promise of the Holy Spirit. It is for you and for your children and for all who are far off- for all whom the Lord our God will call. We live in a fearful and dark World. As disciples of Jesus we need a fresh touch of the Power of God on our lives. The streets of our country are white and ready for harvest We need the same Holy Spirit to touch us as he touched the disciples on that first Pentecost.
Matthew 28 v 16- 20, Luke 9 v 57-60, Luke 10 v 1-23, Acts 1 v 1-11, John 14 v 12-14
Jesus spent 3 years making disciples of the men he had chosen to follow him. Following his crucifixion they were a fearful bunch of men and women too. But Jesus had taught them and continued to tell them what to do in the times that he appeared to them before his Ascension. He demonstrated to them the Kingdom of God and he left them with a commission to go and make disciples of all nations and to teach people as Jesus himself had taught his followers. Finally he told them to wait in Jerusalem until they received the gift his Father had promised the
Holy Spirit. They waited, and they prayed, and they were all together in one place. As we read these scriptures today hear Jesus speaking to you that same great commission to go and to gather the harvest and to do the greater works that Jesus has for us to do in 2021.
Matthew 20 v 25-28, Mark 10 v 42-45, Luke 22 v 24-27, John 13 v 12-17
In each of the gospels Jesus speaks to his disciples about what it is to be a servant. Servanthood is a true characteristic of Christian leadership. For these servant scriptures to be recorded in each of the 4 gospels adds to its significance. We have a Pastor who serves SNLBC faithfully and who understands the role of a servant. Please pray for Richard and his family each day, Pray for wisdom and for strength. Pray that he will manage his time wisely. Pray that God will protect Richard and his family in their daily lives, Pray that he will have quality time to spend with the Lord and with his wife and family and time too for prayer and bible study. Pray that he sleeps well at night and is refreshed. Pray too for God’s favour upon him as he leads the church forward.
Matthew 6 v 9-13, 2 Timothy 2 v 22-24, Romans 12 v 20-21, Ephesians 6 v 10-18
Yesterday we considered some values of the Kingdom of God and what it will be like when his Kingdom comes. Certainly, there is no evil in heaven and the prayer Jesus taught asks that we might be delivered from the evil one. I believe that over the past year and for long before that the evil one has been continually active as he sows deceit, fear, destruction, sickness, unbelief, rebellion and war not only in this nation but across the nations of the World. As we pray with the Holy Spirit, we need to be aware of the plans of the evil one and pray against them knowing that our battle isn’t against flesh and blood. As I write hostilities are escalating in Israel between Jews and Palestinians. By the
time you read this there may be all out warfare. I read in my paper today that there is concern that the strain of Covid 19 that has severely affected India has clusters in the UK particularly in Bolton and Glasgow. Let’s pray against this evil disease every day until it vanishes from every nation.
Matthew 6 v 9 – 10, Proverbs 14 v3 – 4, Revelation 19 v 11 KJV, Romans 14 v 13 – 18
In the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples he tells them and us to pray for His Kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Revelation 19 v 11 in the NKJV tell us that Jesus judges and makes war in Righteousness. Righteousness that Proverbs tells us exalts a nation. The Kingdom of God is … a matter of Righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. In this passage Paul is speaking about different customs relating to food, but it can relate to anything that comes between us as brothers and sisters in Christ. Righteousness is a principal value of the Kingdom of God as are Peace and Joy. Scripture tells us that these are values that the Holy Spirit brings to our
lives. The Kingdom of God can’t function without righteousness and peace and joy. Let’s pray for our own lives to relate more closely to the value of God’s Kingdom as we spend time in HIS presence today. Why? Because we are praying for HIS Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
Psalm 33 v 11-22, Daniel 2 v 17-23, Amos 3 v 6-8, John 10 v 1-3, 1 Corinthians 12 v 28
Today many more Covid restrictions are being lifted across England allowing the hospitality industry to re-open, greater gatherings of people and even HUGS. The psalm in today’s reading tells us that the plans of the Lord stand firm forever. He isn’t like many government officials in recent times who have had constant changes of mind. His plans stand firm FOREVER. Even more exciting he wants to tell us about his plans. His sheep hear his voice. Amos tells us that the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plans to his servants the prophets. We have thought much about the works of the Holy Spirit in recent days. Prophesy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. God has placed in the church prophets. Let’s begin to pray that God the Holy Spirit will begin to stir us up to hear his voice and to begin to know the plans he has for us that are going to stand firm forever. I want to live in a Nation who’s God is the Lord. For that to happen we need to hear God’s plans.
Nehemiah 8 v 3-12, Acts 4 v 23-36, Matthew 18 v 19-20
I am amazed as I read the book of Nehemiah at the way the people stood to listen to the Word of the Lord from daybreak to noon. They wept and they bowed down and worshiped, and they understood. They knew great joy as they Celebrated together even as the early church celebrated and prayed together. I’m sure many ministers would be blessed by congregations who had such hunger for the Word of God and for prayer. As we gather tomorrow in church, let’s pray we would have hearts open and an enthusiasm to hear together all that God has to say to us.
Psalm 104
As I think I think of the clouds I am reminded of a beautiful song. : It’s falling from the clouds a strange and lovely sound, I hear it in the thunder and the rain, Its ringing in the skies like cannon in the night, as the music of the Universe plays. You are Holy, great and mighty, the moon and the stars declare who you are, I’m so unworthy but still you love me, Forever my heart will sing of how great you are. David shepherd boy and King was obviously in tune with the Universe. He understood the seasons and marveled at the heavens declaring the Glory of God. I think Prince Philip did too in choosing Psalm 104 for his funeral service that tell of God’s might and wonderful creation. These men knew of a mightier power than their earthly royalty. The Power and Glory of our Tribune God that spoke and the Universe came in to being. Consider the heavens and Worship
HIM today.
Luke 24 v 50-53, Matthew 28 v 16-20, Acts 1 v 1-11
Today is Ascension Day, the day we remember Jesus being taken up into heaven. 40 days since Easter day and 10 days until Pentecost. Imagine yourself one of the disciples watching your leader and friend being taken up into the clouds of heaven. But today consider the scripture in Acts 1 v 11. He will come back in the same way you saw him go. He will come in the clouds and every eye will behold him (Revelation 1 v 7) There have been wonderful clouds this week. Do you ever look at the clouds? Do you ever look at the clouds and imagine Jesus coming again? Think on this scripture today. He might come much sooner
than we think.
John 11 v 1-43, Matthew 21 v 12- 13, Mark 14 v 32-34
I was brought up thinking of Jesus as gentle, meek and mild. Those words may be true of Jesus, but they don’t portray Jesus the Son of God and the Son of Man. Jesus was a radical man. He disturbed people and he offended people especially the religious leaders, but people flocked to see him, to hear him speak and to witness miracles. Why? Because he spoke with truth and authority but also because he was a man of emotions just as we are men and women with emotions.
The scripture of Lazarus being raised from the dead, shows how he loved, how he grieved, How he understood, his compassion. He had a righteous anger that waged war against sin and the abuse of his Father’s house, and he was distressed and overwhelmed with sorrow as he approached his own death. We have a Saviour who is a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Whatever you are feeling today, know that Jesus knows and understands. Cast your cares on him today as you pray.
Psalm 100, Isaiah 42 v 10-13, 1 Chronicles 15, v 25-29, Acts 16 v 25-34, John 4 v 23-24
Last Sunday we thought about singing. Making a joyful noise to the Lord. We haven’t been able to sing in church for over a year because of lockdown restrictions but we need to continue to make our joyful noise to the Lord. Sing. You may have a wonderful voice or are one who confines your greatest songs to the bathroom, Whatever, Sing. Scripture tells us God inhabits the praises of his people. (Psalm 22 v 3) It enables us to enter his gates and his courts. Sing whatever your circumstances. In trouble, with joy, with gratitude, in triumph, always with praise, with love, as long as you live. Singing and praise draws US closer to God. The truth is God doesn’t need our songs. He’s not looking for singers of songs, but for spirits open to him, for Worshipers. Those who seek him out. People who want to sit with him. Children longing to know his heart. Friends who just want to hang out with him. Who sit at his feet. Those who worship in spirit and in truth. Its Worshipers the Father is looking for.
Psalm 139
I was reading Psalm 139 this morning. I had to keep reading it. I began to understand why this scripture is a favorite with so many people. It has so many different facets. You can just read it. Then, Suddenly the impact of what you are reading strikes you. God knows us. Absolutely everything we do. Sitting down, standing up, journeying, resting, speaking. Sitting down and standing up is something I still do quite carefully 5 weeks after my hip operation, but God knows. He knows because he made me. Fearfully and wonderfully, he made me. His workmanship is wonderful. You and me are his Masterpiece (Ephesians 2 v 10). So, if you are feeling low or recovering from sickness this morning, believe I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am his Masterpiece. Believing what God says about us is healing. And MORE. God’s thoughts about us are precious. He thinks about us all the time. Read and reread and reflect on this Psalm today and allow Holy Spirit to minister to you through God’s Word.
Ecclesiastes 3 v 8, Ephesians 6 v 10 – 19, Isaiah 2 v 1-5, Psalm 144, Deuteronomy 20 v 1-4
76 years ago, today the 2nd World War in Europe came to an end with great rejoicing after many years of fighting and hardship. Today our country and our World are in a spiritual battle that few people are aware of. Paul tells us very clearly that our battle isn’t against flesh and blood, but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark World and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore! Who are you fighting against? Neighbours? Other Christians who perhaps have a different viewpoint to yourself. Your family, sons, daughters who you long ago had a disagreement with and that remains unforgiven. Look around and ask God to show you the important things, the battles that we really need to be fighting. I just am thinking of an old hymn, who is on the Lord’s side, who will serve the King. Come on church – it’s the only side to be on.
Job 5 v 6-7, Psalm 46, John 14 v 17, Psalm 34 v 17=19, Isaiah 53 v 4-6
As I write today the news is full of the surge in Covid cases in India. We live in a World that needs healing from so much sickness but more than that a World that needs to recognize its need of a Savior. Jesus died to set us free from sin and sickness. Scripture declares that by his wounds we are healed. Many people in church find it difficult to believe that we have a Savior who heals and whose purpose is to fill us with his Holy Spirit and who wants us to be the light of the World and the salt of the earth. Pray today for our sick World, indeed a dying World that in these dark days many people will find hope, comfort and Salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 3 v 1-6, 2 Thessalonians 3 v 3-5, Ephesians 6 v 10 – 20
The church Deacons meet on the first Thursday of each month to pray for the church and to discuss ways that God wants to lead us besides dealing with church business. Please would you pray for the Deacons and especially for our Pastor Richard as he leads the church Please pray for wisdom, for protection for him and for his family that God would bless and encourage them. Pray too that Richard will be strong in the Lord ad that he will not grow tired and weary. Let us be people that pray for him every day and who encourage him in the work God has set before him.
Genesis 6, Matthew 24 v 36-44, Matthew 25 v 1-13, Exodus 27 v 20 – 22
We are all familiar with the scriptures about Noah and the ark that he built in obedience to God. Scripture reminds us that God saw the wickedness of mankind and that he regretted that he had made human beings. Jesus tells us that as it was in the days of Noah so it will be at the coming of the son of man. Scripture warns us and teaches us. In the parable that Jesus tells about the wise and the foolish virgins we are advised to keep our lamps full of oil. Olive oil produced from crushing of the olives that is so clean and pure that was used to keep the lamp burning in the tent of meeting and that was used to anoint priests. The lamp had always to be kept burning and Jesus expects us to keep our lamps burning. He tells us: You are the light of the World. We can only be light as we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, as scripture says, into all truth. As you pray today, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and to show you more of the truth that we read each day in the Word of God.
Isaiah 46 v 3-4, Joshua 14 v 6-15, Luke 2 v 22 – 40, Joel 2 v 28-29, Galatians 5 v 16-18
I am greatly encouraged by the way that God speaks to and uses so many different kinds of people as we read scriptures. Young men and young women such as David and Mary the mother of Jesus. He says that even when our hair is grey, he is with us sustaining us as he has done since we were born. God continues to fill us with his Holy Spirit and to use us in his service no matter how old we are. The scriptures talk about Simon who had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen Jesus. Here is an old man being led by the Spirit to go to the temple at just the right time that he might see the baby Jesus, pray and prophesy over the lives of this young family and praise God who is always faithful. Similarly, the prophetess Anna who worshiped in the temple day and night. Aged 84 she is a woman who has served God in the power of the Holy Spirit all of her adult life. We can’t be worshipers without the Holy Spirit. Let us renew our resolve however old we are to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit every day of our lives.
Isaiah 41 v 9-14, Psalm 23, 1 Peter 5 v 6-7, Matthew 11 v 28, John 14 v 15-19
Last week we reflected on the Outrageous Grace that God pours out on us from heaven. He provides for us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. He has given to us his Holy Spirit as an advocate and comforter. Yet I am aware that many people even young children are finding life difficult with sleepless nights, anxieties that are working overtime, doubts and sorrows and yes, wondering too where is God in all that is going on. He continues to be God, Lord of Heaven and Earth. He continues to rule over the nations of the World, and nothing is too difficult for him. As you read the scriptures today, please believe that what they say is true. It is the Word of God for you today. Do what the Word says – be obedient to it. Cast your cares onto him, fear not, know that he has set a table before you even on a Monday morning. Read the Word, be still and allow his peace to enfold you. And fear not.
Ecclesiastes 3 v 1-11, Genesis 2 v 1-2, Hebrews 4 v 1-11
When I was growing up, May the 1 st was a special day. May Day. A day for dancing round the Maypole on the village green. The Parisians have a beautiful custom in giving lily of the valley to their friends on May Day. These wonderfully scented little white flowers bring joy to Paris on 1 st May. I think today’s May day celebration might be more about military weapons being on display as they are paraded in Russian and North Korean streets. Pray for these countries. But when I was a child May Day was counted as a day of rest. A day of fun. God wants us
as his children to enter into the rest he has for us. Rest comes when we are at peace with God, having cast all of our cares upon him. Be reminded today, that even God rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Psalm 29, Psalm 19, Psalm 31
Read some Psalms today. Why? Because I was really blessed when a member of our fellowship told me about her recent hospital appointment. She had to wait for an hour and a half. How did she spend her time? She read 40 Psalms, yes Psalm 1 to Psalm 40 before she was called in for her appointment. I know she went into that appointment in the peace of God. How would you spend your time? Looking at the clock, fretting about how long you have to wait, or simply being anxious. Choose a better way. Let’s use our time for God’s Glory.
Exodus 23 v 20-30, Jeremiah 29 v 4-14, Matthew 6 v 25-34, Galatians 4 v 4, Psalm 31 v 14-15
Everything God does and creates he does in order. The scripture in Exodus tells how God sends an angel to prepare the way as he brings the Israelite into new places, he gives them promises to bless them if they walk in obedience to him. But he says little by little. God tells Jeremiah to pray for the city, to live in order, to build families and homes because they are not going anywhere for 70 years. Don’t be worrying about anything. Live in today. What are you fretting about today? What do you have to do in such a hurry? Look to Gods timing because that will be just the right time. Rest is an alien concept for so many of us even in these days of Coronavirus. At just the right time God sent his son and he has a time for everything on this planet earth. Put your time in God’s hands today.
Acts 3 v 1-16, Jeremiah 17 v 14-15, Mark 10 v 52, John 14 v 12. Psalm 103
Our Lord Jesus is the same yesterday, today and for ever. He is the Lord who heals. As I write I have just received good news about the success of Noel’s recent surgery. Let’s keep on praying for people in church who continue to have hospital treatment and call out to Jesus to complete his healing work in all of our lives. There is a hymn that talks about some being sick, and some being sad. Psalm 103 tells us that he heals all our diseases and redeems our lives… even from the pit. Whatever your pain bring it to our friend Jesus today and leave it with him. Jesus our redeemer who says Go, your faith has healed you. And it only needs to be faith as small as a grain of mustard seed.
Matthew 7 v 7-12, Matthew 18 v 19-20, Psalm 133
I have a book that I dip into very regularly. With Christ in the School of Prayer, by Andrew Murray written in 1885 it is a classic of Christian literature. I read this recently and have been thinking about it ever since. He writes, Most churches think their members are to gather simply to take care of each other and to edify each other. They don’t know that God rules the World by the prayers of his Saints. He writes this in a chapter about praying in unity. Scripture says, Truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. A specific thing, asked for in agreement in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus must be the centre and the bond of unity that makes praying people one. Let’s pray that we will understand what it is to be united in the name of Jesus. He is the head of his church and we are his body. Many parts but joined together. Pray that we will be a body united in Christ Jesus. A powerful united church standing strong in these dark days.
Exodus 17 v 8-16, Song of Songs 2 v 3-4, Isaiah 32 v 1-4, John 19 v 28-30
I have memories of a special church leader who used to illustrate his talks by drawing stick people, He did a wonderful picture of Aaron and Hur holding up Moses hands in prayer whilst he sat on a stone. Whilst Moses hands were raised in prayer the battle was won. Moses recognizes that this victory in prayer needs to be remembered by Joshua for future days, so he writes a scroll and builds an alter the Lord who is my Banner. Victories in prayer certainly need to be remembered and spoken about regularly because victory brings encouragement. Recognize too the place where you are praying from. His Banner of Love, from the shelter of a Rock in a weary Land and from the Victory of Calvary. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer today. Pray from that place of knowing that you are asking in the name of Jesus. Jesus who always hears us and who says, Ask and you will receive.
Acts 2 v 29 – 41, 1 Corinthians 12, Joel 2 v 28-32
Peter tells us in Acts 2 that you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit when you are baptised. The promise is to all whom the Lord our God will call. Joel wrote his prophesy sometime about 800BC and spoke of the Holy Spirit being poured out on all people, ALL PEOPLE. Get ready because I don’t think we can avoid the final pouring out of the Holy Spirit that is beginning to happen across this earth. Jesus fulfilled his ministry in the Power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. The church in the Acts of the apostles, those who were Christians at Antioch grew the church as the Holy Spirit guided and empowered them. How can we, the church in 2021 with all the darkness and sin and sickness that surrounds us not welcome the Holy Spirit who comforts us, help us in our weakness and intercedes for us. We sing Holy Spirit you are Welcome here. Let’s put the words of that song into practice and Welcome Holy Spirit into every part of our lives and our church.
Matthew 3 v 11-17, Luke 11 v 5-13, John 7 v 37 – 44, John 16 v 7-15
Yesterday we reflected on the song Outrageous Grace, a song that tells of the beautiful, pure and true things that come down from heaven (Philippians 4 v 8). Many of these beautiful things are the fruit and gifting of the Holy Spirit and how we need them in our lives rather that the opposites which are ugly and negative. The Holy Spirit is announced by John the Baptist as he ministers to prepare the straight path for the Lord and as Jesus is baptised the Holy Spirit alights on him with God’s word to him from heaven. How we need the Holy Spirit to fill us and to be with us in every part of our lives. In our pain, he is healing, in our fears he is peace, in our darkness he is light, in our inevitable sinning he brings the forgiveness and grace of God to our lives. Spend time as you pray inviting the Holy Spirit to anoint your life with his presence. The Holy Spirit of God know what you need better than you know yourself.
I have a song on my mind today that might be good to reflect on.: There’s a lot of pain, but a lot more healing, there’s a lot of trouble but a lot more peace, there’s a lot of hate but a lot more loving, there’s a lot of sin. But a lot more grace. There’s a lot of fear, but lot more freedom. There’s a lot of darkness but a lot more light, there’s a lot of cloud but a lot more vision, there’s a lot of perishing but a lot more life. Outrageous grace, O outrageous grace, love unfurled by heavens hand, outrageous grace, O outrageous grace, through my Jesus I can stand. How are you standing today with the outrageous grace… in the healing ,peace, love,
grace, freedom, light, vision and life. Stand in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and live blessed.
1 Timothy 2 v 1-2, Romans 13 v 1-2, 1 Peter 2 v 17, Psalm 2 v 10-11
Today is the 95 th birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth. We have watched and read in recent days of the death of her husband of 73 years. Her life continues in the public eye, but forever changed. Most of us are familiar with the death of a loved one. Indeed, our whole nation continues to grieve as we have lived through this year of Covid 19. Pray today for our faithful Queen. Pray too for thousands of ordinary men and women in our own country and for the millions across this earth who are mourning loved ones. Our Queen knows the scriptures. Blessed are those that mourn for they will be comforted. Pray comfort for our planet today as it mourns.
Genesis 7 v 17-18, Exodus 34 v 27 – 28, Numbers 13 v 25, 1 Kings 19 v 7-9,
Jonah 3 v 4, Luke 4 v 1-2
Jesus spent 40 days between his Resurrection and Ascension spending time, reassuring and loving his disciples before they journeyed to the Mount of Olives and they saw Jesus taken up before their very eyes into heaven. Scripture is fascinating. We read today of many other events that lasted for 40 days and nights. There are several more that you can look for in the pages of scripture. It rained for 40 days and nights. Moses spent 40 days and nights on the mountain praying for Israel and receiving the 10 commandments. The spies spent 40 days and nights exploring the promised land and Elijah was fed by the ravens to sustain him for a forty day and night journey. Such interesting journeys of 40 days and 40 nights. Does 40 have a special significance. Scholars suggest 40 is a number of trial and testing? In 2010 my husband walked 1,000 miles. It took him 40 days and 40 nights and I know for him it was certainly a time of testing.
Mark 16 v 1- 8, Luke 24 v 13 – 35, John 20 v 19 – 30, John 21 v 1-14
Jesus appeared several times to his disciples, both on Easter Day and in the days leading up to the day he was taken up into heaven, Ascension Day which is on May 13 th this year. 40 days when Jesus met with them, broke bread with them, cooked fish with them and reassured them that he was risen from the dead. He wanted them to have no doubts that the things he had spoken to them during his three years amongst them were continuing. He spoke with Thomas about his doubts and showed him those wounded hands with the words Blessed are those who have not seen but who believe. I think we often come into the same doubting mindset as Thomas. Hear those same words that Jesus spoke to Thomas, Peace be with you… stop doubting and believe.
John 15 v 16-17, Hebrews 13 v7-8, 1 Peter v 1-4
Pray for Richard and the deaconate of SNLBC. Pray for their families today and
ask God to sustain them in every way. (Numbers 6 v 22-26)
John 4 v 20-26, (1 Chronicles 16 v 23-31, Exodus 20 v 1-7 Romans 12 v 1-2)
We sing a song about ‘Coming back to the heart of Worship’. This scripture is
about the heart of worship. It’s not about a place. Not a building. Not Mount
Gerizim where the Samaritans worshipped. Not Jerusalem. It’s about Spirit and
Truth. Worship of God because he alone is Worthy. Extravagant worship because
we have an extravagant God. We have found the Messiah! We are filled with the
Holy Spirit! Come on church. Let’s Worship in Spirit and in Truth every day,
especially on Sunday no matter how you feel. Worship because HE is greatly to be praised. Please pray for our times of worship either online or at church.
John 4 v 16 – 20, (Psalm 139 v 1-10, Romans 11 v 33-34, 2 Chronicles 16 v 9)
The woman doesn’t seem surprised that Jesus knows she has had 5 husbands
and that she is living with another man. Does the thought that Jesus knows all
about you surprise you or scare you? Jesus speaks into her life because she is
sinning and sin keeps us from living in the light of Jesus. See how she changes
the subject to side-step Jesus’ challenge. Sir, I can see you are a Prophet. We
know him as our Saviour. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Allow Jesus to
have his way in your life as he challenges you and teaches you. His purpose is to
make us more like himself, changing us from one degree of glory to another. Ask
him to show you anything in your life that is stopping you from living fully in the
light of Jesus.
John 4 v 10–15, (Jeremiah 17 v7-14, John 7 v 37-41, Revelation 22 v 1-2)
Jesus begins to speak to the Samaritan woman about the springs of water of
Eternal Life. This is a remarkable conversation between Jesus and the women. She isn’t a silent woman and she doesn’t wait for permission to speak. She is full
of questions for Jesus and hungry for answers. She has come to the well alone, at noon, the hottest part of the day, because she has probably been judged as
immoral by other women in the village. As we will see she has had 5 husbands!
But Jesus is showing that his ministry and his gospel is for all people. This
scripture shows us of our need to have conversation with Jesus. conversation
with Jesus and take a big drink of the water of life that he is longing to pour out on you.
Don’t just talk to him in prayer but listen to what he wants to say to you. Today
have a two-way conversation with Jesus and take a big drink of the water of life
that he is longing to pour out on you.
John 4 v 7-11, (Luke 6 v1-11, Matthew 8 v 1-4)
In these short verse Jesus breaks 3 Jewish customs. He spoke to a woman, he
spoke to a SAMARITAN woman, he didn’t have a vessel to drink from which to
drink. Using her cup would have made him ceremonially unclean. The scripture
says ‘Jews do not associate with Samaritans’. Jesus did things that upset people
who lived by Old Testament law. He healed on the Sabbath, he touched lepers
who were unclean people. I wonder if there are people in today’s society that we
would go out of our way to avoid. Consider people that you might find it difficult to
mix with, or whom you might avoid because they aren’t like you. Pray that God
will give us in SNLBC hearts of loving compassion for anyone who the Lord
brings our way, be it at church, our homes or wherever we find ourselves.
John 4 v 1-6, (Matthew 8 v 24, Luke 6 v 12, Mark 1 v 35)
Scripture shows us that Jesus had emotions and needs like ours. He got tired!
The above scriptures show us that he often spent time praying when he could
have been sleeping, or having a lie-in. His tiredness in John 4 was from a long
journey. Walking from Jerusalem to Galilee took at least 5 days. If you took the
short cut through Samaria it took ONLY 3 days. Consider your own lifestyle
today, and ask yourself, “What makes me tired?” Are there things you can
change? Do you take relax or is your life spent rushing from one place to
another? Have you ever prayed all night? As you pray today ask God to show
you how to live heathy in Body and Spirit. Allow Jesus to show you if there are
things you could change to make your life better and more in tune with God’s
Isaiah 51 v 11, Hebrews 6 v 13-20
As we come to another (zoom) church tomorrow, come remembering God’s faithfulness and promises throughout scripture. God is not a man that he should lie. We come to our Glorious God, the Rock from which we were hewn, the Rock on which our feet stand. We come to the only one in whom we can find salvation. So come to praise and thank our God who is able to save us to the uttermost.
Psalm 121, Psalm 23, Mark 5 v 24-14, Zechariah 8 v 23
2 Psalms today that are timeless in there promise of God’s protection and comfort, and the scripture of the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years and who had heard about Jesus. The scripture tells us of her suffering and her attempts to find a cure for her long illness. She touches Jesus cloak believing she would be healed. Immediately, she was healed. And at once Jesus knew that power had gone out from him. That touch of Jesus must have been like an electric shock between them. What faith on her part for which Jesus commended her. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering. What a wonderful little prophetic verse in Zechariah. Let’s be those from this nation who take hold of the
robe of that one Jew called Jesus, calling on him to heal us and this nation. Let’s ask for gifts of faith that we might be like the woman who had the faith to know that a touch from Jesus was all she needed to make her whole.
Luke 17 v 11-19, 1 Thessalonians 5 v 16-18
I am often reminded of hymns and songs when I am writing these notes and a hymn we used to sing at school has come to my mind…Now thank we ALL our God with hearts and hands and voices. The scripture tells us to give thanks in ALL circumstances. So, ALL of us in ALL circumstances giving thanks. That’s pretty clear and sounds like something we might want to do in these difficult days. When we are clapping for our frontline workers, let’s be clapping and thanking our amazing Lord Jesus for all that he has done for us, and will continue to do. Let’s praise and thank God for one another, our friends and our families. Perhaps this time of isolation is giving us opportunity to realize our need for one another. God doesn’t mean for us to be alone. Pray that we all can meet again at church without any restrictions.
Isaiah 53 v 1- 6, 1 Peter v 21- 25, Luke 5 v 17-26, Acts 9 v 32-42, Hebrews 2 v 1-4
Prophesy, the life and death of Jesus and the subsequent Acts of the Apostles demonstrate to us that Jesus is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him (Hebrews 7 v 25). He forgives sin, He heals the sick, He raises people from the dead, and his disciples continue to do likewise as we read in the book of Acts. Church, we live on the side of Calvary and that should leave us in no doubt that we have a Saviour who deals in the miraculous.. I believe It was easier for him to say ‘Get up and walk’, because he had to die a horrible death on a cross to bring forgiveness for our sins and to make a way back for us to his Father. Our sins are forgiven and by his stripes we are healed. His peace and wisdom are available when we seek them. It is time for us to believe the words of scripture and to begin to live by what we read. It is only the Lord Jesus that can save us in these dark days. Do YOU believe that.?
Psalm 103 v 1-5, Isaiah 49 v 13- 16, Matthew 9 v 35-38, James 5 v 10-11
The scripture in Matthew tells us that Jesus had compassion when he saw the crowds because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Are you feeling harassed today as lock down continues, with children out of school, or going to work at a frontline job, or even frantic because you can’t see friends or go shopping easily? Hear Jesus speaking to you of his compassion. Compassion is that feeling of deep sympathy and sadness for hurting people and reaching out to help them. Jesus Christ is the greatest example of someone with compassion. He has our needs engraved by nail prints on the palms of his hands. Pray for our hurting country and World that many will be drawn to the one who is full of compassion, the Lord Jesus Christ, and allow him to minister compassion to you not only in your need but so that you can pass it on. The harvest is plentiful …
Mark 9 v 30-32, John 20 v 11-16, John 21 v 1-14, Luke 13-35
One of my favourite passages about Jesus appearing to his disciples after his resurrection is the account of the road to Emmaus. Although Jesus had spoken to his disciple at some length about his death, his going to the Father and his rising from the dead, they didn’t understand what he was telling them. People today, ordinary people, many churchgoers and even Bishops (remember David Jenkins the once Bishop of Durham) have trouble with understanding and believing in a resurrection. But it is central to our faith. Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 15 v 14, that if Christ has not been raised… our faith is useless. As you read today’s bible passages, reflect on the gracious and compassionate way Jesus appears to his friends and reassures them that ‘He is Risen Indeed’. As you read and pray today in these continuing difficult days, let Jesus reassure you that ‘He is Risen Indeed’.
John 20
Read today the wonderful scriptures of Jesus Risen. It’s good to try to imagine the disciples’ emotions when they met with the Risen Jesus. Remember when you met Jesus for the first time and gave your life to him and remember too all that has been to you over the weeks or years that you have been a Christian. Christ is Risen. He is Risen indeed. Hallelujah.
Genesis 50 v 18-21, John 3 v 1- 21, Mark 15 v 39
We who live on the other side of the crucifixion know the Victorious outcome of scripture, Way back in Genesis when Satan thought he had conquered the earth, God was able to turn his evil into good and has continued to do so throughout human history. On Good Friday, Satan again thought that he was victorious, but he reckoned without the Resurrection. We think of Good Friday as a grim day, but it was the day when heaven’s peace and perfect justice kissed a guilty World with love. God who so loved the World GAVE his only begotten son that this World that is perishing might have everlasting life. Jesus overcame, death and the grave and lives for ever to bring us too to everlasting life.
Matthew 26 v 36-56, Mark 14 v 32-52. Luke 22 v 39-46,
I find the accounts of the prayer time in the Garden of Gethsemane quite sobering. Why do so many disciples of Jesus find it so hard to pray? I remember many years ago when my brother’s first child was born seriously ill. I hadn’t been a Christian very long, but I felt the Lord say to me, pray with me for one hour. Instead I made numerous phone calls to several friends to ask them to pray about the situation. Do we feel inadequate when what seem to us insurmountable problems that we are unable to turn to our heavenly Father with whom nothing is
impossible. Jesus said I could call on my Father and he will at once put at my disposal twelve legions of angels. But he chose his Fathers will. Consider your own response to prayer. My will or the Fathers will. One hour, or time for a nap. One thing is certain. The enemy, Satan, doesn’t like the church on its knees.
John 13 v 1-30
Only John records Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. Read and Pause and Pause and Read. Peter found this action of Jesus extremely hard to understand and tried to tell Jesus that he didn’t want HIS feet washing. Jesus even washed the feet of Judas Iscariot the one who would betray him. Jesus knew. Jesus, the servant King, who would shortly be crucified is showing an example of how it is to follow him. It’s a way of humility and of dying to self. Verse 30 has such significance. . As soon as Judas had taken the bread, he went out. And it was night. But Jesus was Glorified, and he gives the remaining disciples the command to love one another. Ask God to help you to understand what it means to wash feet.
John 12 v 1-11, Matthew 26 v 6-13, Mark 14 v 1-10, Luke 7 v 35-50
All of the gospels relate the episode of ‘the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with an expensive jar of perfume. Luke puts the episode far earlier in his gospel, but Luke’s gospel does not always have events in strict chronological order. 3 gospels tell us that Jesus was eating at the home of Simon the Leper, but we don’t know much more about this Simon. He must have been someone that Jesus had healed of Leprosy. Only John’s gospel names the woman as Mary. Whoever she was, Jesus says of her, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the World, what she has done will be told in memory of her. I like to think this woman understood the times, but she understood too who Jesus was. Be challenged to understand the times we are living in now as we approach Easter and ask God to give us greater understanding of the Jesus we Worship.
John 11
During this week as we approach Easter Day, we’ll look at some of the events that led up to the crucifixion of Jesus. Today in John 11 we read about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Jesus waited for two whole days before he set off to go to Bethany. There is so much to consider in this chapter. Please read and think about scriptures this week and the events that make us Easter people. People who can live in victory. Why did Jesus wait two days? This picture of death and resurrection so close to the time when Jesus would die and rise again. Martha and Mary’s reaction – Jesus if only you had been here. Jesus’ compassion and tears. His absolute trust in his Father, thank you that you heard me. I wonder if he might be thinking of what awaits him in the Garden of Gethsemane. His command to take off the grave clothes. I wonder how many of us might need to remove our grave clothes and gain new faith and trust in our risen Jesus. Note too the ongoing plot to kill Jesus as scripture approaches its climax.
Zechariah 9 v 9-10, Matthew 21-1-11, Mark 14 v 1-11, John 12 v 12-19
Tomorrow we remember Palm Sunday the day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and was hailed as King. Hosannas and palm branches and only 6 days later shouts of crucify him. Yesterday we thought of softened hearts. How fickle is the human heart. Jeremiah says: the heart is more deceitful than all else … who can understand it. (Jerimiah 17 v 9) On Monday we read about Eve being deceived. Don’t allow your heart to deceive you. We need to guard our spiritual hearts keeping them soft and obedient to Jesus. Hearts that praise him with Hosannas every day and not just on a special Sunday. I am always drawn again to the woman at the well and Jesus’ words to her to Worship the father in Spirit and in truth. He is still looking for these kinds of worshipers.
Ezekiel 36 v 22-28, Psalm 95, Jerimiah 31 v 31-34, Hebrews 10 v 19-23
The ladies group meeting on zoom are currently studying the Prayer Course with Pete Greig. Anyone can find it and watch it on YouTube. In a recent session we talked about having softened hearts. I have been very challenged by that. Soft hearts obey God, they love one another, they have compassion, they don’t judge or gossip. God says I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh, I will put MY Spirit in you. What a promise. I can’t think of words to comment on that. I can’t read that verse enough: I (Almighty God) will put MY Spirit within YOU. Let that scripture fill you heart today and allow Jesus to grow that new heart within you in the days ahead.
Psalm 121, Isaiah 40 v 25-26, Daniel 4 v 28 – 34. John 11 v 1- 7, John 11 v 38-44
I think an activity that goes with waiting is looking up. Lifting our eyes to heaven. I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help. Scripture tells us that Jesus waited for two days before he went to Bethany where he raised his friend Lazarus from the dead. Waiting and lifting up our eyes seems to be a powerful combination. Waiting for Jesus and knowing that the ordinary can be made glorious as we look up to heaven where Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. The ordinary becomes supernatural as we wait for the Lord to touch the ordinary of our lives with his power. Ponder today these scriptures about waiting and looking up and let God speak to you of his Glory.
Psalm 25 v 4-5. Psalm 37 v 5-8, Isaiah 40 v 25-31. Luke 2 v 25-33 (Readings today in NKJB)
There are many scriptures that talk about waiting on the Lord. David learnt it as a shepherd in the Galilean hills. He learnt lessons as a boy that taught him to be a King. Why would we wait in the Lord’s presence. Waiting shows us God’s guidance and instructs us. It teaches us patience and gives us strength. Waiting reveals to us God’s righteousness and judgement. For the amazing man in the temple, Simeon, who had waited years, he saw the Lord’s Christ. He had waited for ‘the consolation of Israel’. What wonderful words, the consolation of Israel. He was guided by the Holy Spirit to the temple at just the right time to see Jesus. Our waiting is never in vain. Be encouraged to wait and as you pray today, know Jesus as comforter and friend, as the consolation of Israel. Worth waiting for.
Genesis 12 v 1-4, Genesis 16, Genesis 18 v 1-15,
I find it easy to live in my own strength when I know that God is teaching me to trust him with everything in my life. God promised Abraham that he was going to make him into a great nation. But there was a one big problem. He didn’t have a son. How could he become a great nation when he had no children? God promised and the scripture tells us Abraham believed God. But he and Sarah were getting older by the day and still no son. It was time to help God out. Had he forgotten his promise, gone to sleep, was he busy elsewhere? I find that I am particularly good at trying to help God out when life gets difficult. Are you? The scriptures tell us constantly ‘to wait patiently for the Lord. But we live in an instant society. Teabags, instant coffee, microwave meals. Email instead of postman. We want things now including the way God answers our prayers. Consider prayers you have perhaps prayed for a long time. How are you doing with waiting for an answer or perhaps you sometimes help God out. Pray that we will be a people who learn to wait on God and trust him for his answers.
Genesis 3 v 1-13, John 8 v 42-47, 2 Corinthians v 1-14, Ephesians 6 v 11
Last Saturday we thought about an old hymn that talks about having a closer walk with God. The early chapters of Genesis give a wonderful picture of the garden of Eden and of God walking there with his beloved creation, with Adam and Eve. God saw that it was good. What joy they must have shared. I have the most beautiful mimosa tree in my garden which has been in full bloom for over a month. It is glorious and gives Jeff and me endless pleasure. I sometimes say to God, look at our tree and I can hear him smile. What a beautiful tree and fruit must have tempted Eve. How easily can we be tempted. Temptation often presents itself as deceit, NKJB says in Genesis 3 v 13, the devil deceived me. The Lord’s prayer asks the Father to deliver us from evil. Put on the armour of God, standing today against an enemy that Jesus defeated on the cross who tries to continually deceive us and pray protection from the evil one’s schemes, in your life, in the church and across this country.
An old hymn written by William Cowper (1731-1800) says: O for a closer walk with God a calm and heavenly frame, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the Lamb. He also wrote the hymn; God is working his purpose out which was quoted in a recent prayer meeting. Cowper was I think another Giant who battled terrible depressions but found God as his light when he was in the darkest places. Read again some of the scriptures we have looked at this week and know again our Father who has called You and me out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2 v 9)
John 1 v 5, 1 John 1 v 5-9, Psalm 139 v 7-12, Psalm 119 v 129-130
Scripture is full of references to light and being a Christian is about invading the darkness of the World with the light of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was reading today about a woman called Mary Lyon, a woman I had never heard of who lived from 1797–1849 in Massachusetts. At a time if crisis and economic depression in 1837 she founded a Christian ‘college’ to educate young women intellectually. domestically and spiritually. There are many Giants in history, so many in the greater crowd of witnesses that we may never have heard of but who have lived day by day in the light of Jesus. I find it a real challenge to walk in the light day by day. We can only do this in the Power that the Holy Spirit gives us. That power and fire of God fell on the day of Pentecost in that upper room in Jerusalem and is available for us to live in today.
Matthew 5 v 12-16, 1 Peter v 9-10, Deuteronomy 7 v 6-9, Ephesians 2 v 19, John 15 v 14 – 17
You may have noticed there are numerous scriptures telling us who we are. The way that God sees us. Scriptures that say: YOU ARE. You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the World, you are living stones. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are a new creation. You are members of the household of God. Church pray that we will believe the things scripture says about us and start to live who we are. If the bible says You are – that is truth because the Word of God does not lie. You are chosen by God as HIS special possession. No matter what is happening in your life right now – that’s who YOU ARE.
2 Corinthians 13v11, 1 Corinthians 1v10, Ephesians 2 v 14-22, Ephesians 4 v 1-7, Philippians 2 v 1-5
Unity is a theme running through Paul’s Epistles to the churches in the New Testament. We can’t create unity by ourselves. We are united because of Jesus. We are called to maintain unity in the Spirit by the bond of peace. Unity is not fighting, bickering, judging one another, gossip even under the guise of prayer, Unity is humble not proud, has a true estimate of oneself rather than being self- seeking. We can’t be united and be jealous or by wishing we were like someone else. Unity isn’t about uniformity because we are the body of Christ, all different and with different gifts but together we are a whole. United. United first because we are the family of God. Think about what it is to be united. Pray that the church of Jesus Christ will learn to maintain all that we have inherited. Pray too that we will understand what it is to love one another.
Acts 2 v 1, Acts 2 v 42-47, 2 Corinthians 13 v 11, Romans 15 v 5-7
Scripture in Acts 2 v 1 tells us that the disciples were all together in one place. Following the death of Jesus, the disciples were fearful and doubting. We might say they were all over the place. But Jesus met them. They cooked and ate a fish supper together and Jesus restored their peace. Time spent with Jesus restores us. He told them to wait in Jerusalem for the gift the Father had promised. They were together in one place because they were obedient. They joined together constantly in prayer, Praying is an activity that unites and blesses us. At the end of Acts chapter 2 we have this wonderful picture of how the early church lived. 4 things cemented their unity. They devoted themselves to the
apostles teaching, they fellow-shipped together, they broke bread together, they prayed together. 4 things that make a church, obedience to teaching of scripture, fellowship together, remembering Jesus as he told us to with bread and wine, and by prayer. Scripture says: people were added to their number daily. People were saved because of how they lived. We don’t need fancy formulas, just to be different in the way we live together. Just 4 things that show our difference and our love for Jesus. Its summed up in loving one another.
Psalm 133, Acts 1 v 12-26-Acts 2 v 1-4, Ephesians 4 v 1-6, Romans 12 v 4-5
Scripture says, ‘How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in Unity’. It seems that wherever we look things seems the opposite of united. For the past twelve months there has been very differing opinions about ways to manage Covid 19 that has caused confusion and diversity. When opinion differs so significantly it’s hard to trust people in authority giving important information. The church of Jesus Christ needs to be different. The Word of God tells us we are one body with different parts. Disunited or disjointed a body cannot function. As I wait for an operation on my hip my body feels totally disjointed. Everything I do is slow and difficult. I’m finding it easy to understand why scripture directs us to live in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Pray for unity not just in SNLBC but in the church across the country. God wants his church different to the ways of the world.
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