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Gift Aid Declaration
Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
Registered Charity No. 1182820
Please notify Surbiton New Life Baptist Church if you:
– Want to cancel this declaration.
– Change your name or home address.
– No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.
The Gift Aid scheme allows taxpayers to give to charities in such a way that the tax already paid can be claimed back and added to your giving.
Currently a gift of £10.00 increases in value to £12.50. The pennies do really make the pounds. Overall SNLBC recovers several thousand pounds a year.
You need to be a UK taxpayer and pay enough Income Tax (at whatever rate) or Capital Gains Tax in each tax year to cover the tax reclaimed on your giving.
Providing that tax has been paid on your gift, there is no upper limits on how much you can give. If you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference.
As often as you like; weekly, monthly, annually, in fact whenever you want, whatever is best suited to your needs.
Your gift must be traceable to you, so by cheque, standing order, or cash in an envelope with your name on. We can provide envelopes if you require.
Having made a gift, there is no legal commitment to continue. Just let us know if for any reason you need to stop, or if you change your address. Your commitment is solely between yourselves and the Lord.
Full confidentiality is maintained. Only the HM Revenue & Customs, those who administer the scheme and the examiners or auditors of SNLBC’s accounts know who gives what. Details of gifts are not circulated to the Church Leadership.
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
If after starting to give via Gift Aid you cease to be a taxpayer or to pay enough tax, you should notify us so that we do not try and reclaim tax not paid.
Providing your gift was traceable (i.e. by cheque, envelope or standing order), your Gift Aid declaration can cover all gifts made in the last 4 years.
Your gift must be based upon tax you personally have paid. If both yourself and your partner pay tax, then both can give under the Gift Aid scheme. If tax is only paid by one, then the scheme is restricted to the taxpaying spouse.
Apart from the one-off declaration and making sure we know who the gift is from, there is nothing else for you to do! We record your gifts and reclaim the tax paid on them. We may also send you a statement which shows what you have given over the previous tax year which you may find that useful if you need to complete an HMRC Tax return.
To give via Gift Aid, complete and return the declaration.
Complete the above form and return the to the Church Treasurer Don Hankin or Church Secretary Andrea Miller. To satisfy legal requirements we must be able to record who gave what, so either give in the form of a cheque, or place your offering in an envelope with your name.
If you would prefer to give on a regular basis, then please set up a standing order from your bank or building society to Surbiton New Life Baptist Church. Forms are available for this from the Church Treasurer or Secretary. If you have any questions not addressed here, please contact Don Hankin or email Andrea Miller at for more information.